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In the real world, planned aircraft maintenance schedules are often affected by incidents. Airlines may thus need to adjust their aircraft maintenance schedules following the incidents that occur during routine operations. In tradition, such aircraft maintenance schedule adjustment has been performed manually, a process which is neither effective nor efficient, especially when the problem scale is large. In this study, an aircraft maintenance schedule adjustment model is developed, with the objective of minimizing the total system cost, subject to the related operating constraints. The model is formulated as a zero-one integer program and is solved using a mathematical programing solver. The effectiveness of the model is evaluated by application to a case study using data from an aircraft maintenance center in Taiwan. The test results show the proposed model, as well as the scheduling rules abstracted from the results are useful for the decision maker to adjust good maintenance schedules.  相似文献   
In response to increasing demand, airlines may increase capacity by increasing the frequency of flights or they may choose to increase aircraft size. This may yield operating cost economies. If the airports they operate from are capacity constrained, they will be limited in the extent that they can change frequency which will limit their ability to compete with the number of frequencies offered. This article focuses on this trade-off and pays particular attention to the practices of a specific airline. Conclusions are offered on the impact of inter alia competition, changes in aircraft technology, 9/11 and the impact of slot constraints. It appears that changes in size are more important than frequency, which is consistent with the presence of slot constraints and there is a significant impact of competition. As the concentration of carriers increases, so aircraft size falls. 9/11 also has a significant impact on traffic whereas the introduction of the Boeing 777, as an illustration of a change in technology, does not.  相似文献   
为解决航母编队存在的高带宽、高速率的通信需求问题,在分析M esh网络特点及其结构的基础上,提出了一种Ad Hoc + Mesh的航母编队通信网络组网方式。探讨了网络中节点的设计并对路由协议的选择进行了仿真验证,对M esh网络在军事领域的深入研究提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
目前,飞机租赁是我国机队引进飞机的主要方式.航空公司结合自身情况对飞机租赁方式进行选择,对航空公司未来发展起到了至关重要的作用.在传统净现值法的基础上,引入多级实物期权法,分别对飞机经营性租赁与飞机融资性租赁进行分析,从而做出最优决策.该方法考虑了项目的不确定性,分析管理层在中途修正战略的价值,弥补了传统净现值法不考虑管理决策层采取柔性投资策略价值的缺陷.  相似文献   
定量评估民用飞机的航线平均油耗水平是优化飞机型号设计、制定碳排放收费政策的前提。论文通过统计分析国内常见民用客机的航线生产运营数据,运用灰色关联分析法对影响民用飞机航线平均耗油水平的主要因素进行分析。为定量评估民用飞机航线平均油耗水平,本文建立了以航距和最大起飞重量为解释变量的非线性统计回归模型,模型的拟合优度达到0.9945。实证分析结果表明,该模型可靠性较高。  相似文献   
航空地面电源车主要用于飞机地面启动和通电检查等场合。介绍了我部新装备的某新型航空地面电源车的特性,对使用过程中曾出现的故障进行了分析,结合电源车的特点总结出了维护建议。  相似文献   
大型舰艇编队反潜模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了网络中心反潜战的概念和基于网络中心战反潜理论的大型舰艇编队反潜作战体系的构成和作战流程,并建立相应的反潜模型。  相似文献   
飞机多机种出动架次率是衡量飞机作战效能的重要指标,本文对空军场站军用飞机多机种(型)出动架次率进行了研究。通过对飞机出动回收过程的描述,基于排队理论建立多服务器多服务率的飞机多机种(型)出动回收网络模型,并采用扩展后的平均值分析对飞机出动能力进行了求解。通过解析计算,给出飞机多机种(型)出动架次率曲线,分析架次率与飞机数量之间的关系,并结合平均队长、利用率等系统性能指标,识别出制约飞机多机种(型)出动架次率提高的因素。最后通过蒙特卡洛仿真对构建的回收网络模型的计算结果进行验证。验证结果表明,飞机多机种(型)出动网络模型及其算法适合应用于实践中,并且有助于对空军场站飞机多机种(型)出动能力的研究。  相似文献   
针对滚装甩挂运输新船型可“直进直出”条件下的“边装边卸”作业模式,与传统船型“船艉进出”条件下的“先卸后装”作业模式对比,建立滚装甩挂码头牵引车调度的混合整数规划模型,并设计遗传算法求解模型。通过对比不同规模算例下CPLEX与所设计遗传算法的实验结果,验证模型的正确性和算法的有效性。结果表明:相较于传统船型“先卸后装”作业模式,新船型“边装边卸”作业模式在运营成本方面可降低约15%;当装卸任务分布密集时,卸船任务靠近船艏运营成本越高,装卸任务分布稀疏时,卸船任务远离船艏运营成本越高;总体而言,“边装边卸”作业模式的运营成本低于“先卸后装”作业模式。研究结论可为“边装边卸”作业模式下的港口滚装甩挂作业调度提供决策支持。  相似文献   
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