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我国近年来大力发展和推广新能源汽车,为积极应对首批新能源汽车废旧电池退役潮的到来,在"碳达峰"、"碳中和"的政策的指导下,笔者对日本、美国、德国三国新能源汽车电池回收利用法律政策进行分析,剖析日本完善的回收体系、美国完备的层级立法和德国明确的责任制度,并结合三国经验,探索我国新能源汽车电池回收产业的法律政策发展路径.  相似文献   
为满足智能船舶自主航行的发展需求,解决基于强化学习的船舶避碰决策方法存在的学习效率低、泛化能力弱以及复杂会遇场景下鲁棒性差等问题,针对船舶避碰决策信息的高维性和动作的连续性等特点,考虑决策的合理性和实时性,研究了基于双延迟深度确定性策略梯度(TD3)的船舶自主避碰方法。根据船舶间相对运动信息与碰撞危险信息,从全局角度构建具有连续多时刻目标船信息的状态空间;依据船舶操纵性设计连续决策动作空间;综合考虑目标导向、航向保持、碰撞危险、《1972年国际海上避碰规则》(COLREGs)和良好船艺等因素,设计船舶运动的奖励函数;基于TD3算法,根据状态空间结构,结合长短期记忆(LSTM)网络和一维卷积网络,利用Actor-Critic结构设计船舶自主避碰网络模型,利用双价值网络学习、目标策略平滑以及策略网络延迟更新等方式稳定网络训练,利用跳帧以及批量大小和迭代更新次数动态增大等方式加速网络训练;为解决模型泛化能力弱的问题,提出基于TD3的船舶随机会遇场景训练流程,实现自主避碰模型应用的多场景迁移。运用训练得到的船舶自主避碰模型进行仿真验证,并与改进人工势场(APF)算法进行比较,结果表明:所提方法学习效率高,收敛快速平稳;训练得到的自主避碰模型在2船和多船会遇场景下均能使船舶在安全距离上驶过,并且在复杂会遇场景中比改进APF算法避碰成功率高,避让2~4艘目标船时成功率高达99.233%,5~7艘目标船时成功率97.600%,8~10艘目标船时成功率94.166%;所提方法能有效应对来船的不协调行动,避碰实时性高,决策安全合理,航向变化快速平稳、震荡少、避碰路径光滑,比改进APF方法性能更强。  相似文献   
面对城市交通资源和环境资源急速减少的严峻形势,南京市按照创建国际化先进城市的要求,为应对交通拥堵和小汽车高速增长,推进“公交都市”理念。通过一系列公共交通政策的整合和实施,大力创建绿色公交走廊、公交枢纽以及一体化公交系统,提高公共交通服务质量,在推行公交优先的同时限制小汽车,从而努力构建国家水准的“公交都市”,解决城市交通问题,推进南京的可持续发展和支撑城市定位。  相似文献   
针对我国大城市是否有必要实施拥堵收费政策这一热点问题,首先分析巴黎、伦敦城市形态对交通供需、拥堵情况、交通政策的决定性影响.根据巴黎、伦敦和斯德哥尔摩的经验,探讨拥堵收费政策是否是缓解交通拥堵的必选之策.分析从规划入手论述了缓解拥堵、发展公共交通和自行车交通等缓解交通拥堵方法的有效性和可行性,就我国大城市交通发展的最优、必选和可选之策提出建议.  相似文献   
Disruptions and random supplies have been important sources of uncertainty that should be considered in the design and control of supply chains. There have been many real world examples in which a single catastrophic event has simultaneously degraded the capabilities of several suppliers leading to considerable erosion of profits and goodwill for a company. However, the literature on analytical models that account for the dependence nature of disruptions and its impact on supply chain performance is sparse.In this paper, we consider an m-manufacturer, 1-retailer, newsvendor inventory system with stochastically dependent manufacturing capacities, caused by random disruptions that may simultaneously inflict damages to the capacities of the manufacturers. We develop the structural/analytical properties of key performance measures and optimal inventory policies for the multi-source and assembly inventory systems. We show that stochastic dependence in disruptions can have opposite effects on system performance in the multi-source and assembly systems. While risk diversification is preferred in the multi-source system, risk concentration is preferred in the assembly system. Our results also suggest that, if the retailer ignores the effect of dependent disruptions, then in the multi-source structure, it would underestimate the cost, overestimate the fill rate, and order more units than the optimum; however, in the assembly structure, the opposite would happen. We perform a comprehensive numerical study to validate our analytical results and generate useful managerial and operational insights for effective risk management of supply chains in the presence of dependent supply uncertainty.  相似文献   
This paper reviews trends in cycling levels, safety, and policies in Canada and the USA over the past two decades. We analyze aggregate data for the two countries as well as city-specific case study data for nine large cities (Chicago, Minneapolis, Montréal, New York, Portland, San Francisco, Toronto, Vancouver, and Washington). Cycling levels have increased in both the USA and Canada, while cyclist fatalities have fallen. There is much spatial variation and socioeconomic inequality in cycling rates. The bike share of work commuters is more than twice as high in Canada as in the USA, and is higher in the western parts of both countries. Cycling is concentrated in central cities, especially near universities and in gentrified neighborhoods near the city center. Almost all the growth in cycling in the USA has been among men between 25-64 years old, while cycling rates have remained steady among women and fallen sharply for children. Cycling rates have risen much faster in the nine case study cities than in their countries as a whole, at least doubling in all the cities since 1990. They have implemented a wide range of infrastructure and programs to promote cycling and increase cycling safety: expanded and improved bike lanes and paths, traffic calming, parking, bike-transit integration, bike sharing, training programs, and promotional events. We describe the specific accomplishments of the nine case study cities, focusing on each city’s innovations and lessons for other cities trying to increase cycling. Portland’s comprehensive package of cycling policies has succeeded in raising cycling levels 6-fold and provides an example that other North American cities can follow.  相似文献   
在我国工业化高速发展的今天,一般工业固体废弃物的资源化利用备受瞩目,其中,一般工业固废在公路行业的应用是一个具有显著效益的途径。本文分析了目前工业固废在国内外公路行业的应用现状、我国相关政策的制订情况以及现行的相关标准,提出了该领域下目前存在的不足和相应的决策建议,为一般工业固废在公路行业应用的发展和标准化体系构建提供参考。  相似文献   
The California Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) rule, adopted in 1990, is arguably one of the most daring and controversial air quality policies ever adopted. Some consider it a policy failure, while others credit it with launching a revolution in clean automotive technology. This paper is the first systematic empirical study of the policy process that resulted in the adoption of the ZEV mandate. We draw upon theoretical frameworks of the policy process, empirical data from public documents, and personal interviews with key stakeholders, to explain how a confluence of technology, policy, and political circumstances created a window of opportunity that led to the adoption of this policy. We expect the conclusions of our analysis to be useful to other policy debates that involve technological innovation.  相似文献   
佐藤荣作出于维持日本政治稳定和安全及发展经济的需要,在出任首相前后曾考虑过大幅调整对华政策,但终因当时对日本外交有相当制约力的美国反对,遂使其对华政策趋于保守并复归政经分离政策的轨道,即比之所谓"亲美反华"的意识形态性,该内阁对华立场的消极化实根源于为内政外交发展所需的政策选择.  相似文献   
采用理论和实际相结合的方法,分析运输范围经济和规模经济的内涵,从理论和实证两个方面指出运输范围经济与规模经济的相互区别及内在联系,确定运输业存在范围经济和规模经济两种经济形式。最后,在此基础上提出推进我国道路运输范围经济与规模经济发展的有效政策措施。  相似文献   
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