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George Town, Penang, is the oldest British colonial city in South East Asia. The colonial settlement layout in the inner city area is still intact today. The establishment of George Town as a trading centre had attracted immigrants from all over the world, especially from Asia (Chinese, Indians and Arabs). Recently, George Town has been enlisted under the UNESCO World Heritage Lists as an outstanding example of traditional multi-cultural settlement. The uniqueness of this inner city is that the formation of its urban pattern is the result of ‘divide and rule’ concept adopted by the British authority. Under the ‘divide and rule’ concept, these immigrants were located to settlement areas based on their ethnic background under one leader known as ‘kapitan’ (captain). The study finds that transport access in this inner city was influenced by the ‘divide and rule’ concept. Unlike formation of well-planned gridiron pattern in other British colonial cities such as in North America, Canada and Australia, the formation of the urban pattern in George Town has an irregular gridiron pattern. This type of urban pattern is typical under ‘divide and rule’ concept and this had indirectly influenced the setting and planning of the present street access and transport networks.
Ahmad Sanusi HassanEmail:
Bus based public transport has enjoyed revitalisation in many urban areas but outside large towns and cities its provision and quality remains erratic. Many rural settlements have infrequent services giving rise to social exclusion through transport disadvantage.The UK Government highlighted a need in Towards a Sustainable Transport System (2007) for radical new thinking on rural accessibility to help meet goals of quality of life and accessibility for all and to help meet the challenge in finding carbon friendly ways of meeting rural transport needs. This paper reports work undertaken for the Commission for Integrated Transport, an advisory body to UK Government, on how shared taxi-schemes could be developed within a deregulated environment to meet rural accessibility needs. This is based on an analysis of institutional barriers and comparison between successful mainland European schemes and UK schemes. The paper considers economic viability and the levels of subsidy currently used to provide accessibility in rural areas to show the potential for making current expenditure on rural transport in the UK ‘work harder’ to deliver a collective taxi-based service as part of the public transport mix so as to increase rural accessibility.  相似文献   
基于乘客需求的公交客流OD采集技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高公交服务水平和优化公交调度,在分析现有公交客流采集技术基础上,运用单片机技术、通信技术等,提出了基于乘客需求的公交客流OD采集技术,设计了由请求单元、公交车单元、数据中心组成的采集系统,实现了公交乘客的上下车请求、站点客流数据、公交OD数据的采集,可以为公交优化调度提供基础数据。  相似文献   

This article presents a simulation of four quantitative scenarios using the applied general equilibrium model WorldScan . The scenarios are constructed to study the effects of globalization on transport and the environment. They contain different assumptions on the degree of globalization, technical progress, migration and energy policies. WorldScan focuses on long-term economic growth, trade and specialization patterns. It quantifies the economic content of the scenarios and the volume growth of energy and emissions between 1995 and 2050. The scenario outcomes show that emission growth quadruples with high economic growth without any energy-efficient technologies and environmental legislation. However, in an ecological scenario which combines energy-efficient technologies, environmental legislation and modest economic growth, global emissions hardly increase.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the impact of three freight transport policies aiming to promote railroad intermodal transport in Europe, and examines the case of Belgium as a testing ground. These policies consist in subsidizing intermodal transport operations (such as in Belgium, to stimulate rail transport), internalizing external costs (as recommended by the European Union in order to foster cleaner modes), and adopting a system perspective when optimizing the location of inland intermodal terminals. The study proposes an innovative mixed integer intermodal freight location-allocation model based on hub-location theory and deals with non-linear transport costs in order to replicate economies of distance. Our analysis suggests that subsidizing has a significant impact on the volumes transported by intermodal transport, and, to a lesser extent, that optimizing terminal location increases the competitiveness of intermodal transport. On the other hand, according to our assumptions, internalizing external costs can negatively impact the promotion of intermodality. This finding indicates that innovative last-mile transports are needed in order to reduce the external impacts of drayage operations.  相似文献   
The European Union has adopted a range of policies aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from road transport, including setting binding targets for tailpipe CO2 emissions for new light-duty fleets. The legislative framework for implementing such targets allows taking into account the CO2 savings from innovative technologies that cannot be adequately quantified by the standard test cycle CO2 measurement. This paper presents a methodology to define the average productivity of vehicle-mounted photovoltaic roofs and to quantify the resulting CO2 benefits for conventional combustion engine-powered passenger cars in the European Union. The method relies on the analysis of a large dataset of vehicles activity data, i.e. urban driving patterns acquired with GPS systems, combined with an assessment of the shading effect from physical obstacles and indoor parking. The results show that on average the vehicle photovoltaic roof receives 58% of the available solar radiation in real-world conditions, making it possible to reduce CO2 emissions from passenger cars in a range from 1% to 3%, assuming a storage capacity of 20% of the 12 V battery dedicated to solar energy. This methodology can be applied to other vehicles types, such as light and heavy-duty, as well as to different powertrain configurations, such as hybrid and full electric.  相似文献   
This paper assesses the impacts of a targeted policy designed to influence car purchasing trends towards lower CO2 emitting vehicles. Vehicle registration tax and annual motor tax rates in Ireland changed in July 2008 from being based on engine size to emissions performance of cars. This paper provides a one year ex-post analysis of the first year of the tax change, tracking the change in purchasing trends arising from the measure related to specific CO2 emissions, engine size and fuel, and the implications for car prices, CO2 emissions abatement, and revenue gathered. While engine efficiency improvements had been offset by purchasing trends towards larger and generally less efficient cars in the past, with the average MJ/km remaining constant from 2000 to 2007, this analysis shows that in the first year of the new taxation system the average specific emissions of new cars fell by 13% to 145 g/km. This was brought about, not by a reduction in engine size, but rather through a significant shift to diesel cars. Despite an unexpected reduction in car sales due to a recession in 2008, the policy measure has had a larger than anticipated impact on CO2 emissions, calculated to be 5.9 ktCO2 in the first year of the measure. The strong price signal did however result in a 33% reduction in tax revenue from VRT, in financial terms amounting to a drop of €166 million compared to a baseline situation.  相似文献   
针对地铁设备巡检工作中对实时视频信息采集的需求,研究在WiFi(无线通信)环境下, Android(安卓)平台的地铁设备巡检移动终端的视频实时传输功能。功能实现包括视频采集端和视频播放端,视频采集端负责采集视频数据、数据压缩和数据包封装,视频播放端则负责接收解析数据包,将数据进行解码播放。在H.264视频压缩技术,实时传输协议以及流媒体服务器等相关技术的基础上,实现了Wifi环境下视频实时传输、播放等功能,且传输过程中视频传输流畅、延迟较小、丢包率低。  相似文献   
Speed limits had been centralized at the federal level since 1974, until decisions were devolved to the states in 1995. However, the centralization debate has reemerged in recent years. This paper conducts the first econometric analysis of the determinants of speed limit laws and State reactions after the repeal. By using mobility, geographic and political variables, our results suggest that geography - which reflects private mobility needs and social preferences -, is one of the main factors influencing speed limit laws, together with political ideology. Furthermore, we identify the presence of regional and time diffusion effects. By presenting first evidence on policy determinants, we provide a better understanding of the formulation of the heterogeneity of speed limits in US and offer implications for the debate on centralization and decentralization of transport policy.  相似文献   
The need to measure transit system performance along with its various dimensions such as efficiency and effectiveness has led to the development of a wide array of approaches and vast literature. However, depending upon the specific approach used to examine performance, different conclusions are oftentimes reached. Using data from 15 European transit systems for a ten year time period (1990-2000), this paper discusses three important transit performance questions; (i) Do different efficiency assessment methodologies produce similar results? (ii) How are the two basic dimensions of transit performance, namely efficiency and effectiveness, related? and (iii) Are findings regarding organizational regimes (public operations, contracting and so on) sensitive to the methodological specifications employed? Results clearly indicate that efficiency scores and associated recommendations are sensitive to the models used, while efficiency and effectiveness are - albeit weakly - negatively related; these two findings can have far reaching policy implications.  相似文献   
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