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概述ZP W-2000A无绝缘轨道电路的特点,并基于现场一次典型的道砟电阻降低情况为例,分析造成现场道砟电阻降低的原因,并提出解决办法.  相似文献   
高照亮 《汽车电器》2006,(8):45-47,50
阐述无分电器点火系统的分类与基本原理,以奥迪A6为例介绍大众轿车无分电器点火系统的构成、故障诊断与检修方法。  相似文献   
应用特异性单克隆抗体荧光偏振免疫法(MAFPIA)对68例肾移植患者进行362次临床环孢素A(CsA)全血药物浓度监测。结果表明:合并用药会影响CsA全血浓度。术后时间与CsA全血浓度有一定关系。MAFPIA是一种简便、快速、准确的监测方法,对指导临床鉴别排异与中毒反应以及个体化给药,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
介绍了TGA23A型牵引逆变器的主要技术参数、主电路原理及总体结构、器件选型,简述了试验情况。通过型式试验及运行考核表明该牵引逆变器的设计能够满足120km/h地铁列车应用需求。  相似文献   
针对CRH380A型动车组APU装置内整流模块与逆变模块控制电源因电磁干扰引发动车组辅助供电异常故障,结合动车组APU装置内部电磁干扰产生机理和整流逆变模块控制电源电路原理,设计了一种新型动车组APU装置模块控制电源转换电路滤波器。经试验证明,新设计的滤波器对模拟整车正常运行及处于某些特殊工况(如合主断、升降弓、弓网离线等)下产生的电磁干扰有显著抑制效果。  相似文献   
IntroductionAs an effective technique for data compression,VQ[1,2 ] has been successfully used forvarious ap-plications involving VQ- based encoding and VQ-based recognition in both vocal and image pro-cessing.The k- dimensional,N- level vectorquantizer is defined as a mapping from a k- di-mensional Euclidean space Rkinto a certain finitesubset C={Ci,i=1 ,2 ,… ,N },which is called acodebook and whose elements Ci are called code-words.A distortion measure D( X,Ci) is a non-negative dissi…  相似文献   
IntroductionFFD is a widely used technique in the field ofsolid modeling and computer animation.Seder-berg and Parry introduced the conceptof FFD[1] ,and Barr provided the basic deformation methodfor FFD[2 ] .Although there are several versionsof FFD in the related literature[3~ 6 ] ,they havethe same basic idea:1 Constructa lattice space.The space can be of any shape,not restricted toparallel- piped cube[5 ] .2 Embed the object intothe lattice space.In other words,impose a localcoordi…  相似文献   
IntroductionThe rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament( ACL) has become the most common knee in-juries.In operation of ACL reconstruction,thesurgeons have to find the optimal attachmentpoints resulting in a low anisometry of the graft,while preventing impingement between the graftand the femoral notch.Markus Fleute andStéphane lavallée[1] proposed a real- time systemfor computer- assisted ACL surgery.A recentadvance in surgery is minimally invasive tech-nique that can avoid the large…  相似文献   
IntroductionAdvances in computer networks and informationtechnology have enabled product designers tomore effectively communicate,collaborate,ob-tain and exchange a wide range of design re-sources during product development.ComputerSupported Cooperative Work( CSCW) describesa research area concerned with people working ingroups and computer systems supporting them,and collaborative design is an important applica-tion of CSCW.Collaborative design has typicallydistributed multiple functional…  相似文献   
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