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为了提高轨道车轮的结构性能, 利用渐进结构拓扑优化方法(ESO)建立了轨道车轮的结构优化模型; 以双S型轨道车轮为设计蓝本, 分析了轨道车轮的辐板设计域, 提出了轨道车轮在多工况作用下的渐进结构拓扑优化方法; 介绍了利用渐进结构拓扑优化方法实现结构应力均匀化的优化思路; 根据《整体车轮技术检验》(UIC 510-5:2003)标准, 分别考虑了轨道车轮在直线工况、曲线工况和道岔通过工况, 不仅获得这3种典型工况共同作用下的拓扑优化结构, 而且还获得了3种典型工况依次作用下的6种拓扑结构; 对比了优化前后车轮辐板的应力, 并利用有限元工具验证了优化后车轮的辐板应力特性, 证明渐进结构拓扑优化方法的正确性和有效性。研究结果表明: 利用渐进结构拓扑优化方法对轨道车轮的拓扑优化是适用的; 在车轮质量不增加的前提下, 优化后车轮辐板的厚度增加且不等厚, 有效地减小应力集中, 降低结构应力; 对比原双S型车轮, 优化后6种车轮模型的结构性能均有所提升, 分别提高了16.6%、20.7%、22.5%、21.3%、20.1%和19.5%, 其中, 方案3的优化车轮在3种工况下辐板处的最大结构应力分别降低了4.0%、14.5%和6.7%。研究有助于轨道车轮结构强度的提高, 并对多工况耦合作用下轨道车轮结构优化具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
改进了车轮型面设计方法, 给出了设计方法的解析数学表达式, 将轮对等效锥度与轮轨型面接触状态联系起来, 对设计实例进行了轮轨几何接触、非赫兹滚动接触和车辆动力学性能分析。研究结果表明: 轮轨接触点能够均匀分散分布; 由于接触斑面积增大约23%, 最大接触压力降低约21%, 使轮轨滚动接触应力降低了约20%;装备实例型面的车辆临界速度与LMA型面几乎相同, 由于轮对等效锥度略有提高使其曲线通过性能略好于后者。可见, 该方法可以改善轮轨接触状态, 有利于轮轨型面均匀磨耗及缓解轮轨滚动接触疲劳。  相似文献   
对多孔沥青混凝土的大空隙结构及其高温多雨的应用环境,指出常规的高温稳定性或水稳定性等指标的单一性,进而提出评价其在水-高温综合作用下的路用性能.借助汉堡浸水车辙仪,对相同原材料、不同级配的多孔沥青混凝土进行试验研究,并与AC-13改性沥青混凝土和SMA-13的试验结果进行分析对比.结果表明,汉堡浸水车辙试验既考虑了水-...  相似文献   
车轮影响着整个汽车的外流场特性,车体周围的流场由于旋转车轮的存在而复杂化。通过对带有车轮的汽车模型进行数值模拟计算.比较无车轮、静止车轮和旋转车轮的计算结果,得到旋转车轮对汽车的尾涡结构、气动阻力和气动升力有重要影响。车轮在汽车外部复杂流场的数值计算中不能被忽略。  相似文献   
The paper presents an anti-lock braking system (ABS) control logic based on the measurement of the longitudinal forces at the hub bearings. The availability of force information allows to design a logic that does not rely on the estimation of the tyre–road friction coefficient, since it continuously tries to exploit the maximum longitudinal tyre force.

The logic is designed by means of computer simulation and then tested on a specific hardware in the loop test bench: the experimental results confirm that measured wheel force can lead to a significant improvement of the ABS performances in terms of stopping distance also in the presence of road with variable friction coefficient.  相似文献   
The hunting motion of a passenger coach is investigated using a multibody system in which the wheelsets and the rails can be modelled as flexible bodies. By comparing the results for different model variants, in which the structural flexibilities of the wheelsets and of the rails are either taken into account or neglected, the impact of the flexibilities is analysed. It turns out that the flexibilities of both the wheelsets and the rails have a significant impact on the hunting behaviour by increasing the lateral motions of the wheelsets and lowering the critical speed. In order to investigate the impact of the flexibilities under different operating conditions, the calculations are carried out for track geometries using different rail profiles (60E1, 60E2) and different rail cants (1:40, 1:20) and for different values for the friction coefficient (0.25…0.4) at the wheel–rail contact. The results show that the influence of the flexibilities is the strongest for high lateral forces, which occur e.g. for contact geometries leading to high hunting frequencies and for high values of the friction coefficient. The results also show in some cases a strong impact of the flexibilities on the position of the wheel–rail contact on the running surface of the rail, which is of particular interest with respect to wear simulation.  相似文献   
低动力作用货车转向架动力性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨低动力作用货车转向架的原理及其动力性能的计算和评估方法。首先定义9项指标,作为衡量车辆对轨道动力作用的标准。然后研究这些指标的诸因素。在此基础上总结出实现低动力作用的基本途径。本文还应用这些研究成果,提出4种低动力作用货车转向架的设计方案,并通过数值计算,同国内、外主型货车转向架对比,从而论证其在我国铁路采用的可行性。  相似文献   
A range of tangential forces is generated within the contact patch when a wheelset moves on the rail. These forces are intensified when incorporating curved tracks and motored axle rail vehicles [Arrus, P., de Pater, A.D. and Meyers, P., 2002, The stationary motion of a one-axle vehicle along a circular curve with real rail and wheel profiles. Vehicle System Dynamics, 37(1), 29–58]. The wheelset is subject to flange contact if an unbalanced force remains in a curve towards the high rail gauge face. The resultant force in the transverse direction includes the lateral force, the radial force, and the creep forces in addition to the effect of the frequent wheelset displacement due to the kinematic oscillation [Iwnicki, S., 2003, Simulation of wheel–rail contact forces. Fatigue Fracture Engineering Material Structure, 26, 887–900]. This article has focused on a potential variation in some of the forces cited when the wheelset is subject to backward and forward movements. A severe wear rate observed within the wheel flange region in Iranian Railways was investigated by operating a test bogie on a curvaceous track. An obvious improvement in the wear rate and wear pattern of the wheels was attained when the second test bogie encountered a bogie direction reversal procedure. This enhancement is considered in this article from the force analysis standpoint.  相似文献   
The maximum principal stresses, von Mises effective stresses and principal facet stresses at the time of creep rupture were compared in uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial stress states for AZ31 magnesium alloy. The creep rupture of this alloy was experimentally controlled by cavitation, which was the result of a low damage tolerance, λ. Creep deformation could be correlated with the von Mises effective stress parameter. The failure-mechanism control parameter governing the stress state coincided with the experimental results of the rupture of the materials under multiaxial stress states. Finally, the theoretical prediction based on constrained cavity growth and continuous nucleation agreed with the experimental rupture data to within a factor of three.  相似文献   
The coupled vehicle/track dynamic model with the flexible wheel set was developed to investigate the effects of polygonal wear on the dynamic stresses of the wheel set axle. In the model, the railway vehicle was modelled by the rigid multibody dynamics. The wheel set was established by the finite element method to analyse the high-frequency oscillation and dynamic stress of wheel set axle induced by the polygonal wear based on the modal stress recovery method. The slab track model was taken into account in which the rail was described by the Timoshenko beam and the three-dimensional solid finite element was employed to establish the concrete slab. Furthermore, the modal superposition method was adopted to calculate the dynamic response of the track. The wheel/rail normal forces and the tangent forces were, respectively, determined by the Hertz nonlinear contact theory and the Shen–Hedrick–Elkins model. Using the coupled vehicle/track dynamic model, the dynamic stresses of wheel set axle with consideration of the ideal polygonal wear and measured polygonal wear were investigated. The results show that the amplitude of wheel/rail normal forces and the dynamic stress of wheel set axle increase as the vehicle speeds rise. Moreover, the impact loads induced by the polygonal wear could excite the resonance of wheel set axle. In the resonance region, the amplitude of the dynamic stress for the wheel set axle would increase considerably comparing with the normal conditions.  相似文献   
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