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航运企业选择战略联盟伙伴的决策方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战略联盟作为企业经营的一种新理念 ,自美国DEC公司总裁简·霍普兰德 (J .Hopland)和管理学家罗杰·奈杰尔 (R .Nigle)提出以来 ,在近 2 0多年的时间里 ,越来越多的企业通过战略联盟的方式参与全球竞争 ,并取得了显著的效果。这一组织制度的创新理论 ,迅速成为各大公司获取自身利益最大化的最优选择。我国加入WTO后 ,航运业的竞争也将日趋激烈 ,对如何提高航运企业的竞争优势 ,作出合理的决策 ,关系到企业的生存大计。通过对航运企业实施战略联盟的分析 ,提出了航运企业在选择战略联盟伙伴时 ,可供采取的模糊综合评判决策方法  相似文献   
武汉长江隧道钢筋混凝土管片在开始生产之前,成立了QC质量攻关小组。小组运用QC方法,严格按照PDCA循环步骤,针对在管片生产过程中出现的质量问题,进行了大量的试验、研究及摸索,并采取有效措施对混凝土配合比及生产工艺等方面进行了改进,最终成功解决了质量问题。  相似文献   
温州石化基地30万吨级航道选线研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用水动力泥沙条件分析、冲淤演变分析、航道轴线平均水深与开挖深度统计、基建工程量计算、二维潮流数学模型计算、航道年淤积强度与淤积量计算、航道骤淤计算、三维潮流数学模型计算、通航安全分析等多种手段对温州石化基地30万吨级航道多条轴线方案进行了比选研究。根据航道轴线自然淤积厚度、航道天然平均水深、航道平均开挖深度、航道首次开挖量、航道长度,大潮最大流速与航道轴线交角、最大横流速度、航道年平均淤积强度、航道年淤积量、航道平均骤淤强度、航道段最大骤淤强度及通航安全(航道拐点、附近有无岛礁)等多项指标对航道轴线方案进行了选择。研究结果认为与涨落潮流方向基本一致的直线方案为最佳航道轴线方案。  相似文献   
通过对南宁市内河现状、功能和存在问题的分析 ,得出造成内涝灾害的成因 ,对城市滨湖整治进行探讨。  相似文献   
高职院校核心竞争力建构探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职院校核心竞争力是指高等职业学院在高职教育竞争中获取的可持续生存和具有发展优势的核心能力。确立科学的办学理念、加强师资建设和提高教学质量、进行制度创新和管理创新、加强实践教学工作、结合自身优势和周围环境构建具有本校特色的人才培养模式是高职院校构建自身核心竞争力的主要途径。在建构高职院校核心竞争力的过程中,要正确认识并处理好外延发展与内涵发展的关系、创新与特色的关系。  相似文献   
On March 11, 2011 a massive, magnitude 9.0 earthquake destroyed most of the rural areas along the Pacific Coast of eastern Japan, an area that had been facing issues of depopulation and aging even before the earthquake. In this paper I discuss reconstruction plans for depopulated rural areas from the perspectives of transportation infrastructure, residential areas, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, consensus building, and nature restoration. We must take a “backcasting” approach to sustainable development, one in which planning strategies lead to successful outcomes. An organizational and planning support platform is needed to build a consensus within an area.  相似文献   
波函数法(Wave Based Method,WBM)是近年来发展的基于间接 Trefftz 理论的结构—声辐射中频问题的一种重要方法。 WBM 函数收敛的充要条件是分析域为凸域。为提高使用 WBM 理论的应用范围和应用效率,根据多层次模型,提出了补域概念用于解决凹域问题。最后,以一个周边简支矩形薄板为例进行验证数值,计算结果表明了方法准确性和有效性。  相似文献   
Focused on the assessment method for dynamic behavior of the skirts of an air cushion vehicle (ACV), this paper proposes a hybrid analytic-FEM approach, within which the self-developed subroutine considers the transient skirt-water contacting force through suggested semi-analytical formula based on the empirical results from CFD simulations of the equivalent flat-plate model. The dynamic explicit algorithm of FEM is adopted to solve the large deformation problem of flexible skirts. The validity of the approach has been confirmed by comparing with previous numerical results as well as published experimental results of steady seal deformation tests at University of Michigan. Afterward, more simulations for demonstration cases are carried out to study the complex dynamic response of the skirts under different skirt-water contacting conditions. The proposed method can obtain more reliable results than traditional analytical method and be more efficient than fluid-structure interaction simulations, thus providing a practical balanced approach aiming at the dynamic response analysis for whole skirts and contributing to the skirts dynamics performance assessment of an ACV.  相似文献   
IntroductionIn recentyears,many methods have been pro-posed for the design of time- delay control sys-tems[1,2 ] and criteria for the stability of time- delaysystems have been developed by many re-searchers[3 ,4] .Time delay in the control systemscan be divided into two classes on the whole.Oneis in measurement of system variables and calcula-tion for required control force,including physicalproperties of equipmentused in the systems or sig-nal transmission.The other is in control for actua-to…  相似文献   
根据大直径钻孔灌注桩在桥梁工程中应用研究,以及试桩静载荷试验和桩身应力测试结果,在单桩沉降分析计算理论系统分析的基础上,采用了杆系结构有限单元法与荷载传迭代法耦合的混合法.采用Fortran语言,编制了计算程序SPSA1.单桩沉降分析计算中,采用三直线模型考虑了桩身与桩周边界上的剪切滑移非线性;并改进了有限单元法中初应力迭代技术,以考虑荷载传递关系的软化特征.同时,就桩身材料非线性,对单桩沉降分析计算的影响进行了讨论.笔者的方法和成果,可以作为今后大直径钻孔灌注桩研究和相关规范修订时参考.  相似文献   
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