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对我国城市空间发展趋势和实施公共交通导向开发(TOD)的情况进行分析,针对目前以轨道交通为主导的TOD模式存在的问题,提出在我国快速城市化背景下采用“BRT主导型”TOD模式更具有现实意义。并对不同城市规模和空间发展模式下“BRT主导型”TOD模式的适应性进行了分析。最后,以烟台市为实例,结合城市规划远景目标,提出以BRT为主导的城市TOD发展策略。  相似文献   
The wind pressure distribution and wind-induced vibration responses of long-span spatial groined latticed vaults (SGLVs) were numerically simulated, which always are ones of the most important problems in the structural wind resistance design. Incompressible visco-fluid model was introduced, and the standard k-εtwo equation model and semi-implicit method for pressure linked equation (SIMPLE) were used to describe the flow turbulence. Furthermore, the structural dynamic equation was set up, which is solved by Newmark-β method. And several sort of wind-induced vibration coefficients such as the wind-induced vibration coefficient corresponding to the nodal displacement responses and wind loads were suggested. In the numerical simulation where the SGLV consisting of the cylindrical sectors with different curved surface was chosen as the example,the influence on the relative wind pressure distribution and structural wind-induced vibration responses of the closed or open SGLV caused by such parameters as the number of cylindrical sectors, structural curvature and the ratio of rise to span was investigated. Finally, some useful conclusions on the local wind pressure distribution on the structural surface and the wind-induced vibration coefficients of SGLV were developed.  相似文献   
城市高架桥下停车场设置及交通影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着机动车数量的快速增长,城市"停车难"的问题日益加剧。结合实际案例对城市高架桥下空间的合理利用进行分析研究,提出了桥下停车场实施建设的条件、交通影响分析方法与交通组织方案。  相似文献   
韦青岑  张俊儒  何基香 《隧道建设》2018,38(6):1014-1021
佛山地铁2号线换乘车站张槎站基坑宽50.3 m,深16.9 m,局部位于既有禅西大道桥下(净高仅7 m)。为解决低矮空间下超宽深基坑支护、既有高架桥桩基托换等难题,提出如下技术措施: 1)采用高桩承台桩基托换技术对位于车站中央桥桩进行托换,托换承台高于车站基坑面,基坑内支撑穿过新旧桩基形成对撑,内支撑与新旧桩相对独立; 2)地下连续墙幅宽调整为4 m,采用小型钻机成槽,以改善桥下施工工艺; 3)地下连续墙与两侧既有桩之间增加防塌孔措施; 4)基坑内支撑均采用混凝土支撑并加临时立柱以增加内支撑稳定性。以上措施解决了托换体系与车站基坑相互影响的问题,确保了低矮空间下超宽深基坑施工安全及既有桩基的安全。经数值计算论证、现场施工验证,提出的超宽深基坑内既有高架桥梁桩基托换关键技术是合理、安全、可行的。  相似文献   
This paper presents a stochastic characterization of highway capacity and explores its implications on ramp metering control at the corridor level. The stochastic variation of highway capacity is captured through a Space–Time Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (STARIMA) model. It is identified following a Seasonal STARIMA model (0, 0, 23) × (0, 1, 0)2, which indicates that the capacities of adjacent locations are spatially–temporally correlated. Hourly capacity patterns further verify the stochastic nature of highway capacity. The goal of this paper is to study (1) how to take advantage of the extra information, such as capacity variation, and (2) what benefits can be gained from stochastic capacity modeling. The implication of stochastic capacity is investigated through a ramp metering case study. A mean–standard deviation formulation of capacity is proposed to achieve the trade-off between traffic operation efficiency and robustness. Following that, a modified stochastic capacity-constraint ZONE ramp metering scheme embedded cell transmission model algorithm is introduced. The numerical experiment suggests that considering capacity variation information would alleviate the spillback effect and improve throughput. Monte Carlo simulation further supports this argument. This study helps verify and characterize the stochastic nature of capacity, validates the benefits of using capacity variation information, and thus enhances the necessity of implementing stochastic capacity in traffic operation.  相似文献   
地下空间作为城市有机体的一部分,在未来城市建设中担任着重要的角色。文章分析杭州城市地下空间(地下交通设施、地下综合体、地下市政设施、人防设施)发展的特点。从开发总量与人均水平、空间分布与开发深度、开发功能3个方面介绍杭州市地下空间开发利用的现状,分析其存在的问题主要为政策及管理方面与功能开发方面。同时介绍未来杭州地下城的发展策略,并展望其发展蓝图。最后分析杭州市地下空间开发建设过程中亟待思考与解决的工程技术问题,包括:特殊地质及工程技术问题(粉土、粉砂地层,淤泥地层,上软下硬地层等问题;近接施工技术,地下立交技术等)、地下工程防灾问题、景区环境保护问题、地下空间全生命周期数字化工程。  相似文献   
孙波  胡敏智  魏怀   《隧道建设》2015,35(8):810-814
由于地下空间开发的不可逆性,为使城市可持续发展,地下空间开发应当合理调研、规划及管理。在大多数城市,由于缺乏地下空间整体开发利用规划,没有相应的明确政策和行政指引,开发引导因素不足,导致地下空间开发往往形成相对单一独立的项目。在亚洲2个人口密集城市——香港和新加坡的地下空间开发经验的基础上,审视地下空间开发经常被忽视但益发重要的课题,这就是如何通过城市规划设计,发挥地下空间资源协调和平衡利用。  相似文献   
人行桥的主要荷载源于行人和非机动车,对于大跨径轻柔桥梁结构,在行人激励之下更容易发生大幅振动,引起舒适度问题。依托国内某大跨径人行提篮拱桥,参考国外人行桥设计指南,通过有限元时程分析方法,计算获得不同荷载激励下结构最大加速度响应时程曲线,进行行人振动舒适度评价。另外,针对不同模态设计相应的TMD减振系统,并进行减振效果分析。  相似文献   
交通流预测分析已成为智能交通的核心研究内容之一。依据混沌时间序列分析方法,建立了短时交通流的预测模型。在对实测的交通流数据进行相空间重构的基础上,综合考虑欧氏距离和均等系数,提出了最邻近点的两步优化选择方法,并采用了局部多项式拟合方法对所选取的最邻近点进行逼近以求得预测公式。本文将此方法运用于东莞东江大道流量预测,比较预测流量和实测流量,得出最大相对误差为0.445%,最小相对误差为0.038%,且单步预测时间仅为38.52秒。结果表明,该预测模型具有较高的精度,同时也能够满足实时性的要求。  相似文献   
在考虑电动公交车里程约束与司机连续工作时间和总工作时间约束的基础上,研究单条公交线路的电动公交车与司机整合调度问题,即将给定时刻表车次分配给电动公交车和司机,同时,生成车辆运营计划和司机排班计划,设计基于列生成启发式方法求解提出的整合调度问题.列生成方法用于生成线性松弛最优解,将整个问题分解为一个主问题和两个定价子问题...  相似文献   
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