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The China Shipping Prosperity Index (CSPI) for the third quarter has climbed 15 points from the second quarter to 101.7 points, back to positive territory, which is above 100 points, according to the latest report form Shanghai International Shipping Institute (SISI). This is the first time since the third quarter of 2011 that the CSPI returned to above the critical level. In the past two years, withering trade and overcapacity pushed the Chinese shipping industry down to a historical bottom. In the third quarter of 2012, when the CSPI fell to only 78 points, about 60 per cent of carriers in China suffered severe loss. Since the second quarter of this year, the Chinese government's policies to secure growth have taken effect and spurred an obvious growth in the country's investments and exports, which brought hope to the shipping market. The Baltic Dry Index has risen to over 2,100 points by far, a sharp increase of 180 per cent from the beginning of this year. The index surged nearly 80 per cent in September. The container shipping industry also shares the general improvement of the market. Since July, there have been several attempts to introduce rate increase. The spot rate from Shanghai to Europe was once more than doubled. Part of the carriers might be able to reverse their loss in the third quarter. However, the recovery might not be sustainable, as China is very likely to be able to meet the GDP target of 7.5 per cent growth and there will not be further policies to boost domestic economy. Meanwhile, the rebound of rates has stimulated deployment of new tonnage. Statistics show, capacity on Asia-Europe lane grew about three per cent in September but demand is not stable. The supply-demand imbalance caused a decrease of over US$100 per TEU in the container shipping rates in the last week of September.SISl's report estimated that the CSPI in the fourth quarter will be 99.56 points, falling again below the critical level. In face of such challenges,  相似文献   
The present international system, balanced and imbalanced
Under the background of the thorough development of world multi-polarization and economic globalization, the structural changes are continuous and the intemational pattem adjustment is profoundly. Balance is relative and imbalance is absolute. The current pattem of international imbalances show both the economic frictions between countries, territorial or resources disputes and security interests and turf wars, and the country's economic model, the competition between different value orientation and shock. Balanced and unbalanced situation of the international pattem is mainly reflected in four aspects: First, the overall world economy moves towards equilibrium but not synchronous development and asymmetric performance,  相似文献   
走进2008,我们带着期盼和欣喜;走进2008,我们经历了担忧和喜悦,经历了愤慨和伤痛;走进2008,我们深刻感受了团结的力量如此巨大;走进2008,“多难兴邦”又一次在耳畔回响……我们经历的喜怒哀乐,在这一年是如此紧密地与整个人类、我们的国家和民族贴近。共同的忧虑、共同的喜悦、共同的愤慨、共同的悲哀、共同的口号,一向内敛的炎黄子孙如此强烈地表达着同一份情感,不掩饰、不做作,令世界刮目相看。  相似文献   
为了适应我国信息化建设的需要,扩大本刊及作者知识信息交流渠道,实现期刊编辑、出版工作的网络化,本刊已加入《中国期刊网》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》全文数据库、《万方数据——数字化期刊群》和《中国科技期刊数据库》,所以,向本刊投稿并录用的稿体文章,其作者  相似文献   
丁德武,版画家。恢复高考后首届“浙美”版画系毕业,后分至《人民警察》杂志社任美术编辑,副编审。。作品多次获奖。他分别在上海展览中心、汉源书店和半岛版画艺术中心举办过三次个展。出版个人画集三本:《刀韵土风》、《同窗》和《永远的陶行知》。  相似文献   
各位好。执笔思付良久,细细算来从最初接触贵刊至今已一年有余了,可以说我是《车时代》的忠实读者。总想谈谈我对贵刊的一些微不足道的捉襟之见。由于工作之因,一直未能如愿,恰逢新春佳节即将来到,闲暇之余,终于能抽出时间聊聊我对《车时代》的想法。  相似文献   
结论又称结束语、结语。它是在理论分析和实验验证的基础上,通过严密的逻辑推理而得出的富有创造性、指导性、经验性的结果描述。它又以自身的条理性、明确性、客观性反映了论文或研究成果的价值。结论与引言相呼应,同摘要一样,其作用是便于读者阅读和为二次文献提供依据。  相似文献   
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