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摆式列车是既有线路提速的一种有效方式,其关键技术是倾摆控制系统,而倾摆控制系统的维护是保障摆式列车安全运行的重要措施。文章介绍了机电式摆式列车倾摆控制系统各关键部件的故障,设计了相应的维护软件。该软件利用VB实现主控计算机与便携式PC机间的串行通讯,将主控计算机存储的故障信息传送到便携式PC机,通过该软件直接分析系统状态信息,从而方便实现倾摆控制系统的维护。  相似文献   
从首列车试验的需求出发,阐述首列车试验的分类、内容和程序,并对首列车试验的典型案例进行了分析,提出了相关建议,对地铁公司首列车的试验工作具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
重点围绕城市轨道交通国产MTC-I型列车控制系统(CBTC)独立第三方安全评估与认证工作,阐述了信号安全攸关系统的技术标准规范体系、安全完整度等级、安全认证类型、风险评价原则等概念与定义。基于安全认证、系统生命周期、安全保障架构、项目风险管理、安全审核与评估等具体内容描述了MTC—I型CBTC系统通用产品安全认证实践过程。对建立我国城轨交通行业发展的安全认证体系、实施策略以及风险管控原则等安全认证要素进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   
分析列车起火因素,介绍典型火灾发展的过程,阐述传统早期烟雾报警系统的缺陷和极早期烟雾报警系统在列车中应用的优势,并给出极早期烟雾报警系统在列车中的初步应用方案。  相似文献   
郑仕群 《铁道机车车辆》2012,32(1):71-72,84
针对高速列车无法宽带无线上网的问题,分析比较了3种不同的解决方案和各自对电气安装的要求。车外语音加车内无线局域网,直放站配合无线局域网和微蜂窝RRU拉远这3种方案都能提供高速列车宽带无线上网。但是它们技术方案不同,导致成本、性能、布线难度不一样。可以根据工程要求选择不同的改造方案。  相似文献   
列车运行图可调整度评价系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在详细分析了列车运行图缓冲时间的大小及其分布规律对列车晚点传播影响的基础上,通过建立列车运行图调整系统,对给定晚点程度的列车进行模拟调整,从而计算出列车晚点恢复率,晚点传播区大小,连带晚点时间和关键列车运行线等。指标来达到对列车运行图可高速程度优劣评判的目的。  相似文献   
永磁式磁悬浮列车系统研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在分析磁县浮机理的基础上,着重介绍了永磁式磁悬浮列车系统,提出了零功率控制器的设想,给出了分析和仿真结果。  相似文献   
以不可压缩黏性N-S方程和RNGk-ε湍流模型为基础,对4辆编组检测车以350km/h速度明线运行的空气流场进行了数值分析,针对空调导流块对检测车空调表面压力分布的影响进行了研究。先后对安装导流块、改变冷凝风机进出风方向及去掉导流块3种设计方案明线运行的外流场进行了数值模拟,得到3种设计方案气动特性及空调冷凝风机进出风口压力差的定量结果。计算结果表明,去掉导流块并不利于冷凝风机的进出风,而安装导流块、改变冷凝风机进出风方向的方案是较好的设计方案。  相似文献   
The bodies of many railway freight cars in many countries of the world are coupled to the running gear by means of a body centre plate that makes a friction pair with a centre bowl. During motion, the bogie is rotated and moved with respect to the car body. This leads to wear on the contact surfaces. Lubrication is inexpedient in this case because the friction forces damp the vibrations (so-called bogie hunting) during motion. Usually, centre plates exhibit noticeable wear after two years of operation. Reducing wear requires knowing details of the wear process which, in turn, requires computer simulation of freight car motion for an operation period of 10–15 years. The purpose of this paper is to develop a universal method for wear simulation of friction pairs that could be used, in particular, for the centre plate of a freight car.  相似文献   
The fault-tolerant control (FTC) of heavy-haul trains is discussed on the basis of the speed regulation proposed in previous works. The fault modes of trains are assumed and the corresponding fault detection and isolation (FDI) are studied. The FDI of sensor faults is based on a geometric approach for residual generators. The FDI of a braking system is based on the observation of the steady-state speed. From the difference of the steady-state speeds between the fault system and the faultless system, one can get fault information. Simulation tests were conducted on the suitability of the FDIs and the redesigned speed regulators. It is shown that the proposed FTC does not explicitly worsen the performance of the speed regulator in the case of a faultless system, while it obviously improves the performance of the speed regulator in the case of a faulty system.  相似文献   
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