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水泥船已成为落后生产力,淘汰水泥船是解决问题的正确途径.就目前而言,水泥质运泥船又是海盐县各砖瓦企业和水泥企业所需原料泥的主要运输工具,因此,淘汰水泥质运泥船是淘汰水泥船工作的一个重点和难点.  相似文献   
对东海大桥光板岩墩基础施工方案进行了介绍和讨论,在风大、浪高、水急、涌强等恶劣天气外海海况,以及基岩裸露、岩面倾斜度大、基岩强度高等地理状况的特殊施工条件下,光板岩墩基础施工方案的选定和成功实施,为我国跨海桥梁光板岩基础的施工提供一些经验和参考.  相似文献   
以兰渝铁路化马隧道工程实例为基础,阐述了含瓦斯炭质板岩隧道有害气体勘察、测试与评价方法,在吨岩瓦斯含量、瓦斯压力与瓦斯流量等瓦斯参数测试以及瓦斯气体来源分析的基础上,提出利用钻孔瓦斯流量预测炭质板岩层绝对瓦斯涌出量的计算公式和有效方法,供非煤层瓦斯勘察时参考使用.  相似文献   
西攀路昔格达地层分布广泛,桥位桩桩基大多数置于昔格达地层中,该桩基承载性状研究资料缺乏,根据对西攀路安宁河蒲坝工点试验段4根灌注桩的现场静载试验结果分析,揭示了昔格达地层灌注桩承载特性和荷载传递机理,得出了昔格达地层泥质粉砂岩的侧摩阻力、桩端阻力及桩尖容许承载力。  相似文献   
永胜大桥为115+206+115m预应力混凝土连续刚构,全长436m,直径准1.8m摩擦端承桩基础。每个主墩25条,桩长70m。引桥桩径准1.8~1.5m,桩长50m。文章介绍泥质胶结砂砾岩地层灌注桩成孔施工工艺。  相似文献   
To investigate the catastrophic mechanism and pattern of water inrush in tunnels in sand-slate strata, this paper takes the Xinping Tunnel on China-Laos Railway as the study case, and through model tests, reproduces the catastrophic occurrence and evolution process of the water inrush in the progressive failure of slate aquifuge, so as to analyze the changing pattern of the stress-strain characteristics of surrounding rocks, seepage pressure and flow rate with the decreasing thickness of the aquifuge. The results show that: (1) The water inrush in the sand slate strata would experience three stages: seepage, inrush and attenuation, which is essentially a gradual evolution process where, under the action of excavation unloading and stress and seepage coupling, fractures in the weak parts of the aquifuge gradually expand and break through until inrush channels are formed and the stability of the aquifuge loses gradually; (2) The stress-strain curve of the surrounding rocks and the relationship between the seepage pressure and flow show significant precursor and stage characteristics, and their changing patterns reflect the breeding, devel⁃ opment and evolution process of the disaster; (3) A sudden change point exists in the changing process of the seep⁃ age pressure and flow rate, and this sudden change point can be seen as the characteristic point of degradation in the water-blocking capacity of the aquifuge. The aquifuge thickness reflected by this point can be seen as the critical safety thickness of the aquifuge. © 2023 Editorial By Modern Tunnelling Technology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
王维富 《隧道建设》2010,30(6):697-700
为解决兰渝铁路木寨岭隧道鹿扎斜井通过高地应力炭质板岩地段隧道防坍和变形控制,从炭质板岩的特性、变形机制以及出现变形后的处治方法等方面进行研究,得出以下几个结论:炭质板岩属软岩范畴,遇水易软化;有水地段开挖后易出现坍塌,需做好超前支护和注浆止水;高地应力炭质板岩隧道收敛持续时间长,累计变形量较大;发生变形后,可采用封闭仰拱、长锚杆、径向注浆、增设套拱等措施进行处治。  相似文献   
针对山区高速公路板岩地区某边坡滑坡特性,分析了高边坡的地质特征、结构特征和破坏机理,根据破坏模式进行了稳定性分析,为安全、经济、合理的治理滑坡提供专业的方案。  相似文献   
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