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概述了航空军交运输军民融合保障机制的内涵、特征和构成,阐述了建立航空军交运输军民融合保障机制的重要意义,分析了开展军民融合航空军交运输保障的基础。并在此基础之上,提出了建立航空军交运输军民融合保障机制的主要措施,为我军军交运输保障机制建设拓宽了思路。  相似文献   
为适应我国海上交通、海洋资源开发和海洋环境保护等事业的发展需要,开发了适合救助船舶的信息化管理系统.该系统能很好地保障海上安全生产的稳定和改善海上投资环境,保证救助船时刻保持良好的船况,提高了机务管理的信息化水平,增强了救助船舶的可靠性和安全性.  相似文献   
采用导电性好的炭黑轻骨料导电混凝土作为混凝土面层的表层,研究了该混凝土面层在模拟低温环境下的升温和化冰与输入电功率的关系.输入电功率较大时,在相同的低温、相同的时间内面层表面温度较高.在路面结冰不超过3 mm且环境温度分别为-10~-5℃,-15~-10℃,20~-15℃时,导电混凝土层基本满足要求的电功率分别应为400,500,600W/m2.炭黑轻骨料导电混凝土在多次通电过程中电阻稳定,因而电功率稳定.  相似文献   
根据公交站点客流集散量,选用合适的BP神经网络构建公交车辆调度形式的神经网络预报模型.运用BP神经网络Matlab工具箱设计的基本方法与过程,将BP网络模型引入公交车辆的调度方案研究,计算结果表明,BP模型应用于公交车辆调度形式预测中具有较高的预测精度和良好的泛化能力.  相似文献   
在对南京市交通量与经济发展指标统计分析的基础上,运用向量自回归模型——VAR模型进行分析,通过采用协整检验模型、Granger因果关系检验模型和脉冲响应函数等分析,得到交通运输与经济发展之间的关系,并给出相应的建议.  相似文献   
我公司目前有10余台岸桥在用BROMMA吊具。在装卸作业过程中,吊具与箱接触,所受冲击很大,且冲击频率很高,加上作业人员追求速度等因素的影响,吊具损伤尤其是20/40英尺伸缩动作故障的问题突出。在吊具各种受冲击的零部件中,接近开关是最薄弱的。这种重要的电子元件通常由塑料的夹具固定在与吊具体刚性连接的支架上,在冲击和震荡发生时,接近开关往往会改变调定的距离,导致故障的发生。  相似文献   
针对浅埋超小间距隧道盾构施工,文章以特拉维夫红线轻轨工程西标段双线盾构施工为工程背景,从隧道加固施工、盾构掘进控制、监测控制与应急管理等方面进行系统研究。结果表明,加固施工在小间距盾构隧道施工中至关重要,可有效降低隧道施工风险;对未加固的小间距盾构隧道施工,应保持土压平稳,加强土压精细化控制;严格控制出渣量,做好渣土改良,控制土体损失率低于0.3%;在盾壳外部注入膨润土或克泥效,可有效地减少邻近隧道的位移量;应结合实时监测数据,控制回填注浆量及注浆质量;隧道施工过程应加强对邻近既有建筑物的监测。  相似文献   
High resolution structural studies of DNA and DNA binding proteins by atomic force microscopy (AFM) require well-bound samples on suitably flat substrates. Adsorbing the DNA onto a positively charged supported lipid bilayer has previously been shown to be a potentially effective strategy for structural studies with AFM. Here, using our home-built frequency-modulation AFM (FM-AFM), we show that these bilayer substrates are only maximally effective for high resolution AFM when the samples are short, linear DNA, compared with circular plasmid DNA. We find that, with the former sample, the measured width of the DNA is about 2 nm, the known DNA diameter, and there is a clear height modulation along the length of the DNA with a periodicity of about 3.4 nm, in excellent agreement with the known pitch of the double helix. This sample preparation strategy is expected to enable higher resolution studies of DNA and DNA binding proteins with FM-AFM than that can presently be achieved.  相似文献   
电势是物理学中一个重要的概念,从理论上讲,在计算电势时,电势零点的选取是任意的,然而在有些情况下,电势零点的选取却是受限制的,本文将探讨如何选取合适的电势零点。  相似文献   
In order to study the effects of wet compression on a transonic compressor,a full 3-D steady numerical simulation was carried out under varying conditions.Different injected water flow rates and droplet diameters were considered.The effect of wet compression on the shock,separated flow,pressure ratio,and efficiency was investigated.Additionally,the effect of wet compression on the tip clearance when the compressor runs in the near-stall and stall situations was emphasized.Analysis of the results shows that the range of stable operation is extended,and that the pressure ratio and inlet air flow rate are also increased at the near-stall point.In addition,it seems that there is an optimum size of the droplet diameter.  相似文献   
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