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Recycling of aluminum alloy scrap obtained from delaminated fibre metal laminates (FMLs) was studied through high temperature refining in the presence of a salt flux. The aluminum alloy scrap contains approximately mass fraction w(Cu) = 4.4%, w(Mg) = 1.1% and w(Mn) = 0.6% (2024 aluminum alloy). The main objective of this research is to obtain a high metal yield, while maintaining its original alloy compositions. The work focuses on the metal yield and quality of recycled Al alloy under different refining conditions. The NaCl-KCl salt system was selected as the major components of flux in the Al alloy recycling. Two different flux compositions were employed at NaCl to KCl mass ratios of 44:56 and 70:30 respectively, based on either the eutectic composition, or the European preference. Different additives were introduced into the NaCl-KCl system to study the effect of flux component on recycling result. Although burning and oxidation loss of the alloying elements during re-melting and refining take place as the drawbacks of conventional refining process, the problems can be solved to a large extent by using an appropriate salt flux. Experimental results indicate that Mg in the alloy gets lost when adding cryolite in the NaCl-KCl salt system, though the metal yield can reach as high as 98%. However, by adding w(MgF2) = 5% into the NaCl-KCl salt system (instead of using cryolite) all alloying elements were well controlled to its original composition with a metal yield of almost 98%.  相似文献   
周骏  黄祥  魏强 《路基工程》2018,(5):80-84
通过直剪试验对不同级配轮胎颗粒的抗剪强度进行了测试,分析了颗粒剪切强度与剪切位移的关系,提出了颗粒抗剪强度特性衡量指标,建立了颗粒抗剪强度库伦预测公式,选出了代表性的颗粒级配。通过向土体中加入不同掺量的轮胎颗粒研究其掺量对黏土抗剪强度的影响,结果表明:在纯轮胎颗粒的直剪试验中,随着橡胶颗粒粒径的增加其黏聚力和内摩擦角有增大的趋势,黏聚力增加比较明显;在向土中掺入轮胎颗粒的直剪试验中,随着橡胶颗粒掺入量的增加,其黏聚力有先增加后减小的趋势,内摩擦角有增大趋势。当颗粒的掺入比为50%时其抗剪强度最优。  相似文献   
介绍了沥青路面现场加热回收的几种方式.并进行一定的探讨与比较,特别是对微波技术的应用进行了分析。  相似文献   
日产轿车的电气系统采用蓄电池与发电机并联供电方式,当发动机不工作或在怠速时由蓄电池供电,当发动机高速运转时,由发电机供电,当电负荷较小时,发电机还向蓄电池充电,当用电负荷较大时,则由发电机与蓄电池共同供电。  相似文献   
故障现象 一辆红旗轿车高速行驶时,车内先是闻到一股异味,之后不久发动机熄火,再次起动时,起动机无反应,检查蓄电池严重亏电并且发烫。  相似文献   
该从电动助力车用阀控式铅酸蓄电池目前存在的问题出发,讨论了电动助力车用VRLA电池常见的失效模式,并从电池设计角度对避免上述问题的方法进行了探讨。正极板栅合金、负极添加剂、适当的正负极活性物质配比以及其他因素是影响电动助力车用VRLA电池性能的关键。  相似文献   
白学兵 《摩托车》2003,(12):26-27
忠实可靠的“老马” 1985年秋,我在父亲书桌上无意看到了几本《摩托车》杂志,一口气翻完了又细看两遍,《摩托车》一下子把我带入了一个摩托车的全新境界。什么日本的本田、雅马哈、铃木、川崎四大品牌摩托啦,德国的宝马、法国的比摩塔、美国的哈利戴维森啦,新  相似文献   
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