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The paper intends to analyse the different attitudes of residents in urban areas in regard to annoyance induced by traffic noise, account taken of the effects of the street configuration and of the presence of specific public transport modes in the definition of the dose-response curves.People’s annoyance was investigated through a campaign of noise and traffic measurements and an epidemiological survey, administered to a sample of 830 residents in the buildings close to the measurement points.An ordinal regression model taking into account environmental and urban characteristics was used to identify a dose-response relationship. The cumulative probabilities allowed to define two cut points on the dose-response curves (60 and 75 dB(A)), grouping people in three classes and making the representation of the dose-response relationships different from those traditionally defined that use only the percentage of highly annoyed people.The results show different people’s attitudes towards the annoyance in the urban sites while the dose-response relationship shows that the correlation between annoyance and noise is low. For the same value of day equivalent level, 10% more people are annoyed in L sections (broad streets) than in U sections (narrow streets). Furthermore, all the dose-response curves show a higher sensitivity of people living in L sections; this difference can be measured as a shift of about 4 dB(A). Noise levels are, arguably, a useful indicator, but they are not reliable enough to define the discomfort of the residents, while the site characteristics could shed light on annoyance variability.  相似文献   
停车诱导信息板泊位状况显示优化模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在考虑停车诱导率的基础上,综合考虑停车诱导信息板在路网中所处位置、道路交通状况和停车泊位的变化趋势等影响因素,以进入诱导区域内所有停放车辆到达停车场的车公里数(vehicle kilometers of travel,VKT)最小为目标,建立了停车诱导信息板泊位状况显示优化模型。该模型可以确定某一显示时间间隔内,诱导区域内所有停车诱导信息板泊位状况显示结果的最优组合。算例分析表明,该模型是可行的,且随着停车诱导率的增加,VKT随之下降,诱导效果随之提高。  相似文献   
研究的主要内容包括:信号灯控制道路交叉口红灯周期形成的排队车辆,在放行后不同车型的启动时间和不同车型组成的混合机动车流车头时距的分布研究;混合交通状态下机动车启动通过交叉口时受到干扰后的延误时间研究;利用上述研究成果对混合交通状态下交叉口排队车辆的放行绿灯时间进行估算。课题以现实交通数据为基础,通过统计分析结果最终建立放行绿灯时间估算表,对混合交通状态下道路交叉口信号灯的配时起到指导意义。  相似文献   
交通控制与诱导集成的关键问题评述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
分析了交通控制和交通诱导的相互影响与相互作用。综述了交通控制系统和交通诱导系统集成的研究现状,重点对交通控制和交通诱导集成的6个关键问题进行了讨论分析。提出应用演化博弈论、有限理性和人工情感等研究探讨驾驶员对交通诱导信息的反应机理和先由交通诱导系统将交通流诱导到合适的路网上然后由交通控制系统来适应这些交通流的思想建立集成模型。提出应用人工交通系统与平行系统的思想来研究交通控制和交通诱导的集成实施问题,通过人工交通系统的"计算试验"对交通控制方案和诱导方案进行试验和评估,期望为交通控制和交通诱导二者的集成提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   
车辆运动方程定位原理的研究及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用车辆运动方程获取车辆行驶距离,车辆当前位置点处的道路方向作为方向角,根据航位推算原理实时推算车辆位置。通过实地跑车试验分别分析了该定位技术在车载导航系统和监控中心的应用。试验结果显示,在车辆导航系统中该技术能实现GPS盲区内的车辆连续定位功能;在监控中心中,该技术从理论上可以大大减少单个车辆和监控中心之间的信息流量,其实际应用还有待智能交通系统的进一步完善。  相似文献   
为了解决已有的动态交通分配模型普遍存在的优化计算时间过长,严重影响网络规模扩展的问题,提出了一种新的动态交通分配优化算法。将模拟退火和隔离小生境技术有机地结合起来,融入到遗传训练过程中形成了一种混合小生境遗传-模拟退火算法,不仅可以有效地避免传统遗传算法可能出现的不收敛现象,加快进化速度,具有更强的全局寻优能力,而且计算速度和算法稳定性也得到提高。将其与Papageorgiou M.提出的动态交通分配模型框架相结合,设计了动态交通分配的快速模拟优化算法,并进行了实例研究。仿真结果表明,新的优化算法显著降低了优化计算时间,大大提高了动态交通分配模型的实用价值。  相似文献   
研究疲劳驾驶状态下驾驶员脑电信号的特征。结合Hilbert-Huang Transform(HHT)方法和近似熵方法,提出了一种新的脑电信号处理方法:HHT近似熵方法,首先用HHT方法把脑电信号分解为多个内在的模式分量,然后求取各个模式分量的近似熵值,探讨疲劳驾驶时脑电信号的非线性特征。在汽车模拟驾驶仪上进行疲劳驾驶,同时用脑电测量仪器测量驾驶员脑电,用HHT近似熵方法对正常静坐、正常驾驶、疲劳静坐、疲劳驾驶4种脑电信号进行具体的分析处理,结果表明d_2、d_4近似熵比值可以区分4种脑电信号,可以作为疲劳驾驶时的脑电特征。为疲劳驾驶的预警系统研究提供了理论上的一些依据和参考。  相似文献   
This paper measures the effect of low-cost carriers (LCCs) on British regional airports' commercial revenue using panel data analysis. The evidence shows that although LCCs have significant impact on airports' commercial revenue, their contribution is smaller compared to other carriers. The empirical results indicate that holding other variables constant, on average, each additional LCC passenger boosts airport commercial revenue by £2.87, while each additional other carrier passenger raises commercial revenue by £5.59. These results are relatively stable across different models. The findings have important policy implications for aviation strategy at the regional level and beyond.  相似文献   
Sri Lanka has an extensive Three-Wheeler Taxi service comprised of around 300,000 vehicles. These vehicles, which first made an entry to Sri Lanka’s roads in the early 1980s, account for around 15% of the active motor vehicle fleet at present. Three-Wheelers Taxis also account for around 6% of the passenger kilometres. These vehicles are mostly individually operated with some owned by the operator and others hired on a monthly or daily basis. The industry is unregulated with vehicle registration and driving licenses being the only instruments of regulation. Fares are unregulated. However, most operators belong to associations which are loose collections of operators found in a given locality. These associations impose a degree of self regulation with respect to fares. They also tend to demonstrate oligapolistic behaviour.The paper is based on a survey of 200 operators and 100 passengers from a Divisional Secretariat area in Colombo District. The survey covered a number of details pertaining to ownership, management and fare structures, as well as opinions on the service attributes by users. The survey also covered perceptions of operators to determine the social, economic and transport implications of the services provided. Details were also obtained on the profiles of the operators and their expectations.The paper provides the results of the analysis of this data and draws a number of conclusions on the economics of the industry as well as the social aspects associated with it. It also discusses the characteristics of the users of these three wheelers as well as their typical use. The analysis also investigates complementarily of service provision between three wheelers as an access mode to buses and railways. This analysis has been used to develop an understanding of the manner in which the industry has grown over the last two decades and how it is being operated today. It also identifies areas wherein the industry has become inefficient and assesses the degree of over pricing that exists due to this. The data also helps to determine the relationship between unemployment and provision of self-employed transport services.The paper concludes with a synopsis of the profile of the industry and its role within the wider transport sector and with respect to ownership. It also discusses the positive and negative impacts of the lack of regulation on the industry.  相似文献   
日本城市轨道交通应用系统模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了日本城市轨道交通系统的发展概况,介绍了该国的几种主要城市轨道交通模式,由此对中国的城市轨道交通模式选择提出了几点建议。  相似文献   
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