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随着我国沿海港口不断发展,码头泊位数量不断增长,港口配套设施的锚地资源日益紧缺。基于台州港头门港区雀儿岙作业区港口开发的需求,通过假定泊位利用率的方式,估算到港船舶数量的概率分布特征及所需的锚位数量,对重点配套的小型危险品锚地建设方案进行研究。结合底质、交通流、风浪流影响、水深和掩护条件等方面分析,提出2种小型危险品锚地布置方案,并从船舶靠离航程、锚泊环境、与规划衔接角度等因素综合考虑,给出推荐的锚地布置方案,为雀儿岙作业区港口发展建设提供了有力保障。  相似文献   
We consider here surf zone turbulence measurements, recorded in the Eastern English Channel using a sonic anemometer. In order to characterize the intermittent properties of their fluctuations at many time scales, we analyze the experimental time series using the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) method. The series is decomposed into a sum of modes, each one narrow-banded, and we show that some modes are associated with the energy containing wave breaking scales, and other modes are associated with small-scale intermittent fluctuations. We use the EMD approach in association with a newly developed method based on Hilbert spectral analysis, representing the probability density function in an amplitude–frequency space. We then characterize the fluctuations in a stochastic framework using a cumulant generating function for all scales, and compare the results obtained from direct and classical structure function analysis, to EMD–Hilbert spectral analysis results, showing that the former method saturates at large scales, whereas the latter method is more precise in its scale approach. These results show the strength of the new EMD–Hilbert spectral analysis method for data presenting a strong forcing such as found in shallow water, wave dominated situations.  相似文献   
Many accidents are caused by fatigue in welded built-up steel structures, and so it is important to estimate the fatigue lives of such structures quantitatively for safety reasons. By assuming that fatigue cracks cannot grow without an accumulation of alternating tensile/compressional plastic strain, one of the authors identified an improved effective stress intensity factor range ΔK RPG based on the re-tensile plastic zone generating (RPG) load, which represents the driving force for fatigue cracks, and suggested that ΔK RPG should be used as the parameter to describe fatigue crack growth behavior. The “FLARP” numerical simulation code in which ΔK RPG is implemented as the fatigue crack growth parameter, was developed in order to predict fatigue crack initiation and propagation behavior. In this paper, it is demonstrated that FLARP gives accurate estimates for fatigue life by comparing the estimated fatigue crack growth curves and SN curves with the experimental results for in-plane gusset welded joints, which are used in many welded steel structures. Moreover, the effect of induced bending moment due to the linear misalignment in the out of plane direction on the fatigue strength of in-plane gusset welded joints is investigated through numerical simulations.  相似文献   
杭州湾跨海大桥南航道桥钢锚箱施工技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杭州湾跨海大桥南航道桥为A形独塔双索面钢箱梁斜拉桥,索塔锚固区采用混凝土结合钢锚箱结构,此结构形式在我国尚属新工艺。文章主要介绍了南航道桥钢锚箱安装施工工艺、施工难点及解决措施。结果表明,其轴线偏位、高程、垂直度等全部满足规范要求。  相似文献   
结合铁路工程钢绞线一锚具组装件的静载锚固性能试验检测,对影响试验结果的各种因素进行了分析,并指出相应的解决措施。提出试验过程的有效控制是试验科学性和数据结果可靠性的有力保证。  相似文献   
高速公路雾区监控系统功能设计初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
高速公路雾区的交通安全是一个世界性的问题,每年由雾引发的交通事故导致的经济损失是十分巨大的。因此,提高高速公路在雾天低能见度条件下的交通安全水平,保证运输的畅通、安全具有极其重要的经济和社会效益,其中一个重要的方面就是高速公路的监控系统。针对雾对高速公路交通安全的影响机理,分析驾驶员的服务需求,对雾区高速公路监控系统的功能设计进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
高英智 《水运工程》2017,(7):175-178
以通州湾腰沙围垦一期通道工程B标抛石组织实施为例,通过开展规划临时航线、设置临时倒驳点、制定倒驳与抛设方案等一系列探索和研究,形成了针对浅海潮间带区域安全有效地组织水上抛石施工的专项技术方案,并描述了施工中应关注和优化的事项。  相似文献   
The paper evaluates the effectiveness of strategies designed to reduce these pollutants in port areas, based on a newly developed assessment model to calculate emissions. The case study found that the strategy of reducing the ship’s speed to 12 knots is most effective in cutting fuel consumption and costs, as well as emissions. Adopting an onshore power supply system could reduce CO2 emission by 57.16% and PM by 39.4%. By adopting the strategies of both reduced speed and cold ironing emissions control, a reduction in emissions of 71% to 91% can be achieved with a 20 nautical mile reduced speed zone. Therefore, the goals of reductions in emissions to improve port areas air quality could be achieved through adopting a green port policy in the future.  相似文献   
近年来长江中游河道治理和航道整治工程中采用大量的生态护岸技术,且取得较大生态效益,但是经过现场调查发现在生态护岸岸坡存在一条明显的青黄线.针对此问题,以长江中游航道整治工程新厂护岸工程和桃花洲护岸工程为例,以青黄线为界将岸坡分为青绿带和青黄带,分析岸坡上青绿带和青黄带狗牙根分布特征及其形成的原因,并通过统计水位累计频率...  相似文献   
杨小燕  盛利 《中国铁路》2021,(2):128-134
针对目前计划内接触网停电时电力机车进入无电单元(区)的问题,提出了基于动态停电作业区域数据对比库语音、屏幕鼠标点击坐标和高清成像分析进行"三元素二阶段"处理对比方法,以减少人员操作失误和损失.机车/车次信息及对应机车属性先由操作人员办理接发列预告(办理闭塞)的语音识别获取,再通过TDCS/CTC终端机非上位机获取并核对...  相似文献   
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