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车速在道路安全审计中的作用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过简介国外的道路安全审计工作,阐述其中车速在道路安全审计中的作用;笔者对太旧、成渝两条高速公路进行实例分析,揭示了公路上运行车速和交通事故的内在联系,引进两项基于车速的道路安全评价指标,为道路安全审计提供一种新的评价手段。  相似文献   
针对信号控制交叉口由于绿灯间隔时间设置不当而可能导致的困境区域问题,结合路口限速、交叉口几何条件等客观因素,提出分析模型和最小绿灯间隔时间的计算公式,同时针对几种可能出现的情况,提出相关的建议,以达到消除困境区域的目的。  相似文献   
In this paper we develop and explore an approach to estimate dynamic models of activity generation on one-day travel-diary data. Dynamic models predict multi-day activity patterns of individuals taking into account dynamic needs as well as day-varying preferences and time-budgets. We formulate an ordered-logit model of dynamic activity-agenda-formation decisions and show how one-day observation probabilities can be derived from the model as a function of the model’s parameters and, with that, how parameters can be estimated using standard loglikelihood estimation. A scale parameter cannot be identified because information on within-person variability is lacking in one-day data. An application of the method to data from a national travel survey illustrates the method. A test on simulated data indicates that, given a pre-set scale, the parameters can be identified and that estimates are robust for a source of heterogeneity not captured in the model. This result indicates that dynamic activity-based models of the kind considered here can be estimated from data that are less costly to collect and that support the large sample sizes typically required for travel-demand modeling. We conclude therefore that the proposed approach opens up a way to develop large-scale dynamic activity-based models of travel demand.  相似文献   
针对某重型汽车动力传动系统匹配设计中遇到的参数反求问题,提出了基于PARETO最优解的重型汽车传动系统参数优化方法.建立了某算例车型的CRUISE仿真模型的近似模型,并将其作为多目标优化的代理模型.利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱对该优化问题进行了求解,得到了算例车型传动系参数的1组PARETO最优解集.结果表明,计算所得PARETO解集能为工程人员提供多种可选方案,方便其选择合适的传动系统参数.  相似文献   
针对装备金属带式无级变速器(CVT)的整车,建立了无级变速传动系统数学模型.以无级变速汽车动力性和经济性相协调为目标,设计了Fuzzy-PI复合速比控制器.采用Fuzzy-PD控制策略和Fuzzy-PI复合控制策略对汽车起动工况进行了仿真分析,对装备金属带式CVT的某轿车进行了起动工况的模拟试验.结果表明,Fuzzy-PI复合控制策略优于Fuzzy-PD控制策略,速比的试验结果与理论数据一致,说明所建模型合理.  相似文献   
通过对商用车加速行驶车外噪声验证试验结果的分析发现,欧洲经济委员会颁布的ECE R51/03系列汽车加速行驶车外噪声法规缺少对于试验过程中商用车发动机转速特性的全面考虑。为此,结合GB 1495—2002中对类似情况的处理方式,以及ECE R51/03系列法规的制订宗旨,提出了针对发动机转速对应条款修订意见,并对条款修订前、后的试验数据进行了对比。  相似文献   
文章介绍了一种通过杠杆来控制无级变速器速比变化的新方法。新型无级变速器,其控制部分采用了杠杆机构,与CVT液压控制系统中的反馈杠杆不同,它是用于替代常规的液压控制机构。采用杠杆作为变速执行元件,可以简化无级变速器的结构及控制系统,对新型无级变速器的设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
In this study, we explored the potential of using electronic toll collection (ETC)-derived data that are a part of intelligent transport systems (ITS). Dynamic origin–destination (OD) traffic volumes were estimated using ETC data on the Hanshin Expressway. A dynamic OD estimation model that was suggested in a previous study was used, and abundant ETC data were input to improve the estimation accuracy. The results of OD estimation were analyzed to understand traffic demand and its variation. External factors were clarified that have an influence on variances in the OD flows, and statistical analysis methods for the variations were proposed depending on the factors. Moreover, the improvements in traffic simulation accuracy and performance as a result of using ETC data as input variables in the simulation models were discussed. According to the results of this study, ETC data have potential to assist in understaningd traffic demand and its variation, and the results can be applied to network management.  相似文献   
This article proposes a maximum-likelihood method to update travel behavior model parameters and estimate vehicle trip chain based on plate scanning. The information from plate scanning consists of the vehicle passing time and sequence of scanned vehicles along a series of plate scanning locations (sensor locations installed on road network). The article adopts the hierarchical travel behavior decision model, in which the upper tier is an activity pattern generation model, and the lower tier is a destination and route choice model. The activity pattern is an individual profile of daily performed activities. To obtain reliable estimation results, the sensor location schemes for predicting trip chaining are proposed. The maximum-likelihood estimation problem based on plate scanning is formulated to update model parameters. This problem is solved by the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. The model and algorithm are then tested with simulated plate scanning data in a modified Sioux Falls network. The results illustrate the efficiency of the model and its potential for an application to large and complex network cases.  相似文献   
Traffic congestion has become a major challenge in recent years in many countries of the world. One way to alleviate congestion is to manage the traffic efficiently by applying intelligent transportation systems (ITS). One set of ITS technologies helps in diverting vehicles from congested parts of the network to alternate routes having less congestion. Congestion is often measured by traffic density, which is the number of vehicles per unit stretch of the roadway. Density, being a spatial characteristic, is difficult to measure in the field. Also, the general approach of estimating density from location-based measures may not capture the spatial variation in density. To capture the spatial variation better, density can be estimated using both location-based and spatial data sources using a data fusion approach. The present study uses a Kalman filter to fuse spatial and location-based data for the estimation of traffic density. Subsequently, the estimated data are utilized for predicting density to future time intervals using a time-series regression model. The models were estimated and validated using both field and simulated data. Both estimation and prediction models performed well, despite the challenges arising from heterogeneous traffic flow conditions prevalent in India.  相似文献   
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