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为研究深部高地应力岩层中修建TBM隧道时管片衬砌结构的力学行为,以某深埋TBM工法隧道为研究对象,建立基于围岩蠕变和管片分块效应的衬砌-围岩复合模型,研究考虑时间效应下管片衬砌的受力特性。结果表明:考虑围岩蠕变效应下管片衬砌受力表现出明显的时间效应。随着围岩蠕变时间的延长,管片衬砌的形变、内力和接缝张开量均呈现两阶段增长,具体表现为前期呈线性增长,后期增加趋缓。洞周围岩应力经历三阶段变化,即先减小后增大直至稳定。围岩蠕变时间为100年时,管片衬砌的内力和形变量均接近极限值。研究结果可为深部高地应力且考虑围岩蠕变效应下的TBM隧道衬砌结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   
从船舶航行安全、可靠性角度考虑,一个重要的影响因素是航行船舶所在海域的气象状况,因此气象信息对于船舶调度管理起到非常积极重要的作用。如何获取气象信息,并把获取的气象信息融合到电子海图显示平台中,对于航行船舶的监控和管理显得十分有意义。针对如何获取气象信息及如何与电子海图叠加显示两方面的内容进行了论述。  相似文献   
针对影响现状公路交通特征参数较多且各指标之间又具有相关性的实际特点,应用模糊数学基本原理建立关系矩阵,对铁岭市县乡公路网进行综合评价。  相似文献   
Doherty  Sean T.  Andrey  Jean C. 《Transportation》1997,24(3):227-251
Despite improvements in road safety over the past several decades, accident rates remain high for young drivers. One accident countermeasure that is expected to improve the safety record of this group is graduated licensing. The philosophy behind this licensing system is that novice drivers, of whom the majority are young, should be restricted to relatively safe driving environments during the initial learning period. Graduated licensing was implemented in the Province of Ontario, Canada in 1994. The objective of this study is to estimate the potential benefits and costs for young drivers associated with two components of the Ontario graduated licensing package: the late-night driving curfew and the high-speed roadway restrictions. Based on accident and travel data for the year 1988, accident-involvement rates per kilometre driven were calculated for different driver groups for various combinations of time of day and roadway speed limit. These rates were then applied to the expected mobility profiles of young drivers affected by graduated licensing. The results of the study support the late-night curfew and suggest that this component of the licensing package should reduce total accident involvements for the affected group by up to 10 percent and fatal accident involvements by up to 24 percent, while reducing their total driving by only four percent. By contrast, the empirical evidence suggest that the high-speed roadway restrictions are likely to increase accident involvements, and thus it is strongly recommended that this component of Ontario's graduated licensing package be changed.  相似文献   
运用电子操纵模拟器 ,预演了第六代集装箱船在各种不利航行条件下进出洋山深水港区的航行过程 ,分析了风、浪、流等环境因素对船舶操纵的影响 ,确定了船舶安全进出港所需的航道宽度、船舶安全靠泊条件和掉头操纵水域尺度。大量的模拟试验研究结果证实 :洋山深水港区具有良好的船舶航行条件 ,船舶按一期工程小洋山方案 (一 )、小洋山方案 (二 )以及小洋山~镬盖塘方案进行靠离泊和掉头操纵无本质差异 ,主要不同点在于船舶通过窄口后小洋山方案 (一 )和小洋山方案 (二 )比小洋山~镬盖塘方案有较长的制动水域  相似文献   
高速公路事件检测是交通管理与控制中十分重要的环节。将交通流动态预测与事件检测相结合,探讨了基于偏差分析的事件识别方法。该方法对3个主要的交通流参数,交通量、地点车速和时间占有率进行动态预测,对预测值与实际值的偏差进行统计分析,明确了事件检测的具体步骤和事件发生概率的计算模型。该方法不受检测路段具体位置和时间的限制,具有较高的检测率和较小的误报率,有助于管理人员制定决策。  相似文献   
交通需求OD估计与预测的现状研究分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目前,对于静态OD矩阵估计问题已经有很多研究者,对于动态OD前沿的研究工作则非常有限。关于对OD估计和预测的研究可分为封闭网络和开放网络。介绍了研究封闭网络的Bell,Van der Zijpp,Chang and Wu和Chang and Tao等人的方法,以及研究开放网络动态估计的3种方法,即Cascetta、Okutani、Ashok和Ben—Akiva等人的方法。并指出可以将OD估计问题陈述为具有不同误差特性、多个来源的不同类型信息的综合性和一致性的结合体,此联合估测就是经济计量学的混合估计的问题。  相似文献   
东营黄河大桥主桥上部结构(116 200 220 200 116)m预应力混凝土刚构连续结合梁的箱梁采用菱形挂篮悬臂施工法。介绍了主墩和次主墩0号块施工分别选取的支架方案,以及现浇直线段的支架方案。阐述了挂篮的试压方法,并对其试压结果进行了分析。  相似文献   
A simple reliability-based framework is applied to calibrate a new set of fatigue design guidelines. This new guideline considers two different approaches for the assessment of both loads, stresses and local stress raising effects, and partial safety factors must be given for any combination of these approaches. For the calibration, the lognormal reliability format is adopted because the hereby-derived partial safety factors can be combined arbitrarily. This means that with a few basic partial safety factors, the combination of partial safety factors to be applied together with any combination of calculation approaches can be determined easily. In the present paper both the adopted reliability format, the applied modeling of uncertainties and the selected target safety index are explained. Based on this, a new guideline is calibrated and the derived partial safety factors are presented. Finally, the new guideline is applied through a numerical example in order to show the applicability of the calibrated partial safety factors, and satisfactory results are found.  相似文献   
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