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The paper explores what can occur when select street lanes throughout a city are periodically reserved for buses. Simulations of an idealized city were performed to that end. The city’s time-varying travel demand was studied parametrically. In all cases, queues formed throughout the city during a rush, and dissipated during the off-peak period that followed. Bus lanes were activated all at once across the city, and were eventually deactivated in like fashion. Activation and deactivation schedules varied parametrically as well. Schedules that roughly balanced the trip-time savings to bus riders against the added delays to car travelers were thus identified.Findings reveal why activating conversions near the start of a rush can degrade travel, both by car and by bus. Balance was struck by instead activating lane conversions nearer the end of the rush, when vehicle accumulation in the city was at or near its maximum. Most of the time savings to bus riders accrued after the conversions had been left in place for only 30 min. Leaving them for longer durations often brought modest additional savings to bus travelers. Yet, the added delays to cars often grew large as a result.These findings held even when buses garnered high ridership shares. This was the case when lane conversions gradually induced new bus trips among residents who formerly did not travel. It was also true when high ridership was a pre-existing feature of the city. Activating conversions a bit earlier in a rush was found to make sense only if commuters shifted from cars to buses in very large numbers. Findings also unveiled how to fine-tune activation and deactivation schedules to suit a city’s congestion level. Guidelines for scheduling conversions in real settings are furnished. So is discussion on how these schedules might be adapted to daily variations in city-wide traffic states. Roles for technology are discussed as well.  相似文献   
Charging infrastructure requirements are being largely debated in the context of urban energy planning for transport electrification. As electric vehicles are gaining momentum, the issue of locating and securing the availability, efficiency and effectiveness of charging infrastructure becomes a complex question that needs to be addressed. This paper presents the structure and application of a model developed for optimizing the distribution of charging infrastructure for electric buses in the urban context, and tests the model for the bus network of Stockholm. The major public bus transport hubs connecting to the train and subway system show the highest concentration of locations chosen by the model for charging station installation. The costs estimated are within an expected range when comparing to the annual bus public transport costs in Stockholm. The model could be adapted for various urban contexts to promptly assist in the transition to fossil-free bus transport. The total costs for the operation of a partially electrified bus system in both optimization cases considered (cost and energy) differ only marginally from the costs for a 100% biodiesel system. This indicates that lower fuel costs for electric buses can balance the high investment costs incurred in building charging infrastructure, while achieving a reduction of up to 51% in emissions and up to 34% in energy use in the bus fleet.  相似文献   
通过介绍某型号大客车车身结构的有限元模型,阐述了利用ANSYS有限元软件对大客车车身结构分析的基本过程。同时说明了车身结构有限元分析的主要影响因素和分析的基本步骤,为使用ANSYS软件对车身结构分析提供了重要参考,从而为进一步有限元分析和优化设计奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Transit ridership is usually sensitive to fares, travel times, waiting times, and access times, among other factors. Therefore, the elasticities of demand with respect to such factors should be considered in modeling bus transit services and must be considered when maximizing net benefits (i.e. “system welfare” = consumer surplus + producer surplus) rather just minimizing costs. In this paper welfare is maximized with elastic demand relations for both conventional (fixed route) and flexible-route services in systems with multiple dissimilar regions and periods. As maximum welfare formulations are usually too complex for exact solutions, they have only been used in a few studies focused on conventional transit services. This limitation is overcome here for both conventional and flexible transit services by using a Real Coded Genetic Algorithm to solve such mixed integer nonlinear welfare maximization problems with constraints on capacities and subsidies. The optimized variables include service type, zone sizes, headways and fares. We also determine the maximum welfare threshold between optimized conventional and flexible services) and explore the effects of subsidies. The proposed planning models should be useful in selecting the service type and optimizing other service characteristics based on local geographic characteristics and financial constraints.  相似文献   
为解决干线公交速度引导存在多要素关联约束强,全局效果差的问题,本文提出基于分级多目标决策的干线公交速度引导模型。基于公交线路运行特性的全局优化指标优势分析,设计以公交线路综合准点率为主,交叉口停车次数和分段引导速度均衡为辅的线路全局优化目标体系,并考虑多目标间的关联约束和优先控制差异,构建基于拉格朗日乘子法和遗传算法分层组合的干线公交速度引导分级多目标递阶决策模型;最后,通过实际场景测试,验证模型的有效性。测试结果表明:模型能够克服非全局指标优化的局部最优问题,将全线路各班次综合准点率和交叉口停车次数由非全局指标的69.67%和2.37次 ⋅ 班-1 提升到90.53%和1.23次 ⋅ 班-1;并且综合准点率比全局多目标加权方法提升8.65%,能够较好保障综合准点率目标的优先性,有效提升干线公交的通行效率和服务可靠性。  相似文献   
通过对国内客车产品质量现状、趋势和主要原因的分析,提出几点质量控制的策略和措施。  相似文献   
介绍气动内摆门的结构、工作原理,绘制出运动轨迹图;分析运动机构控制点,确定以及控制点位置对通道、踏步尺寸的影响,并给出设计实例。  相似文献   
分析客车企业产品认证、管理体系认证的现状,简述各认证体系在国内客车企业中的作用。  相似文献   
为提高定制公交系统的运行效率,研究了带乘客出行时间窗约束的多条定制公交线路车辆调度方法。给出了乘客出行站点合并方法,将公交车早到、晚到站点所造成的乘客损失转变为当量运营里程,以多辆公交车总运营里程最小为目标,考虑乘客的站点约束、公交车容量约束以及乘客的出行时间窗,建立了定制公交车辆调度优化模型。其次分析了乘客出行起点、终点对模型求解的影响,通过提出虚拟源站点,将多辆定制公交车的调度问题转换为多旅行商问题;基于后向推导原则设计贪心算法求得模型的可行解;之后基于遗传算法,采用自然数编码机制,将每个站点作为基因位,按照访问次序排列成染色体对应问题的解;最后给出了贪心算法和遗传算法的流程。在理论研究的基础上以定制公交线路为例对建模过程和模型的求解过程进行了阐述。研究结果表明:所建立的优化模型能够输出合理的多条定制公交线路车辆调度方案,不仅可以给出每辆定制公交的途经站点、运营里程,还可以给出每个站点的准点程度以及由于公交早到、晚到折算得到的当量运营里程;在求解算法质量方面,与可行解相比,相对最优解输出的方案能够使综合运营里程降低10.4%;模型求解时间为30.3 s,可以满足定制公交企业的实时性需求。  相似文献   
网联环境具有数据采集和交互方面的优势,能更精确地评估交通需求,更科学地实施交通管控措施。根据公交车与非优先车辆权重及延误分布差异,研究了考虑非优先车辆延误的公交优先单点信号控制方法。利用交叉口车辆轨迹数据计算轨迹样本到达率参数,根据车辆到达交叉口的分布特征构建各相位的车辆到达率概率函数,并采用极大似然估计预测到达率,基于交通流冲击波模型分别计算出各相位的排队波、驶离波和消散波波速。公交车数量少权重较高且网联化程度高,利用基于冲击波的时距图推导延误表达式;而非优先车辆数量多单车权重低且网联化程度低,利用基于到达率的定数理论推导延误表达式。按乘员数对公交车延误值和非优先车辆延误值进行加权,以加权延误最小为目标函数建立了混合整数线性规划模型,解得相位时长整数解,并反馈到信号机系统实现公交优先自适应信号控制。以武汉市车城北路与东风大道交叉口为对象,采集不同时段交叉口流量数据,利用SUMO软件开展仿真实验,结果表明:相比优化前,低、中、高流量情况下公交车单车平均延误时间分别减少25.63%、25.25%、18.32%;同等条件下平均每周期非优先车辆延误时间分别减少8.80%、4.68%、1.99%;同等条件下平均每周期加权延误时间分别减少20.98%、9.39%、12.70%。证明所提方法能较好地适配交通需求,且流量较低时效果最好。  相似文献   
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