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Traditionally, the design of mooring lines and risers of floating production systems (FPS) has been performed separately, by different teams, employing uncoupled analysis tools that do not consider the nonlinear interaction between the platform hull and the mooring lines and risers. Design processes have been focused on fulfilling the design criteria of the respective component (mooring/riser) alone, with few or no consideration to the other component, and little interaction between the design teams. Nowadays the importance of employing analysis tools based on coupled formulations is widely recognized, and analysis strategies have been proposed to consider feedback between mooring lines and risers within their respective design processes.In this context, this work details a proposal of one single and fully integrated design methodology for mooring systems and risers for deep-water FPS. In this methodology, the design stages of both risers and mooring lines are incorporated in a single spiral, allowing the full interaction of different teams; mooring design implicitly considers the riser integrity, and vice-versa, leading to gains in efficiency and cost reduction.Different analysis strategies are employed, taking advantage of uncoupled and coupled numerical models. The models generated at the initial/intermediate design stages can be reused in subsequent stages: simpler models are used in the initial stages, and more refined models are gradually introduced, to reach an ideal balance between computational cost and accuracy of results. In the advanced stages, the exchange of information between mooring/riser also allows the definition of criteria for the selection of governing/critical loading cases to be revised and verified in detail. This leads to the reduction of the original loading case matrix, allowing a feasible use of time-consuming fully coupled analysis.Results of a case study illustrating the application of some of the main processes of the methodology are included. 相似文献
介绍了SX6112E两级踏步城市大客车底盘车架的设计思路和结构特点,叙述了三段式纵梁的搭接连接形式以及纵梁和横梁的连接形式,给出了主要构件的材料及其截面尺寸。最后对所采用的主纵梁进行强度的校核。 相似文献
大连星海湾跨海大桥主桥为(180+460+180)m双层地锚式悬索桥,主梁为钢桁架结构形式,采用整体节点构造,上、下2层桥面板均采用正交异性钢桥面板,桥面上铺装5.5cm厚双层环氧沥青。锚碇采用空腹三角形框架混凝土重力式锚碇,设置在水深20~30m的海床上,锚碇基础采用整体大沉箱,单个沉箱重达26 000t,在船坞内预制完成后用拖轮拖运到桥位处安装在碎石基床上,碎石基床采用升浆技术进行加固。桥塔采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,设上、下2道横梁。主缆由钢丝强度等级为1 770MPa的平行钢丝索股组成,并用长达16m的刚性拉杆锚固在锚碇上,同时采用除湿系统结合传统防腐涂装体系的结构进行防腐,以提高缆索系统的耐久性。 相似文献
浮筒取能效率测试是波浪发电平台研究的重要组成部分。传统的测试系统不但测量精度低,而且自动化程度低、操作复杂。为此,该文基于“海院1号”波浪发电平台,采用虚拟仪器LabVIEW软件开发了浮筒取能效率数据采集系统。文中介绍了“海院1号”波浪发电平台及其浮筒,进行了测试系统的设计,实现了浮筒取能效率测试的数据采集、数据管理、曲线拟合及绘制、生成报表、信号分析以及数据处理等工程。对实际运行效果进行分析,结果表明该系统具有精度高、运行稳定可靠、自动化程度高、人机界面友好以及操作简单等特点,具有重要的工程实践意义。 相似文献
《重庆市城镇道路平面交叉口设计规范》(DBJ 50/T178—2014)于2014年5月1日起施行,用以规范指导重庆市道路平面交叉口设计工作。《规范》编制遵循以人为本,因地制宜,公交优先,规划、设计、管理一体化的指导原则。《规范》的创新之处包括:根据建成区环境和地形特征执行有差异的设计标准以适应实地环境、避免过度建设;明确平面交叉口选型的考虑因素和选型办法;细化交叉口视距三角形停车视距等。此外,《规范》还详细规定了设计车型、行人过街设施、路缘石转弯半径、无障碍过街设施、公交站台长度等内容。 相似文献
介绍了公路景观设计存在的主要问题 ,从公路景观与绿化、路线选线相协调等方面探讨了公路路域景观综合设计的设计思想和设计方法。 相似文献