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Recently connected vehicle (CV) technology has received significant attention thanks to active pilot deployments supported by the US Department of Transportation (USDOT). At signalized intersections, CVs may serve as mobile sensors, providing opportunities of reducing dependencies on conventional vehicle detectors for signal operation. However, most of the existing studies mainly focus on scenarios that penetration rates of CVs reach certain level, e.g., 25%, which may not be feasible in the near future. How to utilize data from a small number of CVs to improve traffic signal operation remains an open question. In this work, we develop an approach to estimate traffic volume, a key input to many signal optimization algorithms, using GPS trajectory data from CV or navigation devices under low market penetration rates. To estimate traffic volumes, we model vehicle arrivals at signalized intersections as a time-dependent Poisson process, which can account for signal coordination. The estimation problem is formulated as a maximum likelihood problem given multiple observed trajectories from CVs approaching to the intersection. An expectation maximization (EM) procedure is derived to solve the estimation problem. Two case studies were conducted to validate our estimation algorithm. One uses the CV data from the Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) project, in which around 2800 CVs were deployed in the City of Ann Arbor, MI. The other uses vehicle trajectory data from users of a commercial navigation service in China. Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the estimation is found to be 9–12%, based on benchmark data manually collected and data from loop detectors. Considering the existing scale of CV deployments, the proposed approach could be of significant help to traffic management agencies for evaluating and operating traffic signals, paving the way of using CVs for detector-free signal operation in the future.  相似文献   
This paper validates the prediction model embedded in a model predictive controller (MPC) of variable speed limits (VSLs). The MPC controller was designed based on an extended discrete first-order model with a triangular fundamental diagram. In our previous work, the extended discrete first-order model was designed to reproduce the capacity drop and the propagation of jam waves, and it was validated with reasonable accuracy without the presence of VSLs. As VSLs influence traffic dynamics, the dynamics including VSLs needs to be validated, before it can be applied as a prediction model in MPC. For conceptual illustrations, we use two synthetic examples to show how the model reproduces the key mechanisms of VSLs that are applied by existing VSL control approaches. Furthermore, the model is calibrated by use of real traffic data from Dutch freeway A12, where the field test of a speed limit control algorithm (SPECIALIST) was conducted. In the calibration, the original model is extended by using a quadrangular fundamental diagram which keeps the linear feature of the model and represents traffic states at the under-critical branch more accurately. The resulting model is validated using various traffic data sets. The accuracy of the model is compared with a second-order traffic flow model. The performance of two models is comparable: both models reproduce accurate results matching with real data. Flow errors of the calibration and validation are around 10%. The extended discrete first-order model-based MPC controller has been demonstrated to resolve freeway jam waves efficiently by synthetic cases. It has a higher computation speed comparing to the second-order model-based MPC.  相似文献   
吴雪琴 《船舶工程》2017,39(9):44-48
从船舶环境和光伏逆变器的基本原理和功能出发,分别对太阳能游船EMC干扰源和干扰路径进行分析,通过信号滤波与保护、工艺设计和试验测试,实现高可靠性的太阳能游船光伏逆变器控制系统研究和设计,为太阳能游船的光伏逆变器控制系统研究提供基本EMC设计思路与实现技巧。  相似文献   
计算机联锁系统是铁路信号控制系统的核心设备,是有着苛刻安全要求的复杂控制系统。本文采用Prover形式化开发工具对联锁软件安全需求进行形式化验证。通过模型检验的形式化验证方法,遍历系统输入变量的所有状态空间.验证联锁特定应用满足系统安全需求,确保系统的安全性得以正确实现。在保证系统安全性的基础上,以全状态空间查找反例的检验方法进一步提升产品的质量。  相似文献   
以莞惠城际轨道交通工程项目GZH-5标段中DK32+300~DK32+927.303段为背景,通过2组模型试验,其中一组无超前注浆,另一组进行超前注浆,研究软弱富水地层浅埋暗挖隧道地表沉降和支护结构受力规律及超前注浆对其受力变形造成的影响,最后,针对软弱富水地层浅埋暗挖隧道施工,提出几点隧道工程设计和施工的相关建议。  相似文献   
针对不适应THDS轴温探测系统的长大货物车,分析论证了现车轴箱改进方案适应THDS轴温探测的不足,并提出了轴箱优化方案。经计算、试验和装车验证表明,新轴箱可行、有效、安全,满足THDS轴温探测要求,保证了长大货物车运输安全。  相似文献   
为预测摩擦缓冲器的实际工作状态,从几何特征和作用原理的角度,建立详细的MT-2型缓冲器理论模型。首先,通过对缓冲器内部各摩擦元件的运动学和静力学分析,推导出缓冲器在准静态下的阻抗特性;其次,引入附加摩擦系数量化各摩擦元件之间动静态摩擦过渡时的黏滞补偿,并模拟出缓冲器在动态下的阻抗特性;最后,利用C80型货车冲击试验数据对该缓冲器的理论模型进行验证。验证结果表明:总体上,数值模拟和现场试验下的缓冲器示功曲线基本吻合,说明模型的正确性;局部上数值模拟中缓冲器从加载Ⅰ阶段过渡至加载Ⅱ阶段的突变现象在冲击试验中表现的并不明显,还有待进一步完善。  相似文献   
基于SoftPLC的船舶主机遥控物理仿真模拟器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模拟器以一艘1600 TEU集装箱船使用的Autochief IV主机控制系统作为原型,采用SoftPLC实现对船舶主机遥控物理仿真模拟器的控制。利用组态软件PIMS作为上位机开发平台,实现数据的存储及功能的完善。在模拟器上可以进行各种相关的训练操作,达到培训学员的目的。  相似文献   
张德喜 《北方交通》2008,(5):193-194
阐述了公路隧道施工质量控制要点.  相似文献   
利用超声冲击设备对EA4T车轴钢进行了表面强化处理.采利用金相显微镜和透射电镜表征了车轴钢表面结构的变化,并对超声冲击处理前后试样表面粗糙度和显微硬度进行了分析.结果表明:经超声冲击处理后,试样表面发生了剧烈的塑性变形,晶粒明显细化,显微硬度呈梯度化.随着超声冲击功率的增加,变形层厚度增加,粗糙度减小,表面硬度增大;与未经超声冲击处理的试样相比,在超声冲击功率180瓦作用下,表面粗糙度降低了6.5倍,试样的表面硬度提高了25%,变形层厚度大约为80μm.  相似文献   
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