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采用小波分析进行电喷汽油机失火诊断的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取小波变换的方法对电喷汽油机的瞬时转速波动信号进行分解去噪处理。采用小波变换的Mallat快速算法,并从分解后的信号中提取特征值,用于诊断汽油机的失火故障。通过台架验证试验表明:文中采取的方法可以有效去除高速时的干扰信号,能满足失火诊断的要求。  相似文献   
针对汽车制造业零部件数量大、种类多及差别大的特点,结合零部件在整车中的地位和作用,提出将零部件按重要程度分类的思想,并给出具体的分类指标,在此基础上建立汽车制造业供应商评价与选择程序模型。重点阐述了一级零部件的评选策略,并对现有的各种评价方法的优缺点进行了比较,为汽车制造业对零部件供应商的评价与选择提供了依据。  相似文献   
通过优化发动机压缩比,调整点火提前角,改善了LPG电喷发动机的燃烧过程。实验结果表明,电控喷射LPG燃气发动机外特性功率、转矩的最大下降较原汽油机分别小于3.0%、3.2%;在常用部分负荷工况,发动机CO排放小于1%、HC排放小于150×10-6,NOx排放也得到较大幅度改善。  相似文献   
串联式混合动力电动汽车发动机转速新型PID控制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在混合动力电动汽车中发动机转速的优化控制是降低油耗、减少排放的关键。而发动机转速系统是一个复杂的变参数非线性系统,且很难获得其准确数学模型。本文在常规的PID控制的基础上引入单神经元自适应控制,提出了发动机转速控制的优化目标。台架试验证明控制器能够较好地实现对发动机转速控制。  相似文献   
This paper presents a current investigation into crash experience along a 15.7-mile rural corridor in southwest Montana with the aim of better understanding crash causal factors along the corridor. The study utilized ten years of crash data, geometric data, and observed freeflow speed data along the corridor. A systematic approach was used where every tenth of a mile was described in term of the crash experience, speed, alignment, and roadside features. Using bivariate and multivariate statistical anal-yses, the study investigated the crash experience along the corridor as well as some of the underlying relationships which could explain some of the crash causal factors. Results show a strong association between crash rates and horizontal curvatures even for flat curves that can be negotiated at speeds above the posted speed limit, per the highway design equations. Higher crash rates were also found to be associated with the difference between the observed free-flow speeds and the speed dictated by the curve radius or sight distance as per the design equations. Further, results strongly support the safety benefits of guardrails as evidenced by the lower crash rates and severities. The presence of fixed objects and the steepness of side slopes were also found to have an effect on crash rates and severities.  相似文献   
574.8 km/h世界高速列车速度新记录的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析法国创造574.8km/h高速列车最高试验速度记录的技术手段。阐述先进的技术标准体系是法国高速领域不断创新的技术支撑。展望世界高速列车技术的发展方向。  相似文献   
车轮速度传感器的构造与维护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
车轮速度传感器的作用是将车轮的转变为电压信号,输送给电子控制系统(ECU),并发出相应的指令。介绍了车轮速度传感器的构造、工作原理、维护与检测。  相似文献   
对现有的船舶航速估算方法分析比较,提出了大型油船的航速估算方法。其中有效功率估算是根据上海船研所肥大船系试验图谱和实船试验资料经分析、修正得出,与荷兰Holtrop法、大连造船厂法比较,本文方法均方差最小,估算值与试验值最接近;自航因子估算以SSPA大油轮系列自航试验资料为基础,用上海船研所大量肥大船模型自航试验数据修正得出。  相似文献   
Sideslip angle could provide important information concerning vehicle's stability. Unfortunately direct measurement of sideslip angle requires a complex and expensive experimental set-up, which is not suitable for implementation on ordinary passenger cars; thus, this quantity has to be estimated starting from the measurements of vehicle lateral/longitudinal acceleration, speed, yaw rate and steer angle. According to the proposed methodology, sideslip angle is estimated as a weighted mean of the results provided by a kinematic formulation and those obtained through a state observer based on vehicle single-track model. Kinematical formula is considered reliable for a transient manoeuvre, while the state observer is used in nearly quasi-state condition. The basic idea of the work is to make use of the information provided by the kinematic formulation during a transient manoeuvre to update the single-track model parameters (tires cornering stiffnesses). A fuzzy-logic procedure was implemented to identify steady state or transient conditions.  相似文献   
通过对产生阻力结构的分析,建立了复原、压缩行程的数学模型。对3种阻力一速度特性曲线的研究,依据努伯利流量连续定理,推导出阻力的基本公式。这些公式对研究阻力产生的结构,以及运动油的流向具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
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