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为获取更加接近实际城市公交线网的票价策略,将出行者的社会互动行为与后悔心理引入广义费用,提出线路客流OD矩阵均衡算法;分别以交通管理部门利润最大化及出行者效用最大化为目标,以公交计程票价、发车频率、私家车停车费为变量,建立固定需求下公交线网差异化计程票价多目标优化模型.引入集群智能多目标优化算法求解,并应用于Mandl 标准公交线网.研究发现:以线路里程为标准,差异化计程票制可以有效降低出行成本;依据帕累托最优解调节票价,可以促进出行者选择行为向优势均衡转移.  相似文献   
Roughly 90% of all natural vibrations have epicenters in offshore zones and may cause destruction of submarine and floating structures. Such excitations can influence the safe performance of facilities set up on the seabed, like tunnels, jacket legs and subsea oil pipelines. Some researches on this theme have been carried out to demonstrate the importance of seaquake analyses and their effects have been underlined. The present study intends to numerically simulate a two-dimensional fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problem in order to examine the dynamic response of submarine tunnel under real horizontal earthquakes. Pressure is considered as independent nodal variables to represent the fluid flow effects and the induced time-dependent acceleration in porous medium equation is incorporated in the analysis and the tunnel shell is considered as flexible. This work highlights the importance of the input ground motion frequency content that governs the development of the induced seismic stress/strain around the lining of the tunnel. The results demonstrate that for deep sea the increment rate of the circumferential stress caused by surface gravity waves is below 7% when compared to the no-wave interface condition. Moreover, it is confirmed that long-period record may amplify the overall response of the system (up to 60%) specially the lateral and vertical displacements, as well as the principal stress to a lesser extent. The developed numerical model can attend to further analysis of tunnels embedded in a half-space in conjunction with fluid undergoing the severe long-period earthquakes.  相似文献   
地下结构地震反应分析需考虑结构-地基的动力相互作用,其中场地土层的自由场反应分析是确定地震输入的关键问题。以往地下工程实例表明,在结构动力时程计算中,能否有效模拟无限地基边界对结构抗震分析有很大的影响。基于某地下综合体项目进行抗震评估,采用黏弹性人工边界模拟自由场震动响应,克服工程中传统分析里不能模拟场地无限域的缺点。为地下结构的动力时程分析提供可靠数值依据。  相似文献   
A time-marching CFD simulation is performed for self-propelling ships. The flow about the hull is simulated by the finite-volume method, and the propeller action is approximated as a propeller disk for which the solution is given by a simplified propeller model. The interaction of two flow models is treated in a time-marching procedure converging towards the steady self-propelling condition. This method is applied to five tanker models, and detailed comparisons are made between the simulated results and corresponding experimental results. It is shown that the flow field in the self-propelling condition is qualitatively well reproduced in the simulation, and the estimated thrust deduction factors for the five hull forms agree well with measured ones. However, the effective wake factors are underestimated, since the Reynolds number in the simulations differs from that in the experiment.  相似文献   
根据轮轨相互作用机理,建立安装新型钢轨焊缝保护装置后钢轨焊缝处的车辆—轨道耦合动力学模型,对此处的轮轨垂向力、脱轨系数、轮重减载率等轮轨动力学指标进行仿真计算,并分别与采用鼓包鱼尾板和没有焊缝保护装置时进行对比,研究采用新型钢轨焊缝保护装置时焊缝处的轮轨动力学特性。对比分析结果表明:采用新型钢轨焊缝保护装置后,轮轨垂向力降幅分别为1.28%和4.63%,脱轨系数降幅分别为1.49%和2.94%,轮重减载率降幅分别为3.41%和7.68%;新型钢轨焊缝保护装置在各速度条件下均能够有效地减小焊缝振动和动态受力。由此可见,采用新型钢轨焊缝保护装置,可消除打螺栓孔带来的安全隐患,有效减小焊缝处的动力响应,加强焊缝处的轨道结构整体性。现场动态测试结果进一步验证了新型钢轨焊缝保护装置结构的合理性。  相似文献   
针对我国高速铁路轮轨关系中钢轨磨耗小、车轮存在凹磨和多边形磨耗、车轮镟修周期短和维护成本高等问题,从轮轨硬度匹配角度,开展轮轨材质硬度摩擦磨损小比例试验、现场轮轨磨损规律测试试验、轮轨磨耗仿真计算等研究,对轮轨硬度匹配指标和方案进行探讨。研究结果表明,轮轨硬度比控制在1.00∶1.00以上,可有效减小车轮磨耗;提高车轮硬度,可抑制和减缓多边形磨耗的产生。建议适当提高我国应用车轮的硬度,推广我国自主研发的强韧性兼备高硬度车轮,延长车轮镟修周期,节约养护维修成本。  相似文献   
设备基础通常要承受较大的动力荷载作用,但其振幅响应又不能过大。以某地铁线路大型风机为例,基础设计时考虑了5种方案。通过采用大型有限元计算软件Ansys建立各种方案的有限元模型,同时考虑土-结构间的相互作用,进行多种土层参数情况下的动力特性及谐响应分析。通过对比基本方案的振幅计算结果与实测结果,证明了该分析方法的准确性。总结出了类似工程基础设计时较为经济有效的优化方向及优化原则。  相似文献   
针对桩承式路堤,分别建立二维和三维离散元分析模型,开展土拱形成过程数值模拟。从细观角度研究不同路堤高度条件下桩承式路堤土拱形态和荷载传递机制,获得土拱效应充分发挥条件下的土体沉降模式,其模式呈现为椭圆形拱状。二维分析结果表明,当路堤填土高度达到一定值时,其高度约为0.8倍桩净距。由于二维土拱模型只能反映一个截面上的土拱效应,因而高估了路堤荷载传递效率。相比二维Trapdoor分析结果,三维条件下土拱效应充分发挥时所需的桩-土差异沉降更大,桩顶和桩间土压力随差异沉降的变化速率更慢,荷载传递效率更低且受填土高度影响更高。  相似文献   
对于临近既有隧道新建小间距隧道而言,由于两洞之间的相互影响,围岩及衬砌结构受力比较复杂,施工过程中的现场监控量测显得尤为重要,这既是对既有隧道结构安全性的检测,也是对新建隧道施工的妥当性以及加固措施有效性的评价。针对包西铁路通道新宝塔山施工中洞周收敛、拱顶下沉、围岩压力、喷射混凝土应力及钢架应力等进行了监控量测,确保施工的顺利进行。  相似文献   
随着世界高速铁路的快速发展,高速铁路轨道检测技术已突破传统的轨道几何检测,朝着综合检测的方向发展。结合安装在我国新一代高速综合检测列车CRH380B-002的轮轨力检测系统在高速铁路轨道检测中的实际应用情况,介绍了我国在高速铁路轨道综合检测领域的最新研究进展———基于轮轨力测量的高速铁路轨道检测技术,并提出了一种基于轮轨力测量的高速铁路轨道状态评判方法。基于轮轨力测量的轨道检测技术通过安装在固定车辆(一般为轨道检查车)的连续测量测力轮对测量轮轨之间的相互作用力,从对车辆运行安全性和轨道疲劳寿命影响的角度对轨道状态进行检测,指导轨道日常养护。该技术是高速铁路轨道综合检测的重要组成部分,是对传统轨道几何检测的有效补充和完善,它的投入运用将更好的保障高速铁路的安全运营。  相似文献   
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