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在2006年日内瓦摩托车展上,瑞士展出了一辆价值54万欧元的超级摩托车,它就是2006 Acadion GTBO.该车为全封闭式,流线型光滑的车身,飞机般的尾翼和透明驾驶舱,以及为保证平稳停车而设计的两只后边轮也如同飞机的起落架.  相似文献   
Peter 《世界汽车》2007,(1):66-67
在大众旗下拥有最顶尖动力地位的“R”系列,继推出震惊全球”钢炮界”的GolfR32后.更于11月17日发表第二款R字头性能劲驹——PassatR361而PassatR36推出后.不仅荣登Passat车系的最快宝座.更一举拿下大众有史以来最劲猛的旅行轿车名号。  相似文献   
This study investigates drivers' diversion decision behavior under expressway variable message signs that provide travel time of both an expressway route and a local street route. Both a conventional cross-sectional logit model and a mixed logit model are developed to model drivers' response to travel time information. It is based on the data collected from a stated preference survey in Shanghai, China. The mixed logit model captures the heterogeneity in the value of "travel time" and "number of traffic lights" and accounts for correlations among repeated choices of the same respondent. Results show that travel time saving and driving experience serve as positive factors, while the number of traffic lights on the arterial road, expressway use frequency, being a middle-aged driver, and being a driver of an employer-provided car serve as negative factors in diversion. The mixed logit model obviously outperforms the cross-sectional model in dealing with repeated choices and capturing heterogeneity regarding the goodness-of-fit criterion. The significance of standard deviations of random coefficients for travel time and number of traffic lights evidences the existence of hetero- geneity in the driver population. The findings of this study have implications for future efforts in driver behaviormodeling and advanced traveler information system assessment.  相似文献   
高德发布了第二季度的城市交通报告,以“拥堵延时指数”为基础建立数据体系。拥堵延时指数=交通拥堵通过的旅行时间/自由流通过的旅行时间,拥堵延时指数越高表示拥堵越严重。报告显示,第二季度全国重点城市拥堵排名上海居首,上海、杭州、北京、重庆、深圳、广州、福州、沈阳、成都、济南成为最拥堵的前十个城市。  相似文献   
孟岩 《运输车辆》2014,(16):16-17
随着社会经济的快速发展,国内机场建设规模不断扩大,给飞机牵引车带来了良好的发展前景。本文对其进行简要分析。飞机牵引车的用途主要有将飞机推离机场廊桥、推上飞机跑道、将飞机推入维修场地等,在特殊情况下,也可以利用飞机牵引车的自质量,作为应急牵引车辆使用。  相似文献   
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