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铁道车辆减速顶是一种不需要外部能源、能自动控制车辆溜放速度的液压设备,在国内外编组站已得到广泛应用。TB/T2460—2009《铁道车辆减速顶》由TB/T2460—1993《减速顶通用技术条件》、TB/T2774—1997《减速顶测试方法》整合修订而成,并将TB/T2664—1995《减速顶安装、运用、维修》的安装部分纳入其中。介绍修订的原因和主要修订内容,解读TB/T2460—2009的主要内容。  相似文献   
总结了铁路智能交通系统(RITS)的国内外研究进展,提出中国RITS的基本组成和总体结构,探讨了中国RITS标准体系,并分析了中国RITS的若干关键技术。  相似文献   
以可靠度指标β=4.7为目标,研究结合梁截面在承载能力极限状态下应该具有的安全系数;并对根据欧洲规范EC4(Euro code 4)设计的结合梁截面进行可靠度校验,获得结合梁截面实际具有的安全系数,比较二者,认为在现行EC4分项安全系数的基础上需要一个附加安全系数,这样才能保证所设计的结合梁截面达到欧洲规范ECI(Euro code 1)要求的可靠度.  相似文献   
摩托车标准体系不仅应包括近期计划制定的标准,还需包括远期制定标准的设想,尤其新能源摩托车、安全和操纵控制、电子技术、发动机可变技术和液冷技术以及对在用车控制等方面的内容.  相似文献   
针对铁路行业应用较多的焊缝超声波探伤的行业标准TB/T 1558.2—2010和国际标准ISO 17640:2013及ISO 11666:2010,从标准组成、探头参数、扫查面准备及母材的检测、灵敏度和时基线的校准、检测等级、质量评定等方面对比2种标准在钢焊缝超声波探伤中检测技术及质量分级方面的差异。通过试验对比说明采用2种标准对同一缺陷进行质量评定时,结果可能完全不同,为现场探伤工作人员工作提供参考。  相似文献   
从规范性引用文件,产品使用环境条件,产品防护等级,产品可靠性、可维护性及安全性规定,以及污物箱液位开关等方面,解析TB/T 3338—2013《铁道客车及动车组集便装置》,对标准的实施提出具体建议。  相似文献   
Data collected during the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey has been used to validate a three-dimensional hydrodynamic ecosystem model simulation of the North-west European Shelf for the years 1988–89. The CPR time series is unique to the North Atlantic region as a validation tool. Data were extracted from the model to correspond with those collected by the CPR survey, and both the model and survey plankton data were standardised to allow the comparison of model biomass with survey counts. Simple linear regression and absolute error maps provide a qualitative evaluation of spatio-temporal model performance of simulated diatoms, flagellates, total phytoplankton and omnivorous mesozooplankton. Comparisons of z-scores indicate that the model reproduces the main pelagic seasonal features, and there is good correlation between magnitudes of these features with respect to standard deviations from a long-term mean. The model is replicating up to 62% of the mesozooplankton seasonality across the domain, with variable results for the phytoplankton. There are, however, differences in the timing of patterns in plankton seasonality. The validation exercise has highlighted that the spring diatom bloom in the model is too early, suggesting the need to reparameterise the response of phytoplankton to changing light levels in the model. Errors in the north and west of the domain imply that model turbulence and vertical density structure need to be improved to more accurately capture plankton dynamics.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the link between the recruitment process of European hake (Merluccius merluccius L.) of the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) and the environmental and physiological conditions. Spatio-temporal variation of abundance and condition of fish were evaluated at two locations each with different oceanographic conditions, one in the north (Sóller, SO) and another in the south (Cabrera, CA) of Mallorca Island. Environmental variables explored were hydrography, sediment characteristics, phytoplankton pigment concentration (ppc) and the trophic resources of hake. Individuals were divided in three life stages: recruits, post-recruits and young adults. Hepatosomatic index (HSI), relative condition index (Kn), gonadosomatic index (GSI) and fullness index (FI) were analysed for the three life stages. Recruitment starts in February with the incorporation of smaller hakes, and it can be followed through spring and early summer with a peak in April. However, some spatial heterogeneity in the recruitment process has been found between north and south of the Island. The main pulse of recruitment occurred at a different time in the two areas. Spatial heterogeneity was also consistent with the condition of hake recruits, with higher values of Kn and HSI at SO than at CA. Maximum values of Kn were found in February at SO and in April at CA, coinciding with the start of the different recruitment pulses to the fishing grounds. Post-recruits and young adults also showed higher condition at SO than at CA. The arrival in spring of the Western Winter Intermediate Waters (WIW) drives the spatial-temporal variation in abundance and condition of hake. Ppc was highly correlated with recruit abundance with a time lag of two months, while for post-recruits the time lag was three months. The observed differences in the condition of hake between areas could be a consequence of the fact that the waters to the north of Mallorca are comparatively more under the seasonal influence of WIW which is formed in more productive areas. Thus, this study characterises the short temporal and spatial variability in the hake recruitment process off the Balearic Islands, both in terms of abundance and fish condition. This pattern is explained on the basis of the mesoscale environmental variability observed between north and south of Mallorca and the ecological adaptive strategy of recruiting in the optimal environmental season.  相似文献   
“十五”期间,我国铁路以实施《中长期铁路网规划》为主要标志,展开了大规模、高标准的铁路建设,在扩大路网规模、提升工程标准、控制工程质量、规范建设市场、加强建设管理等方面取得了显著成绩。“十一五”是铁路跨越式发展的关键时期,也是大规模铁路建设最关键的阶段,要以确保建设规模和工程质量为重点,以扩大路网规模、优化布局结构,强攻客运专线、实现“一流的工程质量、一流的装备水平、一流的运营管理”为主要任务,充分利用和整合资源,结合技术引进和自主创新,加快构建一流技术标准体系,有序推进续转和新上项目,确保工程质量、安全、工期、投资。2006年是“十一五”开局之年,要加快前期工作,保证新项目如期开工,深化质量管理达标、工程分包专项治理和打击内业资料弄虚作假“三项治理活动”,加强安全专项整治,攻克征地拆迁、设计供图和技术问题,确保年度计划的完成。  相似文献   
拜耳防腐蚀聚氨酯涂料技术发展及其在欧美工程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文介绍了防腐蚀聚氨脂技术的优势及其发展,并例举了该技术在欧美一些工程中的实际应用。  相似文献   
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