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介绍了转K1型转向架的结构特点和关键技术参数,着重分析了侧架导框的加工、侧架与支撑座板的组焊和转向架的组装工艺等。  相似文献   
灰色线性回归组合模型在地面沉降预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择合适的沉降与时间的关系模型对于沉降预测而言是很重要的。根据地面沉降机理与曲线特征,对某数据序列进行了光滑性和指教规律性检验,使用线性回归和灰色模型的组合模型对该数据序列建模和预测,所得平均相对误差和均方差比值都优于GM(1,1)。研究结果表明,具有线性特征的沉降数据序列选用灰色线性回归组合模型进行短期预测效果更好。  相似文献   
广州地铁三号线车辆由于列车的编组形式、系统性能等多方面的原因,空压机润滑油乳化现象极其严重。文章通过对空压机油乳化的原因分析,找出了一种有效的解决措施,并对如何避免乳化现象提出了建议。  相似文献   
客运专线整孔箱梁预制裂缝控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析客运专线整孔箱梁裂缝产生的原因,阐述了控制裂缝的措施和施工过程中出现裂缝的处理方法,为今后客专900t整孔箱梁施工提供参考。  相似文献   
Mean length in the catch of Peruvian hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) declined drastically by 8 cm in a few months in 1992. The 1991–93 El Niño event marked the beginning of changes in bottom environmental conditions, that along with other changes in the ecosystem, were the cause of the disappearance of large sized old hake from the traditional fishing grounds and the invasion of these areas by high concentrations of small sized young hake, traditionally distributed in the southern areas. A misinterpretation of this change gave an optimistic perception of the state of the stock, leading to a large increase of the fishing fleet and therefore to an increase of the fishing pressure on this resource. Catch increased quickly to very high levels in 1996, the fishery indicators of relative abundance remained stable, while global abundance of hake was diminishing. The resource responded to these natural variations of environment and to the intense fishing pressure with changes in some aspects of its biology and ecology. The most remarkable was the decrease of the length and age at first maturity that led to spawning by 1 year old (19 cm) individuals in a species whose observed longevity was 14 years.In 2002 a total and indefinite fishery closure was established by the Peruvian government and a technical commission for the hake recovery was created, which carried out continuous monitoring of the stock. After a closure of 20 months the indicators showed signs of recovery and the fishery was reopened in 2004. However, after an encouraging beginning during 2004 and the first quarter of 2005, neither abundance nor age structure had improved by the end of 2005, and in fact were deteriorating by the start of 2006. The survival of the age 2 and 3 groups was very low and few 4+ years old individuals were observed. Several factors working at different time scales have been proposed to explain the status of hake. The impact of the fishery, variations in the abiotic environment, predation by the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and cannibalism were considered as potential causal factors of this decline.  相似文献   
研究目的:电气化铁道是单相移动牵引负荷,会造成电力系统三相负荷的不平衡,对不平衡产生的负序电流问题,需探讨减小负序电流的措施,尽量减小牵引负荷对电力系统的负序影响。研究结论:电气化铁道牵引变电所普遍采用换相联接的供电方式——轮换接人电力系统中的不同相。本文对电气化铁道牵引变电所采用单相结线、单相V,v结线、三相V,v结线、三相YN,d11结线、三相一两相平衡结线、三相V,X结线等牵引变压器的端子标志及联接进行了论述和总结,对牵引变电所采用各种牵引变压器的换相联接方式进行了分析研究,提出了客运专线采用AT供电方式时,单相或单相V,x结线的变压器端子标志、联接方案及牵引变电所换相联接的推荐方案。采用该方案可以简化牵引变电所牵引变压器一次侧高压线路的接线,避免高压侧线路出现交叉连接,同时简化了牵引变电所的平面布置,节约了投资。  相似文献   
本文介绍了船坞工程施工中防渗及止水工程的工艺及防渗止水效果分析。经采用多种不同的防渗、止水结构,保证了船坞有良好的防渗、止水效果。  相似文献   
本文对重要极限lim x→0(1+x)1/x的另一种判别法进行论证,然后将此判别法运用到求解极限未定式"1^∞"型这类难度较大的题型中去,通过比较,论述,这种判别法给出的计算方法简便易行,从而解决了教学中的一大难点,具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   
某地铁旁通道冻结法施工三维温度场数值计算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冻结法在地铁旁通道施工中得到了广泛的应用,冻土墙的设计温度和厚度是工程安全的重要前提,为了直观了解冻土墙的温度特性,保证工程的安全,通常采用数值计算模拟温度场.目前多采用简化的平面模型,由于旁通道冻结工程中冻结管布置并不是平行的,所以采用简化的平面模型来进行计算,其计算结果存在较大的误差.为此建立了旁通道冻结三维模型进...  相似文献   
首先分别用理论分析法和管道实际运行数据反算的方法计算出了绥中36-1CEP至终端上岸管道的总传热系数,对计算结果进行了比较和分析,建议采用管道实际运行数据反算确定总传热系数.然后,进一步计算分析了总传热系数对管道温降及起输压力的影响,结果表明总传热系数对管道的起输压力和终点温度影响很大,总传热系数越小,管道的终点温度越...  相似文献   
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