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This paper considers a method for estimating vehicle handling dynamic states in real-time, using a reduced sensor set; the information is essential for vehicle handling stability control and is also valuable in chassis design evaluation. An extended (nonlinear) Kalman filter is designed to estimate the rapidly varying handling state vector. This employs a low order (4 DOF) handling model which is augmented to include adaptive states (cornering stiffnesses) to compensate for tyre force nonlinearities. The adaptation is driven by steer-induced variations in the longitudinal vehicle acceleration. The observer is compared with an equivalent linear, model-invariant Kalman filter. Both filters are designed and tested against data from a high order source model which simulates six degrees of freedom for the vehicle body, and employs a combined-slip Pacejka tyre model. A performance comparison is presented, which shows promising results for the extended filter, given a sensor set comprising three accelerometers only. The study also presents an insight into the effect of correlated error sources in this application, and it concludes with a discussion of the new observer's practical viability.  相似文献   
Book reviews     
R. S. Farrow, with J. M. Broadus, T. A. Grigalunas, P. Hoagland III, and J. J. Opaluch. 1990. Managing the Outer Continental Shelf Lands: Oceans of Controversy. New York: Taylor & Francis New York, 168 pp., paper.

Richard A. Kenchington. 1990. Managing Marine Environments. New York: Taylor & Francis, 248 pp.  相似文献   
Proportional hydraulic valves (PHVs) have remarkable applications in different branches of industry. These valves can control an oil hydraulic system. One of the most important factors affecting a proportional solenoid (PS) is the geometry that affects its magnetic force with respect to its plunger position. Other effective factors include the size of the air gap, the current density and various soft magnetic materials that have different B-H (flux density versus field intensity) curves. Electromagnetic analysis (EMA) is used to enhance the reliability and accuracy of the PS and to reduce the total cost. In this paper, a range of PSs are software package with different air gaps, dimensional parameters, current densities and soft magnetic materials. The magnetic flux density and force are calculated using a finite element method (FEM), and the results are compared with the experimental results of an actual PS.  相似文献   
The vibrational characteristics of automotives during idling were studied experimentally by considering the axial forces of the drive shaft and the spider positions in a constant-velocity joint. The generated forces, such as PF (plunging force) and GAF (generated axial force) in the assembly of the drive-shaft module, were measured directly by an experimental apparatus. Measurements of the GAF and PF did not show the same trends as the joint angles. They depended instead on the types of CV joints. In addition, the relationship between the offset values of the shaft and the spider positions in the tulip of the constant-velocity joint were studied. As a result, the idle vibration characteristics were affected by the variation of the spider positions and the vibrational characteristics in the axial direction of the shaft, including the amplitude and the harmonic periods.  相似文献   
Recent progress in calculating gas bubble sizes in a plume, based on phenomenological approaches using the release conditions is a significant improvement to make the gas plume models self-reliant. Such calculations require details of conditions Near the Source of Plume (NSP); (i.e. the plume/jet velocity and radius near the source), which inspired the present work. Determining NSP conditions for gas plumes are far more complex than that for oil plumes due to the substantial density difference between gas and water. To calculate NSP conditions, modeling the early stage of the plume is important. A novel method of modeling the early stage of an underwater gas release is presented here. Major impact of the present work is to define the correct NSP conditions for underwater gas releases, which is not possible with available methods as those techniques are not based on the physics of flow region near the source of the plume/jet. We introduce super Gaussian profiles to model the density and velocity variations of the early stages of plume, coupled with the laws of fluid mechanics to define profile parameters. This new approach, models the velocity profile variation from near uniform, across the section at the release point to Gaussian some distance away. The comparisons show that experimental data agrees well with the computations.  相似文献   
This work presents a numerical study of the influence of topside shape on parametric roll in longitudinal seas. The ONR 3 Topsides hulls are used to compare the single degree-of-freedom rolling response of a destroyer-sized vessel with flared (model 5613), tumblehome (model 5613-1), and wallsided (model 5613-2) shapes above the waterline. Through this relative comparison, the key aspects of parametric resonance of a tumblehome hullform are highlighted, namely the reduction in head seas forward speed required to encounter parametric roll. A variant on the Mathieu equation is used to simulate roll motions.  相似文献   
Ship resistance issues are related to fuel economy, speed, and cost efficiency. Air lubrication is a promising technique for lowering hull frictional resistance as it is supposed to modify the energy in the turbulent boundary layer and thereby reduce hull friction. In this paper, the objective is to identify the optimum type of air lubrication using microbubble drag reduction(MBDR)and air layer drag reduction(ALDR) techniques to reduce the resistance of a 56-m Indonesian self-propelled barge(SPB). A model with the following dimensions was constructed: length L = 2000 mm, breadth B = 521.60 mm, and draft T = 52.50 mm.The ship model was towed using standard towing tank experimental parameters. The speed was varied over the Froude number range 0.11–0.31. The air layer flow rate was varied at 80, 85, and 90 standard liters per minute(SLPM) and the microbubble injection coefficient over the range 0.20–0.60. The results show that the ship model using the air layer had the highest drag reduction up to a maximum of 90%. Based on the characteristics of the SPB, which operates at low speed, the optimum air lubrication type to reduce resistance in this instance is ALDR.  相似文献   
无人船(USV)集群作为未来海上军事运用的重要组成力量,是各国海上无人装备的重要发展方向。首先,通过梳理总结当前国外无人船集群发展战略规划与运用现状,对无人船集群作战关键技术进行归纳分析,从集群自组网通信、战场态势感知、集群协同任务分配等3个方面剖析无人船集群相关技术的研究进展;然后,对无人船集群在军事上运用的典型样式和主要效益进行分析及研判;最后,总结分析当前应对无人船集群的难点,并对无人船集群应对的技术发展予以展望。  相似文献   
The latching control represents an attractive alternative to increase the power absorption of wave energy converters (WECs) by tuning the phase of oscillator ve...  相似文献   
The general recession in the international economy and an increasing desire on the part of the developing countries to establish or expand their own national fleets has led to increased protectionism in international shipping. This paper discusses the various aspects of protectionism in the light of the UNCTAD code of conduct for liner and bulk shipping.  相似文献   
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