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良好的就业可达性有助于创新职住对接机制,是建设可持续城市的关键问题。既有可达性研究对于出行成本的考虑多局限于出行距离或出行时间,未充分考虑出行费用并研究其对不同出行方式的影响。本文基于互联网地图和工商数据平台的POI(Point of Interest)数据和实时路径规划数据,获取细粒度的就业和出行成本信息,采用改进的两步移动搜索算法,提出考虑出行费用的就业可达性度量方法,研究公共交通和小汽车两种出行方式的就业可达性并评估出行费用对就业可达性的影响。针对北京的案例研究表明:考虑出行费用后,小汽车平均出行成本由仅为公共交通54%变化至高于公共交通6%。就业可达性对出行费用敏感,仅考虑出行时间无法完全体现就业选择与出行成本之间复杂的互动机制。出行费用的影响体现在公共交通与小汽车可达性平均降低7.3%和4.8%;若不考虑出行费用,五环至六环地铁沿线街道的就业可达性会被低估。出行成本对可达性的影响存在阈值效应,阈值越高,影响越小。本文有助于规划者和政策制定者形成就业可达性引领的职住平衡调整策略。  相似文献   
Accessibility is a key concept in transportation research and an important indicator of people’s quality of life. With the development of big data analytics, dynamic accessibility that captures the temporal variations of accessibility becomes an important research focus. Few prior studies focus on comparative measures of dynamic accessibility to Points of Interest (POIs) by alternative travel modes. To fill this research gap, we propose a new index called dynamic modal accessibility gap (DMAG), which draws upon available data on residents’ real travel routes using different travel modes, as well as the data on POIs. We study the DMAG in the real-travel covered area, assuming POIs are only useful if it is within someone’s real-travel covered area. We then apply this DMAG methodology to Shanghai’s central city and peripheral area. In both cases, we measure the accessibility for public and private travel modes. As an example, one-week taxi GPS and metro smart card data, and POIs data are used to generate the DMAG index for 30-minute and 60-minute trip durations for weekdays and holidays. Results show that DMAG can reflect the pattern of temporal variations. The proposed DMAG analytical framework, which can be applied at both the user and the system levels, can support urban and transportation planning, and promote social equity and livability.  相似文献   
科学的可达性计算是合理选择急救医疗服务的重要基础.本文面向急救医疗服务的合理选择需求,首先分析了急救医疗服务可达性的特征,建立了度量模型;然后,基于这一模型,分别研究了实际交通状态下特定医疗服务和多医疗服务竞争时的可达性,据此确定医疗服务的有效服务范围,合理选择医疗服务.传统的医疗服务可达性研究将可达性作为一个静态的固化值,无法满足人们在紧急情况下的精准就医选择需求.本文提出的可达性计算方案综合考虑了交通状态的时段、路段和方向差异,能更准确精细地计算医疗服务的有效服务范围,为人们在紧急情况时的就医选择提供更准确的决策依据.  相似文献   

Automated vehicles (AVs) could completely change mobility in the coming years and decades. As AVs are still under development and gathering empirical data for further analysis is not yet possible, existing studies mainly applied models and simulations to assess their impact. This paper provides a comprehensive review of modelling studies investigating the impacts of AVs on travel behaviour and land use. It shows that AVs are mostly found to increase vehicle miles travelled and reduce public transport and slow modes share. This particularly applies to private AVs, which are also leading to a more dispersed urban growth pattern. Shared automated vehicle fleets, conversely, could have positive impacts, including reducing the overall number of vehicles and parking spaces. Moreover, if it is assumed that automation would make the public transport system more efficient, AVs could lead to a favouring of urbanisation processes. However, results are very sensitive to model assumptions which are still very uncertain (e.g. the perception of time in AVs) and more research to gain further insight should have priority in future research as well as the development of the models and their further adaptation to AVs.  相似文献   
Little appears to be known about the capitalization of transportation accessibility in South Asian housing markets, which typically differ from those of industrialized countries. This study starts addressing this gap by providing empirical evidence about the nature and the magnitude of the value of accessibility as reflected by residential rents in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh. Results of our SARAR spatial hedonic model estimated on 526 observations from a random sample collected via in-person interviews indicate that the rent of a multi-unit dwelling decreases by 0.0239% for every 1% increase in network access distance to the nearest major road. Moreover, proximity (within 400 m) to a primary school and to a healthcare facility commands rent premiums of respectively 93.55 BDT ($1.40) and 109.45 BDT ($1.64). Surprisingly, whether access roads are paved or not does not statistically impact rents, probably because of the dominance of walking, rickshaws use, and biking, combined with the rarity of personal cars. Likewise, proximity to bus stops and to train stations is not reflected in rents of multi-family dwellings, likely because buses and trains in Rajshahi City only provide regional and national service. Differences in estimates of our spatial models between maximum likelihood (ML) and generalized spatial two-stage-least-squares illustrate the danger of relying on ML in the presence of heteroskedasticity. These results should be useful for planning transportation infrastructure funding measures in least developed country cities like Rajshahi City.  相似文献   
以公共交通为导向的规划模式,能够有效结合交通功能与土地利用.针对当前轨道交通站点与周边土地利用关系研究中对引导要素考虑不足的问题,本文在"节点-场所"模型中新增描述两者关系的"可达性"维度,构建基于空间耦合功能连接性的TOD(Transit Oriented Development)发展模式测度模型.以深圳市为例,评价...  相似文献   
城市轨道交通末班车时刻表衔接情况决定了乘客晚间出行的可达性水平。针对上海轨道交通线网末班车时刻表衔接工作异常复杂且成效不佳的问题,提出轨道交通乘客时空可达性服务水平下的末班车时刻表编制思路:将解决末班车街接问题的目标转换为乘客在某一时间节点前进入路网中某一站,可实现网络中任意两点之间可达。并给出了具体的编制方法。以上海轨道交通11号线作为实例,给出上海轨道交通末班车时刻调整方案建议。  相似文献   
The foreign trade transport accessibility (FTTA) of Mainland China to overseas regions is studied in terms of the shipping connectivity and achievable market scales. First, the concept of FTTA is defined. Second, the path choice behavior of shippers is analyzed, and a method to measure FTTA is proposed. Last, with 357 cities in Mainland China as the origins and eight overseas regions as the destinations, the FTTAs from origins to destinations are evaluated. The study is helpful to acquaint decision-makers with the FTTA’s spatial distribution and to offer information by which China can expand its export-oriented industry and optimize its port and shipping industries.  相似文献   
对城市公共交通进行可达性分析,可以反映城市间不同区域通过公交线网的交通便捷程度。本文通过对乘客出行心理、行为的假设和公交线路、道路可达性范围的界定,给出了一种简易的公共交通网络可达性指标计算公式,并基于TransCAD软件给出了指标计算方法步骤。最后,通过对长春市中心区的公交可达性进行了实证验算,得到了可信的结果。  相似文献   
为了研究大型活动突发重大或特大事件时的应急避难所选择情况,综合考虑了应急避难所的交通可达性、总疏散距离和容量限制,建立了多目标应急避难所选择模型,并通过算例分析验证了模型的可行性和合理性。  相似文献   
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