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新标准QC/T 71—2009《摩托车和轻便摩托车轮辋》与日本工业标准JIS D4215—1995《二轮摩托车用轮辋》相比,仍保留了永久变形量的要求;新标准轮辋径向强度试验方法更合理,比日本标准更先进。新摩托车轮辋标准符合我国国情,标准所规定的几何尺寸要求与原标准一样;外观要求中漆膜要求也与原标准一致;镀层、氧化膜层给出了具体要求一般企业都能达到;标准新增的条母孔、气门嘴孔要求一般企业都能达到。应该说新摩托车轮辋标准是可行的。  相似文献   
The increasing complexity and size in cruise ships demands for lightweight structures and practical but accurate design methods. Conventionally, the focus has been on the steel parts of the ship, as they make most of its weight. However, the proportions of other materials are increasing. Therefore, this study attempts to provide better understanding how one could reach the lightweight designs of insulating glass units (IGUs) in ships. These are windows where at least two glass panes are separated by a hermetically sealed cavity. They are thin-walled structures that benefit not only from the geometrically nonlinear behavior, but also from the load sharing. Considering these effects, their behavior is studied using the nonlinear Finite Element Method and Particle Swarm Optimization. Different design criteria are imposed on the thickness determination of the glass panes with different shapes. Rectangular, triangular, and circular shapes are considered. The results show that the triangular shapes have the least weight for a given area when the deflection criterion is the dominating one. When maximum principal stress is the thickness defining criterion, the shapes perform almost equally well. The ratio between the pane thicknesses had the most influence on the behavior of the IGU. As it increases, i.e., one pane is significantly thicker than the other, the load sharing percentage drops, but it provides the most lightweight solution. Closer it is to 1, more equally the structural stresses are divided between the panes, i.e., redundancy is achieved. Finally, it is possible to establish a simple but effective method for the thickness determination of these IGUs using the results of this study. However, more work is required, including numerical analysis and experimental testing.  相似文献   
Vessel-shaped fish cages are mainly composed of a large floating body, aquaculture nets and a number of steel frames. Due to the large scale of vessel-shaped fish cages, the velocity field induced by the diffraction waves and radiation waves cannot be ignored in the calculation of the loads on the net and steel frames. In turn, the loads can affect the wave-induced response of the floating body and hence the radiation waves as well as the sectional forces. In this paper, a novel method is proposed to consider the coupling effect. First, considering the irregular waves in short-term periods, the global response of the floating body is calculated in the time domain by the state-space method based on potential flow theory. Meanwhile, the velocity field considering the influence of the floating body is built according to the velocity transfer function. Then, the Morison formula is used to calculate the loads on the nets and the steel frames. Finally, the coupling achieved through numerical iterations is considered in the calculation of the twine tension, load effect of connector and the global cross-section under irregular waves. It is found that the diffraction and radiation waves make a significant difference in the twine tension and connector load effect.  相似文献   
随着汽车自主品牌的发展,汽车企业越来越重视汽车标准的建立,开始进行载荷谱采集工作.除了建立试验标准载荷谱还有很多方面用途.本文将探讨汽车载荷谱的分析与应用.  相似文献   
In this paper, the procedure for flaw acceptability assessment is examined through a case study of a semi-elliptical surface crack in an offshore monopile as it grows till it forms a through thickness crack. Using the procedure prescribed in an industrial standard (BS 7910), the fracture ratio, Kr is shown to increase monotonically with increasing crack depth. The load ratio, Lr, is initially insensitive to the crack depth. However, there is a rapid increase in Lr when the crack depth to thickness ratio exceeds 80%. Lr values obtained from detailed 3D FE limit analysis using elastic-perfectly-plastic material behaviour do not exhibit the asymptotic behaviour predicted by BS 7910 as the flaw transitions from deep crack to through-thickness crack. Furthermore, Kr predicted by BS 7910 is shown to be an over-estimation for the typical dimensions of offshore monopiles. The findings suggest that a structure with a deep flaw may be identified as unacceptable based on BS 7910 when it may still possess a non-trivial amount of structural residual life. This is a concern for monopiles where crack growth as a large flaw forms a significant part of the total life.  相似文献   
在当前基于交叉路口的城市车辆自组织网络(VANETs)路由协议中,道路上数据包传输大多采用基于地理位置的贪婪转发策略,当数据量较大时,个别节点负载较重,极易引起传输延迟增大乃至丢包的情况.本文提出了一种基于遗传算法的源路由机制,通过记录单体车辆的驾驶信息而非传统方法中的车流均值数据,来预测道路上车辆网络的连通情况,并借助遗传算法,首次基于道路连通性、节点负载和连接跳数这3 点综合考虑,计算得出道路上最佳的源路由节点序列.仿真实验结果表明,在传输率与延迟时间上,性能均优于传统的贪婪路由机制,尤其在车流量为250 veh· lane-1· h-1时,传输率提升约13%.该研究可为智能交通信息通讯提供可靠助力.  相似文献   
针对城市公共自行车系统日常调度工作量大问题,提出一种城市公共自行车准动态调度方法. 该方法通过分析公共自行车站点容量、日均租还差和各时段租还量间的约束关系,评估站点的调度频次并划分站点类型;以日均调度任务量均衡和日均调度里程最低为目标,以调度车容量为约束条件,优化日常调度路径;与经验调度法进行了对比,验证了本方法的有效性. 结果表明:在调度数量方面,准动态调度方法2018 年1 月周日均和月日均调度工作量分别为3 872 次和4 247 次,较同月实际值5 690 次降低了32%和25%;在调度里程方面,准动态调度方法的周日均行驶里程和月日均行驶里程分别为94.7 km和103.6 km,较同月实际调度里程113.1 km分别降低了16%和8%.该方法对宁波公共自行车日常调度具有良好的实践价值.  相似文献   
结合某中承式拱桥更换吊索的工程实例,详细介绍了施工组织设计,阐述了施工流程及技术要点。  相似文献   
张犇  杨勇 《北方交通》2012,(12):64-67
介绍了钢管混凝土拱桥的检测内容、部分特殊检测的原理及方法,并介绍了静载试验的工况设置等内容,可供同类型桥梁的检测及荷载试验方案编制提供借鉴。  相似文献   
大窑湾港疏港高速公路主线特大桥工程一标段K3+147.00-K4+137.00段,上部为宽幅、多跨连续预应力混凝土箱梁,采取了等截面、变截面单箱多室断面形式,施工时采用满堂支架整体现浇和满堂支架分段施工、分段浇注一次落架两种施工方法施工。本文论述了本桥右半幅第四联4×30m箱梁满堂支架设计及荷载校验。  相似文献   
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