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为准确估算管线敷设与风机室内气流相互作用对压降损失的影响,基于武汉市江夏区谭鑫培路地下综合管廊项目建立典型数值分析模型与分析流程。通过建立典型管线布置的GIL舱、高压舱与综合舱的计算流体动力学三维模型,分别对入口段与稳定段进行分析,并使用循环边界条件来考虑稳定段流体的充分发展,得到阻力系数随流量的变化规律;通过建立GIL舱典型排风口三维模型,分析风机室中不同风机的压降损失,并与规范估算值进行比较。研究结果表明: 管线敷设对压降损失的影响不可忽视;风机室风机相互作用显著,规范不能准确估算该相互作用导致的压降损失。  相似文献   
为探究地下交通转换平台内通风系统的合理布局,采用比尺模型试验和CFD模拟相结合的方法,研究射流风机和通风组织对地下交通转换平台内气流运动的影响。结果表明: 1)当联络通道内风机射流朝向敞开段时,为使风机升压系数Kj最大,630 mm、900 mm、1 120 mm射流风机的布设位置应距离敞开段分别大于40、50、65 m; 2)大口径射流风机具有更大的Kj,但占用的断面空间更大,且射流诱导段更长,应根据联络通道长度和高度合理选择射流风机口径; 3)地下交通转换平台的通风组织不宜采用同侧开启方式,采用对角抽吸方式时,联络通道内的污染物混入比最低、通风效率最高。  相似文献   
Ports and cities are intrinsically linked. Port city, which serves as a link between the local and global economy, is an integration of both urban and port systems. Constrained by different regional structures, port cities have developed various formulations over time. Using a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach, this paper proposes a new method for measuring the sustainable development of different port city systems. While the previous empirical studies often separate the port system and the urban system, this paper assesses the two systems in an integrated way. Moreover, this paper develops a systematic methodology for measurement of sustainability. Twenty world-leading container port cities are selected for this study using contemporary data. The DEA results display their relative differences in levels of sustainable development, which reveal the effectiveness of the prevailing policies in them. Eventually, recommendations are drawn for other port cities by referring to the best practices.  相似文献   
In this paper, airline energy efficiency is divided into three stages: the operations stage, the services stage and the sales stage. Greenhouse gas emissions are treated as an undesirable output of the services stage. This new three-stage strategic operating framework is a modification of existing models. A new model, Virtual Frontier Network Range Adjusted Measure with weak disposability, is proposed to evaluate the efficiencies of 22 international airlines, from 2008 to 2012. The results show that the new model can establish more reasonable rankings and confirm new benchmarking airlines and that inclusion in the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme has had little influence on the improvement of airline energy efficiency.  相似文献   
This paper proposes simple and direct formulation and algorithms for the probit-based stochastic user equilibrium traffic assignment problem. It is only necessary to account for random variables independent of link flows by performing a simple transformation of the perceived link travel time with a normal distribution. At every iteration of a Monte-Carlo simulation procedure, the values of the random variables are sampled based on their probability distributions, and then a regular deterministic user equilibrium assignment is carried out to produce link flows. The link flows produced at each iteration of the Monte-Carlo simulation are averaged to yield the final flow pattern. Two test networks demonstrate that the proposed algorithms and the traditional algorithm (the Method of Successive Averages) produce similar results and that the proposed algorithms can be extended to the computation of the case in which the random error term depends on measured travel time.  相似文献   
Users’ loyalty to public transit service is fundamental to promote its popularity in the transportation market. A four-step analytical framework is advanced to investigate the importance of service attributes that heterogeneous transit user segments place on their public transit service loyalty, measured in terms of overall satisfaction and re-use intention. Critical service attributes perceived by transit users that are relevant for loyalty enhancement are explicitly determined, which vary between user segments. It is suggested that the design of strategies aimed to promote the use of public transit by increasing user loyalty towards transit service be targeted at specific attributes that contribute most to loyalty and specific user segments whose original loyalty level is significantly different to others.  相似文献   
为了降低埋地管道腐蚀影响因素之间的复杂相关性,提高腐蚀预测精度,文中提出一种基于自适应免疫遗传算法-加权最小二乘支持向量机(AIGA-WLSSVM)的埋地管道腐蚀速率预测建模方法,并采用AIGA优化模型参数,进一步提高模型的学习能力和稳定性。最后通过实例分析验证了AIGA-WLSSVM建模方法在埋地管道腐蚀速率预测中的可行性和有效性,为埋地管道的检修与更换提供参考。  相似文献   
针对水运工程高桩梁板式桩基码头设计建造过程中存在的构件标准化及装配化程度差、施工效率低等问题,分析装配式桩基码头设计建造应用现状,总结装配式桩基码头结构体系的基本特点、模式及连接方式,提出装配化程度指标构件装配率和体积装配率概念,并根据实际工程案例得出传统高桩码头的装配率指标。  相似文献   
磁流变弹性体是一种新型的智能材料,由微米级的羰基铁粉和聚合物合成.由于它具有弹性模量可调、无需封装、稳定性好、响应快等优点,已被广泛应用于机械振动控制等领域.文中针对船舶推进轴系纵振动力学特性,提出一种固有频率可调的磁流变弹性体动力吸振器用于轴系纵振控制.首先理论分析了安装动力吸振器的推进轴系的动力学模型,其次对动力吸振器进行了移频特性试验,并在1:4的船舶轴系缩比模型上进行了变转速工况下吸振效果试验.实验结果表明,该吸振器具有12.3 Hz的移频范围,并且在不同轴系工作转速下相比于被动式吸振器均有更好的吸振效果.  相似文献   
超声冲击处理(UIT)是一种有效的焊后改善焊接接头疲劳性能的工艺措施,其借助机械撞击和超声振动的共同作用,使焊趾表面产生塑性变形从而引入有益的压缩残余应力。为评价UIT技术对焊接接头残余应力的影响,该文提出了一套新的数值分析方法,包括焊接数值模拟及随后的超声冲击处理过程的动态弹塑性有限元分析。在有限元模型中考虑了实际的工艺参数和超声促成的材料软化效应。以船用高强钢AH36非承载十字焊接接头为研究对象,将预测的超声冲击处理前后的残余应力分布与实验结果进行对比,两者有较好的吻合。在此基础上,探讨了静态预载荷对超声冲击处理态残余应力再分布的影响。  相似文献   
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