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  目的  为了研究凯夫拉纤维增强型挠性接管(FW-FP)管体发生局部异常变形而引发管体破裂失效的问题,  方法  提出一种基于电阻检测原理的管体变形检测方法,通过传感器缠绕模型的设计,分析管体3种变形状态。运用建立的基准阈值模型,对典型的DN100挠性管体进行数值计算分析。  结果  结果表明,管体局部异常变形引起电路电流的变化量可达0.25 A,而管体正常变形引起电路电流的变化量可忽略不计。  结论  所提方法可有效识别管体上的局部异常变形,并可排除正常变形带来的信号干扰。该检测方法得到的结果可为后续评估此类挠性接管管体使用寿命提供依据。  相似文献   
  目的  大型船舶的推进轴系一般具有轴系长、跨度大、细长比小等特点,其弯曲变形与纵向变形之间易存在弹性耦合效应,从而引起轴系异常振动,影响轴系的安全稳定运行。为了研究轴系弯—纵耦合的非线性振动特性,  方法  利用变分原理推导轴系发生弯—纵耦合时的非线性振动方程,采用有限元法(FEM)、打靶法等数值方法,以及多尺度法等近似解析方法对非线性方程进行求解,并对比分析弯—纵耦合效应对轴系非线性振动特性的影响。  结果  计算结果表明:弯—纵耦合效应将导致轴系响应中出现多频响应、跳跃现象、能量迁移等复杂的振动现象,同时将增加轴系弯曲方向和纵向方向的固有频率。  结论  研究成果可为大型船舶推进轴系的工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   
Time-series samples of settling particles were collected in the water column of Gaoping (formerly spelled Kaoping) Submarine Canyon (KPSC) with two sediment traps on taut-line moorings deployed at two different depths (60 and 280 m) between May 26 and June 27, 2004. Average total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations of upper and lower trap array samples were 310 ± 61 ng g− 1 dw (range: 200–440) and 240 ± 36 ng g− 1 dw (range: 180–290), respectively. Principal component analysis results suggest that PAH sources in the trap-collected particles included diesel vehicle/coal burning, diagenetic sources, and petroleum release. PAH downward fluxes based on settling particles were estimated to be 12–44 μg m− 2 d− 1. These values are higher than those reported in the literature for most coastal areas. During the sampling period, both traps were significantly tilted by tidal current and fluctuated vertically. The upper traps experienced greater vertical movements, thus their particle characteristics (e.g., POC, particle mass, and fine particle fraction) varied more than those of the lower traps. Hourly depth variations of the tilted sediment trap array were echoed by the corresponding total PAH concentrations. Moreover, the PAH composition of the collected particles was related to the flow direction and speed. These observations suggest that PAHs can be used as an effective chemical tracer for the transport of terrestrial and marine particulates in a complex aquatic environment like Gaoping (Kaoping) Submarine Canyon.  相似文献   
A quadratic eigenvalue problem (QEP) was posed in order to study the dynamics of flexible cylinders in cross-flow, simulating slender offshore structures such as risers, catenaries or tendons. The Euler–Bernoulli equation was used to model the structure assuming a fluid loading model, and yielding a quadratic eigenvalue problem that included a form of damping dependent not only on the structural damping itself, but also on the free stream velocity and the fluid force coefficients. We solved the QEP using the finite element method. We also derived a simplified analytical solution in this work for comparison with the QEP, however this solution does not consider changes in tension along the length of the cylinder as the QEP does. In our study, the QEP solutions were first validated against the simplified analytical solution, and also against a well-known experimental dataset obtained in 2003, in which a flexible circular cylinder model was used to model the dynamics of a riser undergoing multi-mode vortex-induced vibrations.  相似文献   
The shipping industry operates in a regulatory framework, where the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the leading regulatory body. The role of the IMO is to propose maritime regulations to its member states. The successful worldwide implementation of a maritime regulation depends on how many member states adopt it. However, many maritime regulations are not adequately implemented worldwide. As a result, ship operators have found themselves in an uncomfortable position in developing their business in an unstable regulatory regime. This paper proposes an extendable and applicable methodology involving a System of Hierarchical Scorecards (SHS) to measure the implementation costs and benefits of a newly introduced or existing maritime regulation by ship operators. The regulators may use the results in evaluating newly introduced and/or existing regulations through taking into account the economic burden that will be generated to ship operators. In this paper, SHS is extended to demonstrate its applicability on evaluating a ship operator’s organization with regard to his regulatory implementation performance by the means of a case study.  相似文献   
It has long been recognized that the compressive behavior of primary ship structural components plays a vital role in the design of surface ship hulls. This is equally as true for the new advanced double hull concept as it is for the more conventional surface ship configurations. What is different, however, is the nature of the structural mechanics phenomena which must be addressed due to the double hull's more radical departure from conventional design and construction practices. With increasing interest and attention being shown in this new concept, the David Taylor Model Basin has over the past few years initiated a number of research efforts which have and are continuing to address various aspects of the behavior of double hulls and their components to primary compressive loadings. These studies have as their ultimate goal the development of practical, user oriented design methods for double hull structure and as such currently focus on more approximate, rather than mathematically rigorous, approaches to the various structural phenomena being considered. This paper is in essence a progress report on a selected number of these efforts and describes the results achieved to date as well as the ongoing efforts and those planned for the future. This report focuses primarily on three recent studies: (1) a preliminary look at the relative significance of local versus general instability failure of double hull structure; (2) small scale experimental analysis of double hull sections using rigid vinyl modelling; and (3) the application of beam-on-elastic-foundation analysis methods for high aspect stiffened plates as it relates to double hull structure. In addition to these major topics, the report also includes a brief discussion of other ongoing and planned efforts relevant to the advanced double hull.  相似文献   
With the continuing growth of the tourism industry over recent decades, has come a change in tourist behavior from the traditional stereotypical 3-S tourist (sun, sand, sex) to an increasingly sophisticated and demanding tourist. These “new” tourists like to learn about history, nature, and wildlife, and they expect an educational component on wildlife tours. This study investigated swim-with-dolphin tours in Kaikoura, New Zealand with regard to the educational content and the overall anatomy of these tours, using data from observations on a total of 32 tours during December 2011. The resulting data were then compared with the data from Hrycik and Forestell's study, which investigated the content of questions asked by passengers on whale-watching tours in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Results of the on-tour observations indicate that the surveyed tours display a structured approach to interpretation, which is customized to the specific tour anatomy of a “swim-with” tour, and varies in some parts significantly from “watch-only” tour interpretation.  相似文献   
This paper presents a detailed diagnostic analysis of hydrographic and current meter data from three, rapidly repeated, fine-scale surveys of the Almeria–Oran front. Instability of the frontal boundary, between surface waters of Atlantic and Mediterranean origin, is shown to provide a mechanism for significant heat transfer from the surface layers to the deep ocean in winter. The data were collected during the second observational phase of the EU funded OMEGA project on RRS Discovery cruise 224 during December 1996. High resolution hydrographic measurements using the towed undulating CTD vehicle, SeaSoar, traced the subduction of Mediterranean Surface Water across the Almeria–Oran front. This subduction is shown to result from a significant baroclinic component to the instability of the frontal jet. The Q-vector formulation of the omega equation is combined with a scale analysis to quantitatively diagnose vertical transport resulting from mesoscale ageostrophic circulation. The analyses are presented and discussed in the presence of satellite and airborne remotely sensed data; which provide the basis for a thorough and novel approach to the determination of observational error.  相似文献   
气垫船高速纵稳性与艏裙流体动力性能分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
吕世海  刘春光  马涛 《船舶》2006,(4):6-11
在气动力与水动力的联合作用下,艏部围裙的响应度及抗缩进能力与气垫船的阻力、纵稳性及耐波性密切相关。该文结合气垫船的升沉、纵倾及艏部围裙在气动力和水动力联合作用下的响应特性,对全垫升气垫船艏部围裙响应性能、抗缩进性能和高速纵稳性计算方法进行了初步的探讨和研究。  相似文献   
Eighteen-year (1985–2002) mean monthly SST Pathfinder data with 9 km spatial resolution have been used to estimate surface gradients by finite differences. Then the seasonal climatological means have been calculated from the intensity of these gradients, and surface thermal fronts present in the Patagonian Continental Shelf (PCS) have been located. Moreover, 6 years (1998–2003) of SeaWiFS data with approximately 4 km spatial resolution have been used to estimate monthly composite images of surface chlorophyll concentration, after which seasonal climatological means distributions have been generated. Both seasonal distributions have been analyzed together and by combining the knowledge of oceanographic processes and phytoplankton responses to light and nutrient availability, regions where the presence of a thermal front affects photosynthetic activity have been identified. Subjective criteria have been applied to define eighteen areas where phytoplankton biomass is influenced by the presence of a thermal front. In these areas, the surface chlorophyll (spatial mean and total), its relationship with the surface chlorophyll of the whole region, and the seasonal evolution of this relationship have been calculated. All frontal areas cover less than 15% of the total surface, but they contribute with over 23% of the phytoplankton annual mean biomass. Considered as a group, during summer they show high chlorophyll values very similar to those in spring. During the cold period, when the water column is vertically mixed in practically the whole of PCS, the influence of physical fronts over the biological production is minimum. The frontal zone image remains clearly defined during summer, when approximately 85% of the area will have a determined mean chlorophyll concentration, while the other 15% has a 2.45 times larger value. While three pattern trends have been identified in the frontal areas, only two of them condition the pattern of the group, due to their horizontal extension.  相似文献   
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