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毂帽鳍作为一种新型的船用节能装置,合理地安排其在桨后的位置,能明显提升螺旋桨的推进效率,因此,有必要对毂帽鳍的节能效果进行研究。采用计算流体动力学方法,对毂帽鳍的敞水性能进行模拟。通过改变鳍叶在桨后的各个参数,分析其尾流的变化,以及各重要剖面处的压力分布等情况。模拟结果表明:鳍叶的不同安装角位置对桨的效率变化有明显的影响,而轴向位置的改变则对其效率的提高影响不大。通过观察尾流分布及压力分布图,可以直观地看出鳍叶的主要功效是产生与螺旋桨转向相同的扭矩,同时使尾流速度降低从而削弱乃至消除毂涡。  相似文献   
为保障驾驶人能快速确定出口位置,城市快速路出口编号逐渐被很多城市所应用。由于国家标准未对此进行相关规定,导致我国很多城市的出口编号标志存在不惟一、样式不统一等的问题。在调研的基础上,提出了采用数字与文字相结合的编号方法能够准确反映道路特征、流向特征,并确保了出口编号的的惟一性,以无锡快速内环西快速路的出口编号标志设置为例进行了详细解析。最后通过比较设置出口编号标志前后,被测试驾驶人对快速路出口位置的识别时间的改变情况,发现50%测试者的视认性都得到了一定程度改善,验证了快速路出口编号方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
青藏公路热棒路基降温效能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析多年冻土区热棒路基的工程效果, 定量评价其降温效能, 基于青藏公路热棒路基试验工程近11年的现场监测数据, 分析了热棒路基的地温特征、温度场形态和冻融过程, 估算了阴阳坡影响下热棒附近的水平热收支状况。建立了空气-热棒-冻土地基三维非稳态耦合计算模型, 分析了不同结构形式(单侧直插式、单侧斜插式、双侧直插式与双侧斜插式)的热棒路基的降温效能。实测结果表明: 在热棒作用下, 阳坡侧路基地温可降到-1.5℃附近, 较普通路基地温降低约3.0℃, 阴坡侧路基地温最低达到-2.1℃; 热棒路基经过11年的营运, 阳坡侧冻土上限抬升约0.95m, 基本达到天然地基水平; 阴阳坡两侧热棒的年平均实际功率分别约为69.80、54.07 W, 且热棒路基在最初5年传递能量较大, 第6年后逐渐减小, 此后路基的热状况进入相对稳定的状态。计算结果表明: 双侧直插式热棒路基与双侧斜插式热棒路基第20年冻土上限分别为2.88、1.88m, 而单侧直插式热棒路基与单侧斜插式热棒路基第20年冻土上限分别为3.84、3.46m, 因此, 双侧热棒路基的长期降温效果明显强于单侧热棒路基, 斜插式热棒路基强于直插式热棒路基; 单根热棒的年平均功率为47~56 W, 与试验工程监测结果较为吻合。  相似文献   
轨道交通建设对北京市商业空间布局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析北京市轨道交通和商业发展现状的基础上。重点探析轨道交通建设对北京商业空间布局的影响机理和演化过程,说明轨道交通的建设会带来新商业区的兴起、传统商业区或中心商务区的功能强化、枢纽站点附近的商业区地位提升、轨道交通辐射范围外的区域商业功能弱化等变化。提出轨道交通引导商业空间布局有序发展的策略体系,为北京市轨道交通规划建设和商业空间布局优化提供理论依据和决策参考。  相似文献   
During the last years, many governments have set targets for increasing the share of biofuels in the transportation sector. Understanding consumer behavior is essential in designing policies that efficiently increase the uptake of cleaner technologies. In this paper we analyze adopters and non-adopters of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs). We use diffusion of innovation theory and the established notion that the social system and interpersonal influence play important roles in adoption. Based on a nationwide database of car owners we analyze interpersonal influence on adoption from three social domains: neighbors, family and coworkers. The results point primarily at a neighbor effect in that AFV adoption is more likely if neighbors also have adopted. The results also point at significant effects of interpersonal influence from coworkers and family members but these effects weaken or disappear when income, education level, marriage, age, gender and green party votes are controlled for. The results extend the diffusion of innovation and AFV literature with empirical support for interpersonal influence based on objective data where response bias is not a factor. Implications for further research, environmental and transport policy, and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   
在当前全国各地积极开展对道路危险路段、事故多发点段进行排查、治理的背景下,提出要对筛选出的道路危险源进行等级评定,科学排序后分期分批治理,并对治理效果进行综合评价的理念,可为在我国建立道路危险路段、事故多发点段排查与治理效果评估体系提供参考。  相似文献   
The market potential indicator is a commonly used tool in transport planning for evaluating the potential economic effects derived from improvements in transport infrastructures. The general assumption is that exports from a given region will rise with increased accessibility, thus benefiting economic activities. However, the specification of the market potential model is typically very simple and ignores both the impact of competing rivals and the role of international borders, which leads to unrealistic results. Spatial interaction models on bilateral trade have already proved that international trade is affected by multilateral resistance, borders, adjacency, language or currency. Nevertheless, apart from some recent analyses that simply calibrate the distance decay parameter from trade datasets, these variables have hardly been integrated into research on market potential. This paper sets out to demonstrate that more realistic results are obtained by calibrating the distance-decay parameter and introducing the impact of competing rivals and border effects into the market potential formulation. The proposed model is then applied to the assessment of the accessibility impacts of new road transport infrastructure in the European Union between 2001 and 2012, which shows that the greatest improvements in accessibility were experienced by peripheral countries with high road infrastructure investment.  相似文献   
This paper describes the effect of previous heating on inherent deformation by a subsequent heating line, more specifically, the case of two heating lines intersecting (crossing) each other. The paper has been divided into two parts. In the first part, the case of single crossed heating lines is studied in detail. The second part of the paper, discusses the case of more than one crossed heating lines. The novelty of the work lies in revealing the cross effect and how, factors such as, for example, the heating condition and the plate geometry, influence the resulting inherent deformation of crossed heating. In addition, relationships to easily get these influences are provided. The results are suitable for a wide range of heating conditions and plate thickness.  相似文献   
For centuries, the maritime industry has been a recognised place in society dominated solely by men, and even though there were women involved, they were mostly on the periphery. This research aims to fill the gap of women’s career development in this field, by investigating the relationships among the degree of organisational socialisation, women’s workplace culture, and the career development of women in the maritime workplace. The analyses are conducted with the structural equation model with 202 valid questionnaires. The results indicated that women’s workplace culture has a significantly negative relationship with the degree of organisational socialisation, and then in turn, it has a significantly positive relationship with women’s career development in the maritime industry. Finally, the results also indicate that the mediating effect of organisational socialisation existed between women’s workplace culture and women’s career development. According to the empirical analysis, this study makes conclusions as well as suggestions for the maritime enterprises as the reference for human resource management.  相似文献   
针对掺混甲烷的乙烯层流火焰中的炭烟颗粒从形貌角度进行了研究,构建了具有相同当量比(2.07)、火焰温度、气体流速的层流预混乙烯火焰和掺混甲烷的乙烯火焰,并各自选取了3个高度进行热泳探针取样,采用TEM和AFM方法对各个工况的炭烟颗粒粒径分布、平均粒径、平均体积当量球径进行了对比。发现少量的甲烷掺混会令乙烯火焰中炭烟颗粒的尺寸变大,而当甲烷掺混量变多时该现象消失。而通过对颗粒的圆度、球度和分形维数计算和分析,发现即使是很小的颗粒也具有相似的不规则形状,这一现象广泛存在于各种火焰和各种大小的颗粒中,不受掺混比的影响,并且越大的颗粒结构越松散。  相似文献   
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