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针对广州地铁1号线FTG S轨道电路出现粉红光带或红光带故障情况,分析轨道电路继电器引起故障的原因,描述一种轨道电路继电器监测方案,给出了设计原理和实现方法。  相似文献   
高填方路堤强夯试验与数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在现场进行单点夯击试验,然后,通过数值模拟进行研究。得出:4种夯击能量在5.5 m的深度处的下沉位移均达到5.0~7.0 cm;但是在深度超过6.0 m之后产生的沉降量几乎相等,各点的地表隆起量只在夯锤边缘2.0 m内有影响,超过这个距离,夯击对土体的隆起量的影响甚微。数值分析和现场试验所揭示的土体应力应变规律相同且数值相近;对于直径为2 m的夯锤,土体在1200 kN.m夯击能作用下的有效影响深度为4~6 m,锤间距(中心距)不宜大于3.5 m。上述试验和数值模拟成果可为同类条件下路基强夯加固施工提供参考。  相似文献   
施桥运河大桥水上支架施工控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以施桥运河大桥为依托工程,介绍了水上支架施工控制的基本原则与方法,并针对施桥运河大桥水上支架的构造特点,以有限元仿真分析为基础,从结构计算、内力监控变形监控、钢托架支点处锚固螺栓、钢垫片外观检查等方面对其施工控制方案进行计算分析。结果表明:施桥运河大桥施工过程支架结构安全,成桥各指标均满足设计要求。  相似文献   
关于中国与印第安民族宗教信仰丈化方面的比较,我们是把中国国内的一切民族(汉民族和古今所有的少数民族)都包括在内的,同时把美洲地区所有的印第安人诸部落均包含在内。从时间上看,远古时期至今的关于日神信仰和神话的内容均可纳入;从内容上看,在我国主要是指自新石器时代文化遗迹的内容到今日华夏各民族的神话传说等所有内容,在美洲印第安人的相关内容中,我们所述及的范围也包括从印第安文明遗址被发现的历史时期一直持续到近现代。  相似文献   
在道路交通中,由于困境区域的存在,导致了部分车辆驾驶员无意闯红灯行为的发生。为了减少此种状况的出现,本文通过分析研究影响困境区域范围的四个主要因素,提出控制建议并通过驾驶员反应时间因素t的调整.重新给出困境区域范围的计算公式。通过实例计算,分析出困境区域的具体位置及范围,提出在路面特定位置标出提示标志,帮助驾驶员在即将进入黄灯期时,根据其与提示标志间的相对位置关系,客观快速地做出行驶或制动的决策代替主观经验的判断。结果表明,在路口限速为30km/h,单个车道宽3.5m.车长3.5m~5m的情况下,若黄灯时间为2s,则困境区域范围为7.98m*3.5m≤Skl≤9.48m*3.5m,若设置成3s.则困境区域范围则缩小为0.31m'3.5m≤Sk2≤1.19m*3.5m,应在此处标示困境区域提示带,并在距离路口停车线40.91m处设立减速提示牌。  相似文献   
本文由红楼梦中的小道具——手帕入手,通过对摔帕、赠帕、题帕、忆帕、焚帕等细节及丢帕、找帕、梦帕、还帕等情节的梳理,浅析它在宝黛爱情、红芸之恋中的示情、释情及传情作用。在红楼梦中,手帕不只是宝黛爱情、红芸之恋故事中的两大线索,与手帕相关的某些情节还起到了丰满作品人物形象、从旁暗示整部作品主题的作用。  相似文献   
This study evaluates the reproductive potential and condition of the red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) population inhabiting the waters around the Balearic Islands (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea), between 1991 and 2004. Red shrimp is one of the most valuable exploited demersal fishery resources in the western Mediterranean. To assess the condition of this species, we use two indices based on weight and length data, one including the gonad weight and another excluding it. Different biological parameters of the population dynamics and reproductive biology, such as sex-ratio, maturity, gonadosomatic index and presence of the spermatophore in females have also been analysed. A negative relationship was found between the gonadosomatic index and the condition of red shrimp, indicating that energy reserves are transferred from the body to the gonad during the reproductive period. The condition of adults reached minimum values during the maturation and spawning period after mating, when the gonadosomatic index, the spermatophore presence in females and the proportion of females in the population were highest. The relationship between the condition of adults during the months prior to spawning and the number of recruits in the following year was significant and positive. This relationship was stronger when only male condition was considered, suggesting that males have an important role on the reproductive potential of this species. Overall, our results suggest that condition of red shrimp, particularly males, is an important aspect for the reproductive and recruitment success of this species. The observed decreasing trend in male condition over years may raise concern on the future reproductive potential of that population.  相似文献   
The biological dynamics of the open northern Red Sea (21.5°–27.5° N, 33.5°–40° E) have not been studied extensively, due in part to both the inaccessibility of this desert region and political considerations. Remotely-sensed chlorophyll a data therefore provide a framework to investigate the primary patterns of biological activity in this oceanic basin. Monthly chlorophyll a data from the 8-year Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View sensor (SeaWiFS) mission, and data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), were analyzed with the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) online data analysis system “Giovanni”. The data indicate that despite the normal low chlorophyll a concentrations (0.1–0.2 mg m− 3) in these oligotrophic waters, there is a characteristic seasonal bloom in March–April in the northernmost open Red Sea (24° to 27.5° N) concurrent with minimum sea surface temperature. The location of the highest chlorophyll concentrations is consistent with a linear box model [Eshel, G., and Naik, N.H., 1997. Climatological coastal jet collision, intermediate water formation, and the general circulation of the Red Sea. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 27(7), 1233–1257.] of Red Sea circulation. Two years in the data set exhibited a different seasonal cycle consisting of a relatively weak northern spring bloom and elevated chlorophyll concentrations to the south (21.5° to 24° N).The data also indicate that large coral reef complexes may be sources of either nutrients or chlorophyll-rich detritus and sediment, enhancing chlorophyll a concentration in waters adjacent to the reefs.  相似文献   
The red shrimp Aristeus antennatus is one of the target species of the bottom trawl fishery of the Balearic Islands. The objective of the present paper is to study the short spatial and temporal differences of this important economic resource between two different locations off Mallorca (Cabrera: CA; Sóller: SO), where a fleet mobility pattern has been detected, and to study the influence of environmental conditions on this species. Six simultaneous bottom-trawl and oceanographic surveys were carried out at these two locations in order to collect data from the demersal species, hydrography (temperature and salinity), trophic resources and sediment characteristics. The commercial fleet from both locations was monitored by monthly on-board sampling, log-books and daily landings obtained from sales slips. Additional data was obtained from other fishing surveys. Short spatial and temporal differences have been detected between both locations. The population at CA was more demographically homogeneous, while that at SO showed important variations, like high abundance of juveniles recruiting to fishing grounds in autumn–winter and high abundance of large females during summer. Several differences have also been found in the biology of the species between locations, such as males were more abundant in SO than in CA. Also, the reproductive period started sooner in SO than in CA, and the condition of pre-spawning females was better in SO. The percentage of total lipids in the hepatopancreas was minimal during the spawning period, showing their importance as a reserve of energy for the ovary ripening. Water masses could play an important role in these differences, the characteristics of water masses being more stable in CA than in SO. Red shrimp adult females seemed to be more correlated with the warmer and more saline Levantine Intermediate Waters, while juveniles (males and females) and adult males were more correlated with the colder Western Mediterranean Deep Waters, detected only in SO during autumn–winter. Two different hypothesis of mobility patterns for the species are discussed in relation to these observed differences.  相似文献   
在湖南省高速公路建设中存在大量红砂岩路段,该类岩石因其成因特殊而成分复杂且大部分具有崩解性,作为一种特殊路基填料使用往往导致工程建设成本高,施工进度缓慢,施工质量难以控制。结合湖南长沙浏阳(黄泥界)至醴陵高速公路工程中遇到的红砂岩地质情况,开展红砂岩成分、强度、崩解及其现场试验,试验结果表明,浏醴高速Ⅲ类红砂岩长时间仍会崩解,不能作为一般填石路堤对待;采用预崩解与耙压相结合的工艺适用于该地区红砂岩路基施工;考虑到红砂岩的特殊性,对于全线砂岩挖填接合处、高填方路段等难以压实的地段建议进行强夯加速其沉降。  相似文献   
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