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E2地震作用下减隔振桥梁的抗震设计   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
以某减隔振桥梁为例,建立该桥的三维有限元模型,考虑桩-土相互作用的影响,并根据混凝土和钢筋的材料特性,选取适宜的动力弹塑性本构模型,同时模拟了弹塑性减隔振球型钢支座,并采用人工拟合的3条地震动时程曲线对该桥进行了E2地震作用下的弹塑性时程分析,验算该桥在E2地震作用下的强度及变形。经过详细的验算与分析,验证了本桥设计的安全性和可靠性,并为实际工程中的非规则桥梁在E2地震作用下的抗震验算提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Research purposes: In order to further study the reinforcement of prestressed anchor frame beam in the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake, a model of the deep cutting slope is built through FLAC 3D simulation software, the seismic wave to the model from three directions of x,y and z is input, and the dynamic response of the slope is analyzed. Then, the prestressed anchor frame beam reinforcement measures are applied to the model, and this paper analyzes the reinforcement effect of the prestressed anchor frame beam to the deep cutting slope under three dimensional strong earthquake. Research conclusions:(1) The prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on restraining the horizontal displacement of the deep cutting slope. (2) Under the three dimensional strong earthquake, the prestressed anchor frame beam has a good effect on the horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity of the deep cutting slope, which reduces the peak of horizontal acceleration and horizontal velocity. (3) Through the comparison of the response before and after the reinforcement of the prestressed anchor frame beam is given under the 9 degrees three dimensional strong earthquake, it can be concluded that the prestressed anchor frame beam can provide good reinforcement effect to the deep cutting slope. (4) This research can be used for reference to the earthquake resistance of the slope engineering. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Railway Engineering Society. All right reserved.  相似文献   
兰渝铁路精密工程控制测量技术体系的建立贯穿了我国铁路精密工程控制测量标准从建立到逐步完善的全过程。为给类似铁路项目测量方案的设计与实施提供参考和借鉴,结合兰渝铁路兰州至广元段建立的精密工程控制网技术体系,从全线统一的"三网合一"的测量技术体系、基于CGCS2000的平面坐标基准、工程独立坐标系、符合工程实际的水准基点平差方案、地震对测量控制网造成影响的评估、长大隧道洞内CPⅡ控制网建网及其分段测量方法等方面进行研究和论述。研究结论及实践经验对于丰富和完善铁路精密工程控制测量标准具有一定意义。  相似文献   
国内外各类抗震设计规范对设计反应谱给出了不同的计算方法,对各类反应谱不同的计算方法进行对比分析;利用世界范围内大地震时获得的数字强震仪记录,计算相应的加速度反应谱;结合结构动力学理论分析及统计分析方法,提出抗震设计反应谱统一计算公式。实际强震地震波具有高度的非平稳性,人工地震加速度时程不能直接反映实际地震加速度时程的非平稳性。为了得到与实际地震波类似的高度非平稳性且与设计反应谱兼容的地震加速度时程,以一组强震地震波为母波,得到与设计反应谱兼容的人工地震加速度时程。通过对人工地震加速度时程与实际地震波比较,发现其继承了实际地震波的非平稳性;同时人工地震加速度时程反应谱与目标设计谱具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   
以内蒙古在建的大准铁路增二线黄河连续刚构特大桥为研究对象,采用反应谱分析方法研究了其在水平地震单独作用下、《公路桥梁抗震设计细则》和《铁路工程抗震设计规范》中规定的不同竖向地震分别同水平地震组合下的地震响应。结果表明:考虑竖向地震对连续刚构桥的地震响应非常明显;水平地震和《铁路桥梁抗震规范》中的竖向地震组合时结构地震响应较按《公路桥梁抗震设计细则》竖向地震组合时结构地震响应大,内力最大增幅为27%,位移为26%。  相似文献   
采用ANSYS结构分析软件建立三维有限元实体模型,计算了地震作用下桩-土动力相互作用体系的动力反应.分析了体系的加速度反应、位移反应、桩身应变、桩身挠度、桩身弯矩、桩身剪力和桩土间接触压力等方面,并探讨了桩土刚度比、上部荷载等参数对桩-土相互作用体系的影响.  相似文献   
For existing advanced geological forecasting, the forecast distance is short and the test frequency is high, increasing test and construction risks. Since various methods have different requirements for the test environ-ment, preparation work can be tedious and result in a long construction time thereby affecting normal construction.A new advanced geological forecast technique based on multi-source seismic interferometry for tunnels is proposed.This technique uses the blast at one end of tunnel as a centrum and receives the signal at the other end of the tun-nel, therefore allowing advanced geological forecasting of the unexcavated tunnel part by relative processing and im-aging. A numerical simulation of this kind of geological forecasting using the finite difference method to simulate two kinds of unfavorable geological bodies (karst and a fault) predicted them accurately and verified the effective-ness and accuracy of this geological forecasting method. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
为了研究一般跨径城市桥梁在8度地震区的抗震设计方法,文章以具体工程为例,采用规范推荐的参数和公式,拟合出场地在E1和E2作用下水平地震动反应谱;通过有限元建模分析,对规范推荐的延性抗震体系和减隔震体系做了详细的计算和分析,研究结果标明:两种抗震体系均能满足相关规范的设计要求;但是减隔震体系在设计阶段造价更低,震后修复费用也较小,在经济性方面有较大的优势。  相似文献   
通过研究铁路地震预警监测系统现状和建设趋势,从资源共享、重复性建设、地震联动触发信号系统停车、牵引供电系统断电等多角度分析存在的问题,结合实际需求,提出铁路局中心系统采用虚拟化云技术的建设思路,并提出地震预警监测系统通过路局中心系统与信号RBC、牵引供电中心接口的联动触发策略。文中论述了采用虚拟化云技术搭建的地震预警监测铁路局中心系统功能、系统构成、硬件配置,从而解决各条铁路接入路局中心增加大量服务器等所带来的资源浪费严重、重复性建设等问题,为建设项目节省投资;阐述了通过路局中心系统与信号RBC、牵引供电中心接口的联动触发方案,为安全提供保障的同时尽可能节省建设投资和维护成本,更好地为铁路安全保驾护航。  相似文献   
Roughly 90% of all natural vibrations have epicenters in offshore zones and may cause destruction of submarine and floating structures. Such excitations can influence the safe performance of facilities set up on the seabed, like tunnels, jacket legs and subsea oil pipelines. Some researches on this theme have been carried out to demonstrate the importance of seaquake analyses and their effects have been underlined. The present study intends to numerically simulate a two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problem in order to examine the dynamic response of submarine tunnel under real horizontal earthquakes. Pressure is considered as independent nodal variables to represent the fluid flow effects and the induced time-dependent acceleration in porous medium equation is incorporated in the analysis and the tunnel shell is considered as flexible. This work highlights the importance of the input ground motion frequency content that governs the development of the induced seismic stress/strain around the lining of the tunnel. The results demonstrate that for deep sea the increment rate of the circumferential stress caused by surface gravity waves is below 7% when compared to the no-wave interface condition. Moreover, it is confirmed that long-period record may amplify the overall response of the system (up to 60%) specially the lateral and vertical displacements, as well as the principal stress to a lesser extent. The developed numerical model can attend to further analysis of tunnels embedded in a half-space in conjunction with fluid undergoing the severe long-period earthquakes.  相似文献   
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