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王晖光 《公路》2001,(7):47-50
提出了软土路基设计为过程化设计的概念,在此基础,采用最小二乘拟合数学方法,建立软土路基沉降变化趋势面实用模型的过程和方法,并给出实例,为进一步运用时间序列分析方法定量研究沉降趋势,实现工后沉降量的精确预测和控制模型的建立,以及在计算机上实现三维量化分析奠定基础。  相似文献   
4WD汽车应用粘性联轴器分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
粘性联轴器这一新装置以其独有的特性在四轮驱动汽车上得到广泛应用,粘性联轴器一经确定结构,即可通过转速差自动调节传递转矩的特性,分析了四轮驱动汽车采用粘性联轴器的可能性,介绍了采用粘性联轴器连接的四轮驱动形式和工作原理,阐述了汽车速度,轮胎滑移率对粘性联轴器转速差的影响。  相似文献   
雾霾等恶劣气候对交通安全带来严重威胁.为分析雾霾天气下驾驶行为规律,利用高逼真度驾驶模拟器,构建了高速公路平直路段雾霾天气场景,开展了自由加速、紧急制动和跟驰试验;基于采集的试验数据利用遗传算法对IDM (Intelligent Driver Model)跟驰模型进行了标定,并与晴天同路段标定参数进行了对比分析.结果显示,雾霾天气下IDM模型中起步加速度和舒适减速度参数并无显著差异,但安全距离、安全车头时距、期望速度等参数比晴天情况显著减小,由此表明雾霾天气下的交通冲突风险显著增大,应加强雾霾天气下的安全管理.  相似文献   
断裂错动引起上覆土体的破裂效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步完善断裂引起地表破裂效应的理论,在模型试验的基础上,首先研究了厚度相同的同一均质土体在密度不同的情况下,土体对基岩逆断裂错动的吸收效应,导出了不同密度土体,吸收量随土体厚度、基岩错动量的变化关系式;进而研究地表的破裂效应,确定了断裂引起地表错动量的估算模型;最后经工程实例验证,表明此模型有一定的实际应用价值和理论研究意义。  相似文献   
针对动臂油缸与转斗油缸同平面布置的某微型履带式装载机的工作装置,应用非线性规划理论进行了优化设计,着重阐述了应用优化理论建立工作装置的数学模型和电子计算机辅助设计原理,并对优化方法进行了简要介绍。  相似文献   
Road crashes are a leading cause of death and serious injuries both developed and developing countries. Intersections are recognized as being among the most hazardous locations on the roads. Although crashes at intersections form about 35 % of the reported accidents account for about 32% of traffic‐related serious injuries and fatalities in Singapore, there is no known study that examines the factors contributing to the severity of these crashes. In this study, the ordinal probit model was applied to crash data from 1992 to 2002 to investigate the role a variety of factors play in determining the severity of intersection crashes. Our study shows that vehicle type, road type, collision type, driver's characteristics and time of day are important determinants of the severity of crashes at intersections in Singapore.  相似文献   
我国水利水电建设的迅速发展以及水利枢纽的规模越来越大,利用模型试验来解决工程复杂课题已越来越得到工程界的重视。本文总结了在模型试验中普遍用到的相似性定律,并对常用的公式作了相应推导。  相似文献   
结合南海TLP前端设计项目,系统分析了影响张力腿平台气隙的因素。针对南海环境条件特点和工程实际,采用二阶非线性方法对张力腿平台的气隙响应进行数值预报,通过水池模型试验对波浪爬升等强非线性现象进行修正,总结出一套适用于中国南海TLP气隙的设计方法,所得结论对工程应用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
This paper presents a numerical study to investigate the seismic behavior of mudmat and caisson foundations supporting subsea structures, such as manifolds, in liquefiable sand. In seismic areas, substantial earthquake loads can be imparted to subsea structures during ground shaking, threatening their stability. In particular, soil liquefaction in sandy soil arising from strong ground motions could significantly influence the performance of subsea structures founded on liquefiable sand. The results of this study can provide a better understanding of the response of subsea manifolds in liquefiable soil during and after the earthquake. Three-dimensional, non-linear, dynamic analyses are performed using a finite difference scheme, and the ability of the model to reproduce the site response of a saturated sand deposit is assessed using the results of available centrifuge data. This study includes six computational models representing manifolds with different sizes and weights supported by caissons and mudmats in shallow and deep liquefiable sand subjected to moderate and strong earthquake shakings. The response is evaluated in terms of excess pore water pressure generated in the soil medium and displacements of the subsea foundation during and after the shaking. The results show that manifolds may experience considerable movement during liquefaction and post-liquefaction settlements. In addition, depending on the characteristics of the seismic motion and structural system, the manifold could also experience large tilting.  相似文献   
铁路盾构隧道单、双层衬砌纵向力学性能的模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广深港客运专线狮子洋水下盾构隧道为背景工程,采用轴向等效刚度模型,开展盾构隧道单、双层衬砌纵向力学性能模型试验,并结合数值模拟计算,研究在软硬交替地层且地表有局部附加荷载的复杂情况下,单、双层衬砌隧道纵向沉降与弯矩的变化规律.结果表明:隧道处于软硬交界地层中时,单层衬砌的纵向沉降受地层条件的变化作用明显,较大的沉降量和沉降差均发生在软土侧;双层衬砌可在一定程度上抵御受地层条件的变化作用而产生的不均匀沉降,隧道纵向中心最大沉降量和沉降差均较小;管片衬砌内侧施加连续的混凝土内衬后,隧道所受纵向弯矩成倍增大,最大正弯矩出现在隧道中央偏向软土侧,且混凝土内衬承受绝大部分弯矩;当荷载距隧道轴线3倍洞径以内时,会对隧道的纵向变形及内力产生影响.  相似文献   
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