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云计算借助高速网络将各种计算能力联接起来,为交通信息提供了几乎无上限的可伸缩的计算能力. 本文分析了交通信息云计算的优势、特征、方法和部署,认为交通信息云计算也是一种信息高效采集和服务的概念,是实现交通行为控制的基础. 以车辆GPS定位信息的获取、传送、计算和应用为例,对比了浮动车信息现有处理模式与云计算信息处理模式,提出了以云计算模式产生高效用度、闭环可验证的个性化路径导航信息作用于海量驾驶员个体,实现控制性路径诱导的方法.  相似文献   
由于现代导弹大量采用单脉冲末制导雷达,使得传统的舰载有源角度欺骗干扰完全失去干扰效果。针对其特点,论文研究采用投掷式有源干扰诱饵对其实施干扰,从理论上证明采用这种干扰对抗单脉冲导弹可以有效保护已方舰艇,同时,也通过仿真计算证实它的有效性,并总结出了使用此干扰时的限制条件和正确的使用方法。  相似文献   
互联网社会的来势汹汹,让普通事件具备舆论发酵放大的可能性,交通管理工作的"日常性"以及和百姓的贴近性,让交管舆情监测及处置工作更加显得尤为重要。本文从舆情处置的重要性入手,提出一些可供借鉴的舆情引导的原则和方法。  相似文献   
From basic assumptions about independent and consistent driver behaviour, and with data from traffic counts, we derive statistical properties of regression or correlation estimates of route selection probabilities, turning probabilities and travelling times. Our modelling is conditional in a way that avoids most traffic generation problems and permits an asymptotic analysis of the precision under mild assumptions allowing non-stationarity. This allows us to put together non-stationary data from the corresponding time intervals during several days when we aim at high precision estimates.  相似文献   
通过GPS获得定位数据是GIS的一种数据采集方式,它可以实现车辆位置的实时、动态确定。本文利用目前较先进的组建式GIS技术,研制了一套能够实时动态显示模拟GPS信息的电子地图,具有较高的实用和教学意义。  相似文献   
A methodology for optimizing variable pedestrian evacuation guidance in buildings with convex polygonal interior spaces is proposed. The optimization of variable guidance is a bi-level problem. The calculation of variable guidance based on the prediction of congestion and hazards is the upper-level problem. The prediction of congestion provided the variable guidance is the lower-level problem. A local search procedure is developed to solve the problem. The proposed methodology has three major contributions. First, a logistic regression model for guidance compliance behavior is calibrated using a virtual reality experiment and the critical factors for the behavior are identified. Second, the guidance compliance and following behaviors are considered in the lower-level problem. Third, benchmarks are calculated to evaluate the performance of optimized variable guidance, including the lower bound of the maximum evacuation time and the maximum evacuation time under a fixed guidance. Finally, the proposed methodology is validated with numerical examples. Results show that the method has the potential to reduce evacuation time in emergencies.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to model route choice behaviour in a tolled road network with a bi-objective approach, assuming that all users have two objectives: (1) minimise travel time; and (2) minimise toll cost. We assume further that users have different preferences in the sense that for any given path with a specific toll, there is a limit on the time that an individual would be willing to spend. Different users can have different preferences represented by this indifference curve between toll and time. Time surplus is defined as the maximum time minus the actual time. Given a set of paths, the one with the highest (or least negative) time surplus will be the preferred path for the individual. This will result in a bi-objective equilibrium solution satisfying the time surplus maximisation bi-objective user equilibrium (TSmaxBUE) condition. That is, for each O–D pair, all individuals are travelling on the path with the highest time surplus value among all the efficient paths between this O–D pair.We show that the TSmaxBUE condition is a proper generalisation of user equilibrium with generalised cost function, and that it is equivalent to bi-objective user equilibrium. We also present a multi-user class version of the TSmaxBUE condition and demonstrate our concepts with illustrative examples.  相似文献   
  目的  舰载机着舰过程是其整个飞行过程中的一个关键环节,由于受到舰船运动的影响,技术难度较大。  方法  基于舰船极短期运动预报,开展舰载机着舰过程的仿真研究。首先,基于传统的舰船极短期运动预报方法,采用波形匹配和仿射变换,提出一种最优预报算法的确定方法;然后,建立基于光波束导引的舰载机着舰导引系统模型,并提出3个衡量着舰导引系统性能的终端误差指标;最后,开展舰载机着舰过程的仿真研究,分析舰载机对光波束运动轨迹的跟踪偏差及落点分布,得到着舰终端误差。  结果  由仿真结果可知,舰载机的着舰点相对集中,大多位于理想着舰点范围内,着舰终端误差满足着舰引导系统规范的要求。  结论  \t 研究成果对于舰载机的着舰引导具有参考价值。  相似文献   
针对目前客票径路计算中径路信息与实际旅客出行径路之间存在的差异性,从分析径路生成的计算模型出发,结合铁路通票业务背景,提出一种车次约束机制下的径路生成计算方法。算法以选择性集中存储为径路存取方式,实现径路公共信息的全路共享与车站特殊径路的分布式存取,有效压缩径路信息存储空间,提高径路选择效率;以车站-车次邻接表为基本数据结构,将铁路路网图改进为列车约束下的列车可达图,保证车站生成个性化径路的合理性和有效性;算法摒弃原有径路计算只计算本站至全路各个结算站间最短K路径的方法,分车站特殊径路计算和公共径路计算两步实现径路的计算,从根本上保证径路计算的有效性,解决通票径路与列车走行径路不符问题,实现了对现有径路生成算法的优化。  相似文献   
The positioning quality of global navigation satellite system (GNSS), or GNSS quality of service (QoS), is a major factor impacting real-time navigation performance. Commonly requested routes (i.e., shortest or fastest) may include areas with poor GNSS QoS, which can subsequently degrade navigation performance. To provide alternative routes with high or acceptable GNSS QoS along a route, a novel optimal routing for navigation systems/services based on GNSS QoS by utilizing integrated GNSS (iGNSS) QoS prediction is presented in this article. New routing criteria based on GNSS QoS are maximum availability, maximum accuracy, maximum continuity, and maximum reliability. Two experiments were conducted to compare GNSS QoS-based routes against shortest routes. In one experiment, routes were simulated, and in another, generated routes based on GNSS QoS were evaluated against GPS-based trajectories as ground truths. The results show that GNSS QoS-based routes provide routes with higher QoS, more than 50%, and longer, about 50%, than shortest routes.  相似文献   
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