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This paper aims to cross-compare existing estimation methods for the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram. Raw data are provided by a mesoscopic simulation tool for two typical networks that mimic an urban corridor and a meshed urban center. We mainly focus on homogenous network loading in order to fairly cross-compare the different methods with the analytical reference. It appears that the only way to estimate the MFD without bias is to have the full information of vehicle trajectories over the network and to apply Edie’s definitions. Combining information from probes (mean network speed) and loop detectors (mean network flow) also provides accurate results even for low sampling rate (<10%). Loop detectors fail to provide a good estimation for mean network speed or density because they cannot capture the traffic spatial dynamics over links. This paper proposes a simple adjustment technic in order to reduce the discrepancy when only loop detectors are available.  相似文献   
The goal of this study is to develop and apply a new method for assessing social equity impacts of distance-based public transit fares. Shifting to a distance-based fare structure can disproportionately favor or penalize different subgroups of a population based on variations in settlement patterns, travel needs, and most importantly, transit use. According to federal law, such disparities must be evaluated by the transit agency, but the area-based techniques identified by the Federal Transit Authority for assessing discrimination fail to account for disparities in distances travelled by transit users. This means that transit agencies currently lack guidelines for assessing the social equity impacts of replacing flat fare with distance-based fare structures. Our solution is to incorporate a joint ordinal/continuous model of trip generation and distance travelled into a GIS Decision Support System. The system enables a transit planner to visualize and compare distance travelled and transit-cost maps for different population profiles and fare structures. We apply the method to a case study in the Wasatch Front, Utah, where the Utah Transit Authority is exploring a switch to a distance-based fare structure. The analysis reveals that overall distance-based fares benefit low-income, elderly, and non-white populations. However, the effect is geographically uneven, and may be negative for members of these groups living on the urban fringe.  相似文献   
箱形截面近年来得到广泛应用,但建成后通过一定时间的运营,发现箱梁腹板普遍开裂,国内外进行了大量的研究与分析。通过对一座预应力混凝土变截面连续箱梁桥实例,通过空间有限元分析计算,发现简支端的最大剪应力与边跨跨中的正应力偏载系数远比经验值大,可为类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   
基于GIS的Logistic回归在区域滑坡空间预测中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
巫山新址西区作为试验区,选取地形地貌、岩性特征、地质构造等区域斜坡稳定性影响因子,以MAPGIS地理信息系统为技术支撑,将全区按10m×10m方格划分为14450个单元,每个格网单元作为一个样本,建立Logistic回归模型,进行区域滑坡空间预测。结果表明:以滑坡发生概率0.163为判据,试验区内发生滑坡地段的判对率为72.08%,不发生滑坡地段的判对率为81.44%。根据计算结果可以得到区域斜坡稳定性分区以及进一步的地质灾害风险评价。  相似文献   
大跨径连续刚构桥的随机地震动响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苏通长江大桥辅航道桥为工程背景,考虑结构自重引起几何非线性以及桩土相互影响,建立该桥的地震分析模型,分析行波效应、部分相干效应和局部场地效应对结构地震响应的影响规律。结果表明:行波效应总体上削弱结构的位移响应,对内力响应的影响较大,在相位差为1s的情况下,面内弯矩响应的增幅达到25%;局部场地效应对内力及位移响应的影响均较大;相干效应削弱桥梁主墩的弯矩响应。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to compare the ecological footprint for travel-commuting patterns for the residents of an Irish city-region, that is Limerick city-region, in 1996 and 2002. Scenario building, based on ecological footprint analysis, is used to estimate the impact of different policy choices for 2010. The optimal policy mix for sustainable travel is proposed and consists of a mix of reduced demand through travel demand measures, better spatial planning and technological improvements in fuel economy.  相似文献   
对于在软弱、破碎、富水地层中采用双侧壁导坑法修筑的暗挖大跨隧道,跳仓法施工依赖于初期支护的“棚护效应”维持拆撑后大跨结构的稳定性,常常面临拆撑步距小、风险高、效率低、代价大的困境,一旦拆撑方案采取不当,极易造成塌方安全事故。针对这一问题,以青岛地铁4号线错埠岭站为依托工程,通过理论分析与数值计算相结合的手段,论证了拆撑后初期支护“空间棚护效应”主要由“横向成拱效应”和“纵向成梁效应”组成,二者共同维持大跨结构的安全性与稳定性;同时确定了合理、安全、高效、快速的拆撑分区长度与隔仓分区长度,分别为L=9 m、S=18 m,并顺利通过了现场施工的检验。结果表明:软弱地层大跨隧道采用“隔二拆一、先内部后洞口”的拆撑方案是切实可行的,可为后续工程提供借鉴与指导。  相似文献   
合理科学的线路走向会降低工程投资、提高运输效率,使线路在路网中发挥最佳的作用。为了研究线路走向合理科学的决策方法,通过分析影响线路走向的各种因素,提取主影响因子及属性特征,利用Arc GIS的空间分析、数据处理,实现属性单元的指标值量化。根据空间多维度相似的相似度计算方法,通过空间相似理论和提取出的主影响因子,构建设计线路方案决策模型,实现基于空间相似理论的线路走向决策。并以兰州张掖城际铁路选线为例进行实证分析,得到合理的线路走向推荐方案。结果表明,该方法可应用到线路走向决策中,可为以后线路走向的选定提供参考。  相似文献   
为了解高速铁路槽形连续梁拱桥拱梁固结段的真实应力状态及验证局部分析中边界条件表达的准确性,以济青高速铁路(66.5+142+66.5) m双线有砟轨道预应力混凝土连续槽形梁拱桥为工程背景,利用FEA有限元软件建立细化的空间实体有限元模型,分析中支点横截面空间效应,并对局部模型的边界条件模拟的正确性进行验证。分析表明:中支点截面应力呈现明显的空间不规律现象,恒载比活载剪力滞效应更为明显,局部位置如拱肋与主梁连接部位、主梁下缘支座处、横隔板进人孔倒角处应力集中,应适当加强配筋,其余部位应力均满足要求,通过验证局部模型的内力分布,确保实体模型应力结果的准确性,保证结构安全。  相似文献   
以一座典型的具有中央分隔带的中承式3跨(20m 60m 20m)连续梁拱组合式桥梁为背景,提出了弹性支撑连续梁计算其荷载横向分布的方法,并对其静动力性能进行了空间有限元分析和试验研究,结果表明:理论计算值与试验结果基本吻合,所提出的荷载横向分布的计算方法能较好地预测其内力分布。  相似文献   
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