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北京地铁5号线运营对轨道交通客流预测的启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对北京地铁5号线运营实际客流与预测客流的差异进行对比,理论联系实际,分析轨道交通客流预测存在的问题及原因,提出从宏观把握城市用地规划、依据实际调查修正预测参数、构造高峰小时矩阵、通过网络进行客流预测时需做好敏感性分析等建议。  相似文献   
结合北京轨道交通新机场线一期工程磁各庄车辆段上盖物业开发工程,阐述该工程车辆段轨道振动与噪声特点,对车辆段库内、库外不同区域分别采取了相应的减振降噪措施。在采用车辆段轨道减振降噪成熟技术(在咽喉区碎石道床铺设高效减振垫,咽喉区小半径曲线设置阻尼钢轨)的基础上,研发了适用于车辆段库内无缝线路的50 kg/m钢轨冻结接头夹板,采用夹板与高强螺栓联结钢轨,使轨端密贴,实现了库内无缝化;研发了适用于库内50 kg/m钢轨的高等级减振扣件(减振效果大于8 dB)。该设计降低了上盖物业开发减振降噪措施的前期投入,为今后轨道交通上盖物业开发轨道减振降噪设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   
北京轨道交通新机场线一期工程设计速度为160 km/h,突破了既有城市轨道交通规范规定的速度范畴,既有的轨道系统结构形式已无法满足本工程高速行车的需求。同时,本工程还存在通过地段人工地物复杂多样、人员疏散性要求高、建设工期紧张等问题,给轨道系统设计带来了诸多挑战。在没有设计先例、没有规范遵循的情况下,采用"城际"标准与"地铁"标准相结合的设计思路与方法,设计了适用于不同地段的轨道系统结构形式,提出了基于轨面平顺性控制的成套技术方案。北京新机场线的成功开通运营表明,采用"城际+地铁"相结合的方法可解决更高速度下城市轨道交通轨道系统结构的高稳定性、高平顺性等设计问题。该设计思路与方法可为今后城市轨道交通类似线路提供设计范例,同时也为市域快线及市郊铁路轨道系统设计提供了新思路。  相似文献   
北京新机场线是我国首条时速160 km的地铁线路。为保证前期城市轨道交通的运营要求,并为中后期运量提升提供技术支持,按照城际铁路动车所设计标准选用了9号道岔。国铁50 kg/m钢轨9号道岔尖轨跟端为活接头式,容易产生病害且难以整治,为此研发了新型道岔。新道岔转辙器采用弹性可弯式尖轨,彻底消除了活接头病害;同时,对辙叉跟端进行了优化(采用夹板连接),选用33kg/m槽型护轨,基本轨内侧采用弹性扣压,提高了车辆段道岔的通过速度(侧向通过速度由25 km/h提高到35 km/h),保证了道岔功能要求。  相似文献   
In the past decade, many studies have explored the relationship between travelers’ travel mode and their trip satisfaction. Various characteristics of the chosen travel modes have been found to influence trip experiences; however, apart from the chosen modes, travelers’ variability in mode use and their ability to vary have not been investigated in the trip satisfaction literature. This current paper presents an analysis of commuting trip satisfaction in Beijing with a particular focus on the influence of commuters’ multimodal behavior on multiple workdays and their modal flexibility for each commuting trip. Consistent with previous studies, we find that commuting trips by active modes are the most satisfying, followed by trips by car and public transport. In Beijing, public transport dominates. Urban residents increasingly acquire automobiles, but a strict vehicle policy has been implemented to restrict the use of private cars on workdays. In this comparatively constrained context for transport mode choice, we find a significant portion of commuters showing multimodal behavior. We also find that multimodal commuters tend to feel less satisfied with trips by alternative modes compared with monomodal commuters, which is probably related to their undesirable deviation from habitual transport modes. Furthermore, the relationship between modal flexibility and trip satisfaction is not linear, but U-shaped. Commuters with high flexibility are generally most satisfied because there is a higher possibility for them to choose their mode of transport out of preference. Very inflexible commuters can also reach a relatively high satisfaction level, however, which is probably caused by their lower expectations beforehand and the fact that they did not have an alternative to regret in trip satisfaction assessments.  相似文献   
In the process of rapid development and urbanization in Beijing, identifying the potential factors of carbon emissions in the transportation sector is an important prerequisite to controlling carbon emissions. Based on the expanded Kaya identity, we built a multivariate generalized Fisher index (GFI) decomposition model to measure the influence of the energy structure, energy intensity, output value of per unit traffic turnover, transportation intensity, economic growth and population size on carbon emissions from 1995 to 2012 in the transportation sector of Beijing. Compared to most methods used in previous studies, the GFI model possesses the advantage of eliminating decomposition residuals, which enables it to display better decomposition characteristics (Ang et al., 2004). The results show: (i) The primary positive drivers of carbon emissions in the transportation sector include the economic growth, energy intensity and population size. The cumulative contribution of economic growth to transportation carbon emissions reaches 334.5%. (ii) The negative drivers are the transportation intensity and energy structure, while the transportation intensity is the main factor that restrains transportation carbon emissions. The energy structure displays a certain inhibition effect, but its inhibition is not obvious. (iii) The contribution rate of the output value of per unit traffic turnover on transportation carbon emissions appears as a flat “M”. To suppress the growth of carbon emissions in transportation further, the government of Beijing should take the measures of promoting the development of new energy vehicles, limiting private vehicles’ increase and promoting public transportation, evacuating non-core functions of Beijing and continuingly controlling population size.  相似文献   
在北京轨道交通建设快速发展的十多年中,由于建设标准化体系不完备而造成的工程问题频繁出现,并且各线路建设方案也有差别,致使北京地铁建设呈现多样化的局面,不利于线网的建设发展.对目前工程设计现状进行分析,并对技术标准的需求进行调研,指出北京轨道交通有必要建立满足自己网络建设的标准化体系,提高生产效率和工程质量 标准化体系建立首先应以提高网络化建设技术水平为目标,颁布相应的管理办法,明确实施主体,开展标准化技术文件的编制、发布、更新和补充,同时建立监督审查机构,落实标准化在工程中的实施情况技术文件应涵盖地铁、轻轨、单轨、有轨电车等工程项目领域,应以不降低创新水平、不影响建设效率为主要原则,突出网络标准化的实效性和长效性建立标准化体系应在充分总结既往地铁设计、建设和运营经验教训的基础上,落实顶层设计理念,建立管理体系、技术文件体系和健全的审查机制,促进和提升工程整体水平.  相似文献   
随着社会经济的快速发展,北京市居民出行需求日益增长,机动车辆拥有量也随之迅猛上升。北京市1986年和2000年的居民出行调查结果表明,在过去的15年内,居民交通出行模式发生了变化,公交出行比例比原来略有减少,主要的变化是原来的自行车出行这部分中,有很大一部分转变为机动车出行。本文通过对类似规模的几个国际大都市交通出行结构演变过程的回顾,找出其关键之处在于采用政策策略促使居民出行选择有利于城市可持续发展模式;根据广泛调查和专家资讯,确定了一个北京城市交通出行各种方式的合理比例,作为发展目标;并参考发达国家和一些快速发展的国家和城市的经验,提出了达到这个目标的对策和策略。  相似文献   
国产化北京地铁车辆的粘着控制   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
针对北京地铁车辆对粘着利用提出的较高要求,提出了通过对粘着特性曲线斜率的判别和控制来实现最佳粘着利用的基于相位法的粘着控制方案,并阐述了它的基本原理。现场试验结果验证了控制方案的有效性。  相似文献   
太阳能作为一种清洁、安全、资源广泛的能源,已经日益受到重视,并在多个领域得到应用。此文介绍了北京南站工程太阳能与建筑一体化设计的过程,论证利用太阳能发电的可行性,并结合绿色奥运主题,就晶体硅、非晶硅及铜锢镓硒电池板方案进行比选。此外,还结合国外大型车站应用太阳能与建筑一体化的案例,从建筑设计角度,分析了何种电池板更适合北京南站,电池板的应用部位及构造设计等。  相似文献   
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