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超大型群桩基础承载特性离心模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过18根和64根群桩离心模型试验,获得了荷载~沉降关系曲线、桩身轴力分布,研究了在竖向荷载作用下超大型群桩基础的承载变形特性和群桩效应,分析了桩身轴力分布、桩顶荷载分布等变化规律。  相似文献   
考虑不同加载方式与下翼缘宽度, 对3根带混凝土翼板的圆管翼缘钢-混凝土组合梁进行抗弯性能试验, 分析了试验梁的抗弯承载性能与破坏形态; 基于试验梁的抗弯特征, 推导了组合梁屈服弯矩和极限弯矩简化计算公式。研究结果表明: 试验梁均发生典型的塑性弯曲破坏, 稳定性良好; 达到极限承载力时, 梁端处上翼缘钢管与混凝土翼板相对滑移均小于0.43 mm, 试验梁体现了良好的协同工作性能; 随下翼缘宽度的增加, 试验梁刚度与承载力增大, 对于下翼缘宽度分别为150、260、300 mm的试验梁, 其屈服弯矩的比值为1∶1.44∶1.55, 极限承载力的比值为1∶1.31∶1.40;随着试验梁承受弯矩的增大, 当中性轴上升至混凝土翼板时, 钢管混凝土处于受拉状态, 可不考虑钢管与内填混凝土的套箍效应, 而当塑性中性轴位于上翼缘钢管混凝土内时, 可不计入该套箍作用对极限抗弯承载力的影响, 但其可促进延性的继续发展; 试验梁的位移延性系数均大于3.35, 延性较好; 屈服弯矩、极限弯矩理论计算值与试验值的比值分别为1.02~1.04、0.96~1.03, 吻合良好, 因此, 所出提出的简化理论计算公式简单、可靠。  相似文献   
在上下班高峰期,缩短乘客的上下车时间,更多乘客将会被送达目的地,从而可以提高现有地铁系统的载客能力.现有的国内外研究乘客上下车行为的文献,大多以全部乘客下车为前提进行研究,这与现实生活中只有部分乘客下车的现象不符.因此在社会力模型的基础上加入规定未下车乘客行为的等待模型,在等待模型中,未下车乘客倾向于停留在初始位置.模拟了部分乘客下车行为,并研究了乘客初始位置分布、上下车乘客比例、门的宽度等因素对部分上下车乘客所需上下车时间的影响.结果表明,车门宽度增加23.08%,最多可节约39.7%的上车时间和39.62%的下车时间;随着上下车人数比例不断上升,平均上车时间不断下降,平均下车时间不断上升;通过改变下车乘客初始分布位置,可以将乘客下车时间缩短至原来的72.16%.  相似文献   
Ramp metering has been proven as an effective freeway management strategy; however, the impact of ramp metering on drivers' acceleration behavior has not been fully investigated. A better understanding of acceleration behavior changes with ramp metering is critical to the adequate design of ramp metering facilities. In this study, drivers' speed and acceleration data were collected at two representative metered ramps in Los Angeles, California. The speed and acceleration profiles under meter-on and meter-off scenarios were compared. Statistical results demonstrated that ramp metering affects drivers' acceleration behavior at ramp acceleration lane. It was found that at the metered ramp with short existing acceleration length, the average acceleration rate from ramp meter stop bar to 500 ft downstream under meter-on scenario (4.72 ft./s2) is approximately 40% higher than when meter-off (3.18 ft./s2). The design of acceleration lane length for metered on-ramps should therefore take into account the potential impacts of ramp metering on driver acceleration behavior.  相似文献   
为稳步增强汽车驾驶的安全性,减少安全事故的发生,驾驶人员除了需要具备足够的应急应变能力之外,还需要做好安全行为习惯养成工作,形成良好的驾驶习惯。文章以汽车驾驶员不安全行为作出研究对象,在明确不安全行为表现的基础上,深刻分析影响汽车驾驶人员不安全行为的因素,在此基础上,制定合理的应对策略,旨在引导驾驶人员形成安全行为,以不断提升驾驶员的驾驶能力。  相似文献   
重点分析阐述了信号系统采用CBTC-RF系统下的各种驾驶模式及模式间转换应遵循的原则。  相似文献   
在认知心理学理论背景下,分析了乘客进入地铁地下空间的心理行为及感受。通过地铁导视系统与认知地图的搭建,剖析完善的地铁空间认知元素,并以此为设计对象,对地铁导视系统中乘客方向感缺失等问题作出一些具体分析与优化。  相似文献   
Alcohol induces many traffic accidents. Recently, the number of incidences of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUIA) has decreased in Japan; however, the number of drink-driving situations remains constant. Toughening the penalty has not been a particularly effective method for reducing the number of DUIAs. To reduce accidents resulting from DUIA, an approach other than sanctions may be necessary. Alcohol impairs attentional control for simple tasks and increases the propensity for risk-taking behavior; these are the major perils of DUIA. There are many risk factors for DUIA, including area, time, personal traits, the use of other substances, and alcohol use disorder. Each individual has a different risk factor for drink-driving, so it is important to provide more education for individuals and interventions for alcohol usage according to each risk factor.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate Thai motorcyclists' traffic risk behavior and their perceptions of it, information of value in the design and implementation of public health policies and campaigns for the reduction of road injuries. Data was collected by a self-administered questionnaire completed by 399 motorcyclists in Muang Krabi district, Krabi province, Thailand. The questionnaire focused on the respondents' perceptions of general traffic risks and the specific risks at 3 identified hazardous sites. The results of the survey indicated that the correct fastening of helmet straps had a relationship with responsible traffic risk perceptions.  相似文献   
对于钢—混凝土组合结构而言,其两者的有效结合和共同受力是关键。以某座刚架系杆拱桥钢—混凝土接头为对象进行了研究,作为整个桥梁的关键构造,其计算理论是否符合实际及合理显得尤为重要。文章采用解析的方法,考虑了基于三角形反力分布和矩形反力分布两种埋入式接头模式,并在矩形反力分布模式中考虑了钢—混凝土粘结力的影响。将两种计算模式的结果及是否考虑钢—混凝土粘结力计算的结果进行了比较。结果表明:具有类似工程背景的混合拱桥钢—混凝土接头可以采用设结合段的埋入式接头理论进行设计与分析,是否考虑钢—混凝土粘结力对计算结果有较大的影响。  相似文献   
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