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自"4·18"提速以来,人们一直为动车组的精彩而感动。一列列时速200km及以上动车组的开行,标志着中国铁路跨入高速时代!随着铁路负荷不断加大,独有的运输组织方式和运输安全环境的深刻变化,给运输安全工作带来了严峻的挑战,抓好运输安全工作难度更大、要求更高。 相似文献
党的十六大以来,中国铁路进入了快速发展的重要历史时期。按照国务院批准实施的《中长期铁路网规划》,大规模铁路建设全面展开。作为其中的重要组成部分,铁路客站的规划和建设也在全面推进,"十一五"期间将建设和改造548座铁路客站。随着以铁路客运专线、高速铁路为标志的现代化铁路建设的推进,与之相匹配的一批功能强大、设施先进、服务一流的现代化铁路客站也逐步走进人们的视野。截至2007年9月底,南京站、拉萨站、延安站等15座铁路客站先后建成,北京南站、新武汉站等19座铁路客站建设顺利推进,242座铁路客站正在进行方案设计。 相似文献
2007年7月1日,青藏高原"绿色天路"—青藏铁路通车运营一周年。7月7—8日,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理、青藏铁路建设领导小组组长曾培炎考察青藏铁路建设和运营情况时,充分肯定了青藏铁路建设和运营取得的成就,青藏铁路建设达到了世界一流水平,谱写了我国乃至世界铁路建设史上新的篇章! 相似文献
本文重点介绍了秦沈客运专线月牙河特大桥基础施工中的打入桩施工技术和冬期施工采用的技术措施 ,探讨了打入桩施工中出现的桩身涌起、桩顶破损或桩身开裂等问题及其处理措施 相似文献
本研究对43例慢性心衰病人测定了血清铜、锌及锰含量。与健康对照者相比心衰病人血清铜含量显著增高;锌含量低;铜/锌比值增大。 相似文献
换枕、碴本身就是对线路几何状态进行一种破坏性的施工作业,尤其是高速营业线上的高温季节,对跨区间无缝线路如何组织大型人工换Ⅱ型混凝土重枕和大机清筛更换Ⅰ级道碴,确保换枕、换碴后的线路不胀轨、施工人身安全得到保证和列车平稳正点运营是技术关键。文章就换枕、碴组织方案、工艺流程、质量控制、安全防范等作了详细介绍。 相似文献
文章主要阐述了低 (负 )温早强高性能混凝土的特点 ,通过大量试验分析了影响低 (负 )温早强高性能混凝土耐久性质量的因素。提出应将低 (负 )温早强高性能混凝土施工过程类比隐蔽工程控制 ,才能确保混凝土的耐久性。 相似文献
A. Bonadero A. Elia The Research Office 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1984,13(6):339-356
A comparison between theoretical calculations on dynamic lateral behaviour of railway vehicles and experimental results shows quite a sizeable difference between the calculated critical speed and the actual speed at which side impact phenomena will repeatedly occur between wheel flange and rail (running speed limit), such impact speed being remarkably lower than calculated.
Another typical experimental aspect is that the running speed limit will considerably vary for the same vehicle depending on the test track conditions. Such difference is usually attributed to alterations of the wheel-rail contact surfaces, only.
This paper will discuss some concurrent causes which may prove far from negligible, such as the effects of track defects, an amplification of the dynamic lateral displacement between wheel and rail on approaching the critical speed, the track mechanical properties, and in particular the track lateral rigidity.
The influence of some geometrical factors typical of the wheel-rail contact, such as side clearance and linearized conicity, will also be discussed. The approach is based on the application of statistical methods to dynamic linear systems. 相似文献
Another typical experimental aspect is that the running speed limit will considerably vary for the same vehicle depending on the test track conditions. Such difference is usually attributed to alterations of the wheel-rail contact surfaces, only.
This paper will discuss some concurrent causes which may prove far from negligible, such as the effects of track defects, an amplification of the dynamic lateral displacement between wheel and rail on approaching the critical speed, the track mechanical properties, and in particular the track lateral rigidity.
The influence of some geometrical factors typical of the wheel-rail contact, such as side clearance and linearized conicity, will also be discussed. The approach is based on the application of statistical methods to dynamic linear systems. 相似文献
Von Hippel Lindau disease(VHL病)为临床罕见的常染色体显性遗传病,以引起视网膜、中枢神经系统及其他器官的血管瘤为主要表现。本文报告一家族两代4人患VHL病之病案,所有之病例均经萤光眼底血管造影检查及开颅手术探查、病理检查确诊为VHL病。笔者结合临床病案,复习文献,对VHL病的临床表现、诊断、治疗及预后进行讨论。 相似文献