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Research on the coefficient of sound absorption in turbid water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
China’s coastal waters are turbid and the properties of the seabed are complex. This negatively impacts the performance of underwater detection equipment. The properties of sound absorption in turbid water are not well understood. In this paper, the coefficient of sound absorption in turbid water was measured by the reverberation technique. All work was done in a reverberation barrel made of seamless aluminum. First, pure water was poured into the reverberation barrel and its reverberation time measured. Next, various concentrations of turbid water were poured into the barrel and their reverberation time measured. After all data had been gathered, the coefficient of sound absorption in turbid water of different concentrations was calculated. From this we determined a law of sound absorption in turbid water as summarized in the paper.  相似文献   
“Today, the idea of allowing aircraft pilots to operate as they see fit, without any control from the land, is unthinkable. Will the same things apply to ships in twenty to thirty years’ time?”Current maritime pilotage regimes are clearly seen in some quarters as too restrictive and old fashioned. Change is “in the air” and VTS, pilotage, and the relationship between them cannot be immune to it. Subject to the attainment of the appropriate standards by both ships and their crews there is no practical reason why more flexible Vessel Traffic Management cannot be introduced. The required technology is largely available and, with the introduction of AIS, the required dynamic data can be available. Technical problems foreseen are believed capable of solution. The more significant obstacles to implementation are, therefore, largely political, commercial, organisational, and cultural. These issues are discussed in this paper taking into account the viewpoints of major stakeholders.  相似文献   
Several algorithms were proposed relating to the development of a framework of the perturbation-based stochastic finite element method (PSFEM) for large variation nonlinear dynamic problems. For this purpose, algorithms and a framework related to SFEM based on the stochastic virtual work principle were studied. To prove the validity and practicality of the algorithms and framework, numerical examples for nonlinear dynamic problems with large variations were calculated and compared with the Monte-Carlo Simulation method. This comparison shows that the proposed approaches are accurate and effective for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures with random parameters.  相似文献   
The continued growth and evolution of the offshore wind industry, and the emergence of other novel marine uses such as wave and tidal generators, have upped the ante for spatial planners, as well as consenting and approval authorities in various coastal states. These stakeholders rely on processes such as navigational risk assessments (NRAs) to balance safety and efficiency requirements and to make optimal decisions over use of space. Given the increasingly complex and crowded seascape, however, there are some apprehensions about potential shortcomings in these NRA processes. There is also some concern that these inadequacies may lead to unsafe or inefficient marine spatial use. To understand how NRA processes can be improved further, a literature review is conducted, followed by a survey of respondents who are involved in the planning, consenting and/or approval of offshore wind farms across seven different countries. A summary of the NRA processes in these seven countries is presented, and several shortcomings are identified. Based on the findings of the survey, a list of recommendations is presented to enhance existing NRA processes—and to improve the coexistence of shipping and offshore wind farms (OWFs).  相似文献   
A novel five-axis real-time interpolation algorithm for 3[PP]S-XY hybrid mechanism is proposed in this paper. In the algorithm, the five-axis tool path for controlling this hybrid mechanism is separated into two sub-paths. One sub-path describes the movement of 3[PP]S parallel kinematic mechanism module, and the other one describes the movement of XY platform. A pair of cubic Bezier curves is employed to smooth the corners in those two sub-paths. Based on the homogenous Jacobian matrix of 3[PP]S mechanism, a relationship between the position errors of every driving joint in hybrid mechanism and the position deviation of the tool tip center point at the moving platform is established. This relationship is used to estimate the approximation error for the corners smoothing according to the accuracy requirement of tool tip center in interpolation. Due to the high computational efficiency of this corner smoothing method, it is integrated into the look-ahead module of computer numerical control (CNC) system to perform online tool path smoothing. By performing the speed planning based on a floating window scheme, a jerk limited S-shape speed profile can be generated efficiently. On this basis, a realtime look-ahead scheme, which is comprised of path-smoothing and feedrate scheduling, is developed to acquire a speed profile with smooth acceleration. A monotonic cubic spline is employed for synchronization between those two smoothed sub-paths in tool path interpolation. This interpolation algorithm has been integrated into our own developed CNC system to control a 3PRS-XY experimental instrument (P, R and S standing for prismatic, revolute and spherical, respectively). A club shaped trajectory is adopted to verify the smoothness and efficiency of the five-axis interpolator for hybrid mechanism control.  相似文献   
Sparse signal recovery is a topic of considerable interest, and the literature in this field is already quite immense. Many problems that arise in sparse signal recovery can be generalized as a convex programming with linear conic constraints. In this paper, we present a new proximal point algorithm (PPA) termed as relaxed-PPA (RPPA) contraction method, for solving this common convex programming. More precisely, we first reformulate the convex programming into an equivalent variational inequality (VI), and then efficiently explore its inner structure. In each step, our method relaxes the VI-subproblem to a tractable one, which can be solved much more efficiently than the original VI. Under mild conditions, the convergence of the proposed method is proved. Experiments with l 1 analysis show that RPPA is a computationally efficient algorithm and compares favorably with the recently proposed state-of-the-art algorithms.  相似文献   
A series of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts were prepared by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) method in this study, and electric field was applied for catalytic combustion of lean methane over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts at low temperature. When electric field was applied, the catalytic combustion performance of Pd/Co3O4 catalysts was greatly improved, and the application of electric field could reduce the load of active element Pd to some extent while maintaining the same efficiency. Based on experimental tests and the analysis results of X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), H2-temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR) and in-situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (in-situ DRIFTS), the mechanism of catalytic oxidation of CH4 over Pd/Co3O4 catalysts in electric field was proposed. The catalytic combustion of CH4 occurs only when the temperature is higher than 250 °C normally, but when electric field was applied, the whole process of CH4 oxidation was promoted significantly and the reaction temperature was reduced. Electric field could promote the reduction of the support Co3O4 to release the lattice oxygen, resulting in the increase of PdOx and the surface chemisorbed oxygen, which could provide more active sites for the low-temperature oxidation of CH4. Furthermore, electric field could accelerate the dehydroxylation of CoOOH to further enhance the activity of the catalysts.  相似文献   
The unsteady performance of drag and double reverse propeller podded propulsors in open water was numerically simulated using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. A moving mesh method was used to more realistically simulate propulsor working conditions, and the thrust, torque, and lateral force coefficients of both propulsors were compared and analyzed. Forces acting on different parts of the propulsors along with the flow field distribution of steady and unsteady results at different advance coefficients were compared. Moreover, the change of the lateral force and the difference between the abovementioned two methods were mainly analyzed. It was shown that the thrust and torque results of both methods were similar, with the lateral force results having the highest deviation  相似文献   
In the present analysis, several parameters used in a numerical simulation are investigated in an integrated study to obtain their influence on the process and results of this simulation. The parameters studied are element formulation, friction coefficient, and material model. Numerical simulations using the non-linear finite element method are conducted to produce virtual experimental data for several collision scenarios. Pattern and size damages caused by collision in a real accident case are assumed as real experimental data, and these are used to validate the method. The element model study performed indicates that the Belytschko-Tsay element formulation should be recommended for use in virtual experiments. It is recommended that the real value of the friction coefficient for materials involved is applied in simulations. For the study of the material model, the application of materials with high yield strength is recommended for use in the side hull structure.  相似文献   
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