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徐秀华 《北方交通》2012,(7):98-101
结合某运输企业的改制实践,探索出只有深入推行精细化管理,以成本最小化、效益最大化作为追求目标,建立现代企业管理制度,提升企业核心竞争力,才能使国有改制运输企业健康发展。  相似文献   
“一路一线”是近年来提出的一种公交布线新思路,目前还没有在实际中得以应用。为了验证“一路一线”公交布线方法的可行性,以佛山南海中心城区桂城为研究对象,运用仿真软件TransCAD建立起公交仿真系统。在对仿真对象公交线网现状进行仿真校验的基础上,再采用“一路一线”的公交布线方法重新设计其公交线网.进行仿真。为了评价“一路一线”公交布线方法的仿真效果,从设施水平和服务水平两个方面设定评价指标,分别对现状公交线网和采用“一路一线”方法布设的公交线网仿真的结果进行了比较、评价。该项研究对验证“一路一线”公交布线方法的可行性进行了有益探索,为城市公共交通的改善尤其是新兴城市公交线网的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   
城市的快速发展对交通提出了更高的要求,优先发展公共交通成为目前解决城市交通问题的最佳途径。本文通过对呼和浩特市交通的现状及存在问题、优先发展公共交通的必要性进行分析,提出了呼和浩特市优先发展公共交通的各项对策。  相似文献   
小城镇是我国居民居住场所的重要组成部分,其发展关系到我国社会经济的发展及和谐社会的构建。在小城镇发展中,交通状况已经成为制约其发展的瓶颈,其中以交通安全问题最为严峻,应当给予足够的重视。本文就此问题进行具体的分析,并就部分驾驶员素质低、道路设计不合理、违章司机处罚困难等问题提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of field tests evaluating energy consumption in the vehicles of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) of selected EU countries: Poland, Germany and France. The energy consumption of vehicles in a highway system was assessed based on the telemetry analysis systems for traction parameters, tachograph record of digital speed waveform and their statistical analysis. The empirical cumulative distribution functions of speed transitions (acceleration, deceleration) were used to determine the kinetic energy losses of the vehicle (fuel consumption). To assess the statistical significance of differences between cumulative distribution functions the Smirnov–Kolmogorov test was used.  相似文献   
公交停靠站点车辆延误研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对公交停靠站点的车辆延误机理进行了分析,根据停靠站点的停车次数进行分类,确定出公交停靠站点车辆延误的计算公式,并通过实例进行验证,结果与实际情况基本相符合。  相似文献   
This paper updates results of an international study aimed at quantifying the links between transport disadvantage (TD), social exclusion (SE) and well-being (WB) in Melbourne, Australia. The study extends knowledge associated with SE and transport by quantify social and behavioural implications of lack of public and private transport and the nature of the social WB benefits associated with improving services.Study aims and methodology are outlined. Recent findings covered relate to car ownership on the urban fringe, patterns of transport disadvantage, the analysis of time poverty related to transport disadvantage, measuring the economic value of additional mobility and use of a Structural Equation Model (SEM) to relate WB and SE to TD and a series of explanatory factors.Overall results suggest that those without a car on the urban fringe adjust well with their circumstances by living close to activity centres. They demonstrate sustainable choices, trading off budgets and home location to balance mobility and accessibility. Poorer households with high car ownership value mobility and cheaper more remote fringe dwellings but demonstrate numerous strategies to reduce high car costs which are acknowledged as a significant burden. Analysis identifies 4 key types of transport disadvantage including a ‘vulnerable/impaired’ group which should be of much greater concern for targeted policy than others due to poor scoring on SE and WB scales. The economic value of new mobility is also explored with results suggesting $AUD 20 per average new trip which is four times larger than conventional values for generated travel.Analysis has also suggested that transport disadvantage can relate to socially advantaged as well as socially disadvantaged groups through time poverty. This was found to be an important mitigating factor when relating TD to WB. A statistically reliable structural equation model is developed suggesting the SE-WB link is strong (−.87) with a modest link between TD-SE (.27).Areas for future research in the project are also summarised.  相似文献   
国外城市交通政策回顾与我国城市交通的阶段性特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国的国家层面与部分发展较快的城市较为重视交通政策的规划、设计与研究,而中国的城市交通发展也处于一个敏感而关键的历史时期。论文对二战以后英国、美国、日本(东京)的城市交通政策的背景、导向、具体措施以及相关评价进行了回顾,并将其50年左右的发展分解为自由增长期、矛盾显露期、协调渐进期与优化整合期4个阶段。最后分析了我国所处的发展阶段,并认为部分发展较快城市所面临的问题与交通政策的规划设计正呈现出"叠合"式的特征。  相似文献   
珠三角都市圈城市轨道交通进入历史性的快速发展时期,本文从承担城市公共交通客运量、引导城市发展带动新城区建设、广州地区春运大交通格局、减少城乡差别和地区差别促进和谐社会的有效建设四个方面分析了珠三角都市圈城市轨道交通的作用。  相似文献   
为提高基于视觉导航的智能车辆对结构化道路车道标识线的识别和跟踪精度,同时消除车流、阴影和光照不均匀等不利因素的影响,提出一种基于最大相关准则的图像分割算法及基于感兴趣区域的车道标识线跟踪算法:首先,对图像进行滤波和光线补偿等前期处理,采用最大相关准则的图像分割算法对道路图像进行阈值分割;然后,根据车道的结构特征及先验知识提取车道标识线的特征点,并运用最小二乘法对特征点拟合,得到车道模型的参数;最后,通过建立感兴趣区域(ROI)的方法实现对车道标识线的准确跟踪。试验结果表明,该算法具有很好的准确性、实时性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
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