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文中主要对引航锚地海域船桥碰撞风险进行分析,合理识别风险因素,并运用故障树分析法对风险因素进行评估,最后提出风险控制的措施。  相似文献   
通过设计、施工等多方面的比选,杭州湾跨海大桥海上引桥上部结构采用70 m跨径预应力混凝土连续箱梁,整孔预制架设施工方案。简要介绍海上引桥上部结构的设计构思和部分结构设计细节。  相似文献   
黄增财  杨江虎  吴健 《公路》2006,(9):42-44
以杭州湾跨海大桥Ⅳ合同工程为背景,从承台的钢套箱设计、钢套箱封底、承台钢筋混凝土,以及混凝土养护和温控等方面的施工,介绍海上承台施工的关键技术。  相似文献   
The Mackenzie River is the largest river on the North American side of the Arctic and its huge freshwater and sediment load impacts the Canadian Beaufort Shelf. Huge quantities of sediment and associated organic carbon are transported in the Mackenzie plume into the interior of the Arctic Ocean mainly during the freshet (May to September). Changing climate scenarios portend increased coastal erosion and resuspension that lead to altered river-shelf-slope particle budgets. We measured sedimentation rates, suspended particulate matter (SPM), particle size and settling rates during ice-free conditions in Kugmallit Bay (3–5 m depth). Additionally, measurements of erosion rate, critical shear stress, particle size distribution and resuspension threshold of bottom sediments were examined at four regionally contrasting sites (33–523 m depth) on the Canadian Beaufort Shelf using a new method for assessing sediment erosion. Wind induced resuspension was evidenced by a strong relationship between SPM and wind speed in Kugmallit Bay. Deployment of sediment traps showed decreasing sedimentation rates at sites along an inshore–offshore transect ranging from 5400 to 3700 g m− 2 day− 1. Particle settling rates and size distributions measured using a Perspex settling chamber showed strong relationships between equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) and particle settling rates (r= 0.91). Mean settling rates were 0.72 cm s− 1 with corresponding ESD values of 0.9 mm. Undisturbed sediment cores were exposed to shear stress in an attempt to compare differences in sediment stability across the shelf during September to October 2003. Shear was generated by vertically oscillating a perforated disc at controlled frequencies corresponding to calibrated shear velocity using a piston grid erosion device. Critical (Type I) erosion thresholds (u) varied between 1.1 and 1.3 cm s− 1 with no obvious differences in location. Sediments at the deepest site Amundsen Gulf displayed the highest erosion rates (22–54 g m− 2 min− 1) with resuspended particle sizes ranging from 100 to 930 µm for all sites. There was no indication of biotic influence on sediment stability, although our cores did not display a fluff layer of unconsolidated sediment. Concurrent studies in the delta and shelf region suggest the importance of a nepheloid layer which transports suspended particles to the slope. Continuous cycles of resuspension, deposition, and horizontal advection may intensify with reduction of sea ice in this region. Our measurements coupled with studies of circulation and cross-shelf exchange allow parameterization and modeling of particle dynamics and carbon fluxes under various climate change scenarios.  相似文献   
为了解加利福尼亚州HOV系统的运行效果,基于交通量检测器收集的数据,对HOV系统进行全面分析、评价。最终得到4个主要结论:1)与多条普通车道构成的高速公路相比,包含1条HOV车道的高速公路损失了20%的通行能力;2)HOV车道通常处于两种运行状态,一种是HOV车道未被充分利用,另一种是HOV车道处于超负荷、降级运行状态;3)HOV车道未显著提高小汽车合乘比例;4)在一个相当出色的交通管理系统中,HOV车道并未从整体上缓解道路交通拥堵状况。  相似文献   
本文重点对中途站的合理位置进行设计与分析,同时根据中途站的具体位置给出中途站样式的建议,希望能够优化中途站设计,不仅将中途站对交通的干扰降为最低,也力争做到以人为本。  相似文献   
基于现场实测水文泥沙资料,对乐清湾水动力条件及泥沙环境进行了研究。乐清湾为半封闭型淤泥质海湾,湾内波浪小、潮差大、深槽流速大、波浪掀沙作用不强、水体含沙量低;乐清湾底质以粉砂质粘土为主,与瓯江口以细砂为主的底质明显不同,乐清湾内水体含沙量也明显低于瓯江口,因此乐清湾受瓯江下泄泥沙直接影响较小,湾内泥沙主要来自近岸浅滩泥沙的就地悬浮搬运。  相似文献   
通州湾港区位于南通市腰沙、冷家沙区域,地处辐射沙洲南缘,低潮时滩面出露,潮差大.通州湾港区规划方案体量巨大,需通过大面积围填高滩形成港区陆域,围堤建设是陆域形成的前提条件.通过研究波浪、潮流、地质等基础资料,结合模型试验和工程实践,从堤顶高程、堤心材料、抗滑防渗防冲刷分析、施工要点等多方面进行研究、总结大潮差粉砂底质环境下高滩围堤设计的关键技术,为后续工程提供参考、积累经验.  相似文献   
杭州湾地区水域自然条件较恶劣,具有潮差大、水流急,受东南风影响风浪明显等特点;码头下部构件标高低,滩涂平缓栈桥长。文章主要针对这些特点以杭州湾的嘉兴港粮食中转库及外海码头工程施工为例,对受影响明显的码头各施工技术要点进行简要分析阐述,并总结经验供本区域类似码头工程施工参照借鉴。  相似文献   
晏洪  刘阳  郑杰元 《公路》2006,(9):131-135
杭州湾跨海大桥南引桥上部结构采用50 m整孔预制箱梁,对大吨位整孔预制箱梁施工的底模、外侧模、液压内模、端模结构设计方案和施工技术进行了详细的介绍。  相似文献   
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