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运用电子操纵模拟器 ,预演了第六代集装箱船在各种不利航行条件下进出洋山深水港区的航行过程 ,分析了风、浪、流等环境因素对船舶操纵的影响 ,确定了船舶安全进出港所需的航道宽度、船舶安全靠泊条件和掉头操纵水域尺度。大量的模拟试验研究结果证实 :洋山深水港区具有良好的船舶航行条件 ,船舶按一期工程小洋山方案 (一 )、小洋山方案 (二 )以及小洋山~镬盖塘方案进行靠离泊和掉头操纵无本质差异 ,主要不同点在于船舶通过窄口后小洋山方案 (一 )和小洋山方案 (二 )比小洋山~镬盖塘方案有较长的制动水域  相似文献   
The article reports an experimental study of driver steering control behaviour in a lane-change manoeuvre. Eight test subjects were instrumented with electromyography to measure muscle activation and co-contraction. Each subject completed 30 lane-change manoeuvres with one vehicle on a fixed-base driving simulator. For each driver, the steering torque feedback characteristic was changed after every ten manoeuvres; the response of the vehicle to steering angle inputs was not changed. Drivers' control strategies were found to be robust to changes in steering torque feedback. Path-following errors, muscle activity and muscle co-contraction all reduce with the number of lane-changes performed by the driver, suggesting the existence of a learning process. Comparing the test subjects, there was some evidence that high levels of co-contraction were used to allow high-frequency steering inputs to be generated. The results contribute to the understanding of vehicle-driver (and more generally, human-machine) dynamic interaction.  相似文献   
滑床板摩擦力对尖轨不足位移的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为解决道岔尖轨不足位移问题,根据尖轨的特殊结构外形、受力特性和扳动机理,建立尖轨不足位移计算仿真模型,分析不同滑床板表面摩擦系数取值下尖轨不足位移的变化。结果表明:摩擦力是导致尖轨产生不足位移的主要原因;尖轨不足位移随滑床板摩擦系数的增加而增大,基本成线性递增关系;最后牵引点距尖轨跟端间间距越大,摩擦系数对不足位移的影响也越大。减小摩擦力和优化牵引点间距能够较好地控制尖轨不足位移。提出设置滚轮式滑床板方案,将轨底与滑床板间的滑动摩擦转化为滚动摩擦,并优化滚轮式滑床板布置方式,进一步减小了尖轨不足位移。  相似文献   
本文慨述了DS6-K5B型计算机联锁系统在故障-安全、可靠性和适用性方面的设计原则,从联锁设备、输入输出接口、软件可靠性、电源、系统完整性、可扩展性方面论述了系统适用于我国铁路的特点。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the feasibility of a self-organizing, completely distributed traffic information system based upon vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies. Unlike centralized traffic information systems, the proposed system does not need public infrastructure investment as a prerequisite for implementation. Due to the complexity of the proposed system, simulation is selected as the primary approach in the feasibility studies. A simulation framework is built based on an existing microscopic traffic simulation model for the simulation studies. The critical questions for building the proposed market-driven system are examined both from communication requirements and traffic engineering points of view. Traffic information propagation both in freeway and arterial networks via information exchange among IVC-equipped vehicles is tested within the simulation framework. Results on the probability of successful IVC and traffic information propagation distance obtained from the simulation studies are generated and analyzed under incident-free and incident conditions for various roadway formats and parameter combinations. Comparisons between the speed of the incident information wave and the speed of the corresponding traffic shock wave due to the incident are analyzed for different scenarios as the most crucial aspect of the information propagation as a potential foundation for application in such a decentralized traffic information system.  相似文献   
集中质量对接触网仿真的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电气化铁道弓网动态受流一直是牵引供电系统的关键技术之一.建立高精度的接触网仿真模型,深入研究弓网的动态受流关系,是解决受流质量一个主要途径和方法.在接触网系统中,安装的定位器、定位管、线夹等零部件形成的荷载会影响接触悬挂的弹性,进而对弓网受流产生影响.此文在建立接触网仿真模型中,把零部件荷载视为集中质点,来研究接触悬挂模型的等效质量,进而研究集中质量对接触网仿真的影响.通过研究表明,集中质量的等效质量越大,集中质量处的接触压力越小;反之亦然;列车行驶速度越快,集中质量产生的影响越明显.  相似文献   
为分析高速铁路列车在追踪间隔缩小时的运行状态,根据准移动闭塞系统原理,设置列车区间运行和车站运行的演化规则,建立准移动闭塞条件下基于元胞自动机的列车群追踪运行仿真模型。利用元胞自动机对京沪高速铁路线路"上海虹桥—南京南"运行图中追踪运行的10列车进行建模仿真,分析仿真结果验证到达间隔时间是制约追踪间隔的瓶颈,并得出后行列车满足追踪间隔4 min或3 min的情况下,其运行速度不受前行列车的干扰。  相似文献   
分析结构承载截面积、材料属性、外力、焊接缺陷的方向及分布位置对结构的影响,以焊接缺陷处应力集中系数作为评估焊接缺陷影响结构强度的标准,建立转向架构架的整体和局部有限元模型,计算构架的应力分布并判定薄弱区域。通过焊接缺陷仿真模型计算,研究焊接缺陷尺寸和分布位置对构架强度的影响。计算结果表明,在靠近横梁的焊趾处存在着应力集中;表面缺陷对构件强度的影响比内部缺陷大,尤其是高应力区的表面缺陷严重影响构架的强度;表面缺陷及个别类型的内部缺陷会改变构件高应力区的分布。  相似文献   
总结机务非正常行车的主要情况,分析既有非正常行车机车操纵教学模拟系统存在的问题,提出基于SS4G电力机车模拟操纵台非正常行车操纵教学系统的设计思路和技术方案,归纳该系统的技术特点,指出该系统的改进方向。  相似文献   
为保证某微型客车达到《防止汽车转向机构对驾驶员伤害的规定》国家标准的要求,针对转向盘后移量过大问题,对原转向管柱进行了重新设计,开发出具有防撞、吸能性能的转向管柱,减少了微型客车正面碰撞时的转向盘后移量,满足了微型客车车型变化要求。  相似文献   
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