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对基于光流法的舰船运动要素测定原理进行了研究,主要包括光流法测定舰船运动要素的思想、光流场解算、三维运动参数解算和舰船运动要素解算。该方法的提出,提高了运动要素测定的自主性,而且满足新型全封闭舰船的测定要求。  相似文献   
地铁隧道结构稳定与地铁运营安全及舒适性紧密相关,地铁运营阶段的变形监测是确保结构稳定的重要措施。为探究地铁隧道基准点布置复杂情况,如点位破坏、集中布点与基准点距离变化等因素对水平位移监测精度影响,依托南京地铁某保护区的地铁变形监测数据,试算并讨论基准点数量、位置分布等因素与设站点精度间的对应关系,得出基准点数量与仪器测角精度是影响设站点精度的重要因素,并根据定量分析结果,给出地铁水平位移监测在满足精度要求条件下更加优化的实施建议。  相似文献   
驾驶员安全可靠性多因素分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
影响驾驶员安全可靠性的身心因素很多,研究中对22项指标进行分析,将有关指标合并,归纳为6种主因子:第一主因子相关变量5种,反映驾驶员的反应能力;第二主因子相关变量4种,反映中枢神经系统的平衡控制能力;第三主因子相关变量5种,反映驾驶员视觉功能;第四主因子相关变量4种,反映注意综合品质;第五主因子相关变量3种,反映驾驶员速度判断能力;第六主因子为驾驶员听觉能力。基于主因子分析进一步整合,建立驾驶员安全可靠性评价指标体系。  相似文献   
导游欢迎词决定游客对导游人员产生"第一印象"的好坏。本文从欢迎词的定义,分类,五大要素的讲解入手,通过中英文欢迎词的范文、例子和常用套语、句型充分讲解导游欢迎词的翻译要点。  相似文献   
为了保障海上船舶航行安全,采用构建船舶航行安全影响因素鱼骨图,利用模糊层次分析法对环境条件、交通调查中船舶行为基本要素进行量化分析.运用交通模型研究不同自然环境条件下的船舶安全航行方法的特点,对基于海上船舶密度、航迹分布、交通流、交通量和船速分布、船舶到达规律、交通容量、船舶行为、船舶管理等基本要素,进行数学方法的定量...  相似文献   
针对航道BIM设计过程中测绘要素集成和模型共享等方面存在的问题,提出一种基于BIM技术的测绘要素集成,及基于专用中间文件格式和公共数据模型格式实现测量BIM模型共享的方法。通过工程案例分析,阐述BIM技术在测绘要素集成及测量BIM模型传递共享的技术路线,结果表明基于BIM技术的测绘要素集成及模型共享具有优越性,研究成果可为开展测绘BIM工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
杨小燕  盛利 《中国铁路》2021,(2):128-134
针对目前计划内接触网停电时电力机车进入无电单元(区)的问题,提出了基于动态停电作业区域数据对比库语音、屏幕鼠标点击坐标和高清成像分析进行"三元素二阶段"处理对比方法,以减少人员操作失误和损失.机车/车次信息及对应机车属性先由操作人员办理接发列预告(办理闭塞)的语音识别获取,再通过TDCS/CTC终端机非上位机获取并核对...  相似文献   
初始缺陷对耐压圆柱壳结构极限承载力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了考察初始缺陷、材料等因素对耐压圆柱壳结构极限承载力的影响,本文利用ANSYS有限元软件构造模型对耐压圆柱壳结构进行模拟.研究了缺陷幅值在一定范围内变化时,初始缺陷对耐压圆柱壳极限承载力的影响,并将有限元计算结果与理论计算结果进行比较,讨论了材料的改变对极限承载力的影响.初始缺陷幅值不会改变耐压圆柱壳结构的失稳模态,且对结构极限承载力的影响有限,但材料的改进对提高结构极限承载力的效果显著.  相似文献   
Characteristic flow patterns generated by macrozoobenthic structures   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A laboratory flume channel, equipped with an acoustic Doppler flow sensor and a bottom scanning laser, was used for detailed, non-intrusive flow measurements (at 2 cm s− 1 and 10 cm s− 1) around solitary biogenic structures, combined with high-resolution mapping of the structure shape and position. The structures were replicates of typical macrozoobenthic species commonly found in the Mecklenburg Bight and with a presumed influence on both, the near-bed current regime and sediment transport dynamics: a worm tube, a snail shell, a mussel, a sand mound, a pit, and a cross-stream track furrow. The flow was considerably altered locally by the different protruding structures (worm tube, snail, mussel and mound). They reduced the horizontal approach velocity by 72% to 79% in the wake zone at about 1–2 cm height, and the flow was deflected around the structures with vertical and lateral velocities of up to 10% and 20% of the free-stream velocity respectively in a region adjacent to the structures. The resulting flow separation (at flow Reynolds number of about 4000 and 20,000 respectively) divided an outer deflection region from an inner region with characteristic vortices and the wake region. All protruding structures showed this general pattern, but also produced individual characteristics. Conversely, the depressions (track and pit) only had a weak influence on the local boundary layer flow, combined with a considerable flow reduction within their cavities (between 29% and 53% of the free-stream velocity). A longitudinal vortex formed, below which a stagnant space was found. The average height affected by the structure-related mass flow rate deficit for the two velocities was 1.6 cm and 1.3 cm respectively (80% of height and 64%) for the protruding structures and 0.6 cm and 0.9 cm (90% and 127% of depth) for the depressions. Marine benthic soft-bottom macrozoobenthos species are expected to benefit from the flow modifications they induce, particularly in terms of food particle capture due to altered particle pathways and residence times, but also for the exchange of gases, solutes and spawn. The present results confirm previous studies on flow interaction effects of various biogenic structures, and they add a deeper level of detail for a better understanding of the fine-scale effects.  相似文献   
鉴于城市群客流预测在城市群轨道交通规划中的重要性,为提高其预测精度,对城市群客流预测中的分布预测方法进行研究.分析现实能够收集到的资料及城市群交通分布的特点,提出城市群双线分布预测方法.在城市群资料有限的情况下,研究如何得到城市群分布的预测结果;阐述分布预测的计算方法,建立相关的计算模型,对几种常用的分布预测模型进行优缺点及适用性分析.  相似文献   
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