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在宽阔的潮汐河段,由于潮汐和地形的影响,大范围的同步水文测验的精度和可靠性受到了很大的限制。为了得到高精度的水文测量成果,使同步观测资料和时间序列资料具备良好的可比性,需要建立高精度的平面基准、高程基准和速度基准。理论和实践表明,建立大范围内的高精度的GNSS(global navigation satellite system)控制网,基于RTK(real-time kinematic)测量方式进行三维水深测量、基于RTK的速度参考进行流量测量,是在大范围条件下开展高精度同步水文观测的有效途径。 相似文献
长江商品汽车滚装运输发展探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析长江商品汽车滚装船运输市场和现有运力结构状况,结合现有滚装船型特点,对拟发展的较大车位级船型方案进行技术经济论证,认为长江汽车滚装运输船向大型化发展可有效提高技术经济指标. 相似文献
上海国际航运中心内港口的区域协同发展研究 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
上海洋山深水港的开港,浙江宁波舟山两港的一体化以及江苏8大港口的资源整合,使长三角港口群的竞争与合作关系成为各地政府和企业关注的重要课题。以聚合度这一重要的经济学指标回顾这一地区港口发展的历史情况,并以大量的数据和竞争情报分析来探讨三地港口发展的深层次矛盾,即各地大力发展港口产业的利益着眼点不一致。为了解决这一矛盾,使上海国际航运中心内港口群能够协同发展,不但需要在经济层面上照顾到各方面的利益,更重要的是如何对3个地区的港口进行科学的定位发展。 相似文献
概述长江港口发展的基本情况,总结其发展的基本思路,分析在港政管理体制、港口企业法人治理结构、岸线规划使用、港口通过能力、航道建设整治、港口建设投资、港口法制化建设、软环境建设等诸多方面存在的问题,提出了充分利用长江黄金水道,大力发展长江港口的建议. 相似文献
Water quality data from two monitoring programs in the Pamlico River Estuary (PRE) were analyzed for dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity, temperature, and nutrient concentrations. Data were collected bi-weekly at 8 stations from 1997 to 2003 by East Carolina University and continuously at three stations from 1999 to 2003 by the U.S. Geological Survey. Hypoxic conditions were observed mostly in the upper to middle estuary, but the frequency of hypoxic events varied between years. During June to October in 1997–1999 (referred to as the oxic summers) bottom water hypoxia (DO < 2 mg l− 1) was found in 8.7% of the observations. By contrast, during June to October in 2001–2003 (referred to as the hypoxic summers), 37.9% of the total measurements had DO concentrations less than 2 mg l− 1. The more frequent and/or prolonged hypoxic conditions during the hypoxic summers were closely associated with stronger salinity stratification and greater loadings of nutrient and particulate matter.Salinity stratification appeared to be governed by patterns of freshwater discharge, and frequency of wind mixing events. The “oxic” summers were characterized by continuous low freshwater inflow (except one extremely high flow event due to hurricanes), stronger northeastward wind, and more frequent wind mixing events. In contrast, the hypoxic summers were characterized by frequent moderate freshwater inflow events, and fewer wind mixing events.The greater loadings of nutrient (nitrate, ammonium, and phosphate) and particulate matter during the hypoxic summers were primarily due to higher river discharges. At the head of the PRE, no significant differences were found in concentrations of nutrient and particulate nitrogen between the oxic and the hypoxic summers. In addition, chlorophyll a concentrations were averaged above 30 μg l− 1 (maximum 167 μg l− 1) during the hypoxic summers, significantly higher than those during the oxic summers (averaged around 15 μg l− 1). 相似文献
通过对影响桥梁水域通航环境的因素综合分析,构建出桥梁水域通航风险评价指标体系,以模糊理论为基础,采用层次分析法(AHP)建立了桥梁水域通航环境综合风险评价模型,并利用该方法对沪通铁路长江大桥水域通航环境进行综合风险评价。通过综合风险评价的结果,可以充分掌握沪通铁路长江大桥水域通航环境的危险程度以及各项指标因素的危险状况,为海事管理部门改善桥梁水域的通航环境及通航管理提供科学的决策依据和参考。 相似文献
桥梁建设环境涉及社会经济环境、生态环境、噪声环境、大气与水环境等。针对桥梁工程建设中环境的影响因素,结合ISO 14001环境管理体系标准和施工实际,建立了鹦鹉洲长江大桥施工中的环境影响因素指标并实施评价,并对评价结果提出了工程建设中控制环境影响的措施。 相似文献