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为了使相关的电务人员、相关专业学生更好地学习高速铁路计算机联锁系统,为了使车务人员尽快熟练掌握车务终端的操作方法,提出采用实物与仿真相结合方法,通过分析高速铁路计算机联锁系统的特点和教学要求,设计开发实物与仿真相结合的高速铁路联锁教学系统。详细设计系统的结构、功能、与之功能相适应的虚拟的高速铁路站场,对实物与仿真的边界进行科学划分,开发配套的站场仿真软件、TCC仿真软件、邻站CBI仿真软件、RBC仿真软件、多媒体教学软件、模拟CTC终端等。结果表明:该系统不仅可以节省占地空间,降低投资成本,而且更利于学习人员学习相关理论知识、提高学习效率,从而为铁路行业培养更多的技术人员,更好地服务于社会。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国物权法》(以下简称《物权法》)的出台,明确了动产所有权转移、共有物及担保物权制度,必将对我国船舶抵押登记制度的完善产生重要影响。文中通过对船舶抵押登记制度现存问题的分析,提出了一些完善意见,要求我们在船舶登记工作实践中应当适应《物权法》对船舶抵押登记工作的新要求,以保障船舶抵押登记有关各方的合法权益。  相似文献   
A wide array of technical and operational solutions is available to shipowners in order to comply with existing and upcoming environmental regulation within Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a promising alternative since it offers potential cost savings in addition to ensuring compliance with ECA regulation. But investment to retrofit existing vessels to be able to use LNG carries significant upfront costs, and a high degree of uncertainty remains on the differential between the prices of LNG and conventional maritime fuels, as well as on the availability of LNG and the reliability of its supply chain. New technologies such as LNG inherently carry substantial risk and an ill-chosen investment strategy may have irreversible consequences that could jeopardise the future of the shipping company. One important question is whether interested owners should invest in LNG now to comply with ECA rules in 2015 and reap the benefits of lower LNG prices, or whether it would be advisable to wait until some of the uncertainty is resolved.While traditional discounted cash flow techniques are unable to account for the value of managerial flexibility linked, for example, to the possibility of deferring an investment, real option analysis can be used to analyse such cases. The paper discusses the optimal time for investment in LNG retrofit and takes specific account of the value of an investment deferral strategy versus the advantages obtainable from the immediate exploitation of fuel price differentials. Through the use of a real option model the paper shows that there is a trade-off between low fuel prices and capital expenses for investment in LNG retrofit. The development in LNG is critically dependent on its future price as well as the reduction in capital costs and ship retrofitting costs. In this respect, policy makers can play a critical role in providing support to advance technical knowledge, maintain LNG prices at favourable levels and in avoiding ambiguity on regulation.  相似文献   
This study explores the concepts of real options and flexibility analysis as an approach to address uncertain demand growth in mobility on-demand (MoD) vehicle-sharing systems, with the goal of improving expected lifecycle performance. As MoD systems are gaining popularity worldwide, they inevitably face significant uncertainty in terms of needs and customer demands. Designing, planning capacity deployment, and operating such system can be challenging, and require significant capital investments for companies and cities. Two distinct real options analysis (ROA) models are developed to evaluate and optimize flexible strategies for these systems, relying on a novel methodological approach to value flexibility based on decision rules. The decision-rule-based approach differs from standard ROA approaches used to quantify the value of flexibility in irreversible investment projects, typically based on dynamic programming. It emulates the decision-making process by capturing mathematically a triggering mechanism that determines when it is best to exercise the flexibilities embedded in the system design. Two prevalent types of MoD systems are studied in this paper as demonstration of the methodological framework: a station-based system where customers must pick up and return the vehicle at specific locations, and a free-floating system, where customers may pick up and drop the car anywhere within a certain area. A simulation-based approach is used to analyze the station-based system, which models the rebalancing operations from a micro-level perspective. The approach consists of a discrete event simulator for performance estimation, and an optimization algorithm for design space exploration that integrates a population-based search algorithm with Optimal Computing Budget Allocation (OCBA). For the free-floating system, an analytical model is developed where the decision rule is formulated into and solved using stochastic mixed integer programming (MIP). The study provides guidance to system operators on potential strategies for deploying MoD systems, considering explicitly uncertainty and flexibility as a value enhancing mechanism.  相似文献   
基于案例的新型舰船备件需求量的预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析新型舰船备件需求量的影响因素,得出相似装备的需求量,提出了相似案例与马尔柯夫链结合的新型装备备件需求量的预测模型,理论分析和实例计算表明了该模型的合理性和可行性。  相似文献   
结合厦深铁路连续梁0号块施工工程实例,综合列举了目前应用于悬臂浇筑连续梁0号块施工常用的几种支架结构,简要分析了各种支架结构的适用条件和优缺点,在今后类似工程施工中,施工人员可以根据现场的实际条件进行合理选用和改进.  相似文献   
针对武汉市轨道交通网络化发展,提出合理整合建成的B型车基地富余能力,规划线网五大部件检修中心,详细阐述城市轨道交通车辆检修采用部件集中修理、分散配送模式的优势,在具体设计中应结合线网规模,深入调研,反复论证,最终确定城市轨道交通系统车辆的检修模式,说明车辆基地资源共享可实现轨道交通成本最小化和运营效益最大化。  相似文献   
以合肥市高新区某区域交通拥堵改善研究着手,通过分析现状道路交通拥堵原因,提出深挖现有路网潜力、加强路面停车管理、优化交通组织结构以及对现状道路进行局部改造等一系列建议,力争在较少的工程投资下最大限度地释放道路通行能力。所提建议对城市道路交通改善研究和改造具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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