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近年来,进出港口的船舶数量越来越多、尺度越来越大,加上不良天气的影响,使得引航工作量越来越大。为了实现在能见度不良的环境下安全引航,通过分析引航业务实际需求,研究并实现了船舶引航辅助系统。该系统综合应用了AIS技术、差分GPS技术、WIFI技术等先进技术,为引航员提供更加详细、准确、实时的靠泊动态数据,辅助引航员更好地控制引航作业过程,提高工作效率和作业安全性。  相似文献   
研究目的:针对温福铁路客运专线平阳特大桥后张法预应力现浇箱梁施工过程中应用的真空辅助压浆施工技术,对实际施工中所采取的质量控制要点进行论述,并阐述采用真空辅助压浆工艺进行质量控制的经验和措施。研究结论:在国内后张法预应力箱梁施工中,传统压浆工艺中浆体本身含有气泡及有害成分的雨水,易造成孔隙或预应力筋的腐蚀,降低结构的耐久性。另外,施工中可能存在压浆不密实、不饱和,极易产生孔隙,为后张法预应力箱梁质量留下隐患。而采用真空辅助压浆施工技术,可有效保证预应力孔道压浆后的密实度,提高了结构的安全性、耐久性和使用年限。  相似文献   
重点从平面交叉口工程设计、交通安全设施、壮观和谐等三个方面对铁岭市银州路和广裕街平面交叉口工程进行评价。  相似文献   
因运载车辆或其它条件限制,在某些情况下,柴油发电机组设计中需将发电机布置在柴油发动机的侧面,以减小机组在长度方向的尺寸。本文对该种布置方式的力学特性进行了分析,并从传动齿轮箱设计和柴油发电机组结构总成方面提出了合理的设计方案,产品经运行效果良好,证明具有使用价值。  相似文献   
Transit signal priority (TSP) may be combined with road-space priority (RSP) measures to increase its effectiveness. Previous studies have investigated the combination of TSP and RSP measures, such as TSP with dedicated bus lanes (DBLs) and TSP with queue jump lanes (QJLs). However, in these studies, combined effects are usually not compared with separate effects of each measure. In addition, there is no comprehensive study dedicated to understanding combined effects of TSP and RSP measures. It remains unclear whether combining TSP and RSP measures creates an additive effect where the combined effect of TSP and RSP measures is equal to the sum of their separate effects. The existence of such an additive effect would suggest considerable benefits from combining TSP and RSP measures. This paper explores combined effects of TSP and RSP measures, including TSP with DBLs and TSP with QJLs. Analytical results based on time-space diagrams indicate that at an intersection level, the combined effect on bus delay savings is smaller than the additive effect if there is no nearside bus stop and the traffic condition in the base case is under-saturated or near-saturated. With a near-side bus stop, the combined effect on bus delay savings at an intersection level can be better than the additive effect (or over-additive effect), depending on dwell time, distance from the bus stop to the stop line, traffic demand, and cycle length. In addition, analytical results suggest that at an arterial level, the combined effect on bus delay savings can be the over-additive effect with suitable signal offsets. These results are confirmed by a micro-simulation case study. Combined effects on arterial and side-street traffic delays are also discussed.  相似文献   
在平面交叉口交通事故中,与左转相关的事故占较大比例,而设置港湾式左转车道,可有效改善平交路口的交通安全状况。分析左转车辆对交叉口安全性的影响,确定设置港湾式左转车道的主要因素,并结合国内外研究,从左转车道的长度和宽度等方面对左转车道的设计进行探讨,提出平面交叉口港湾式左转车道的安全设计方法并分析其安全效益。  相似文献   
本文针对西安市二环路的二期建设 ,在车道宽度、桥下空间利用、人行过街等技术问题上提出了改进建议。  相似文献   
This study investigates the cost competitiveness of different types of charging infrastructure, including charging stations, charging lanes (via charging-while-driving technologies) and battery swapping stations, in support of an electric public transit system. To this end, we first establish mathematical models to investigate the optimal deployment of various charging facilities along the transit line and determine the optimal size of the electric bus fleet, as well as their batteries, to minimize total infrastructure and fleet costs while guaranteeing service frequency and satisfying the charging needs of the transit system. We then conduct an empirical analysis utilizing available real-world data. The results suggest that: (1) the service frequency, circulation length, and operating speed of a transit system may have a great impact on the cost competitiveness of different charging infrastructure; (2) charging lanes enabled by currently available inductive wireless charging technology are cost competitive for most of the existing bus rapid transit corridors; (3) swapping stations can yield a lower total cost than charging lanes and charging stations for transit systems with high operating speed and low service frequency; (4) charging stations are cost competitive only for transit systems with very low service frequency and short circulation; and (5) the key to making charging lanes more competitive for transit systems with low service frequency and high operating speed is to reduce their unit-length construction cost or enhance their charging power.  相似文献   
以汽车的动力特性和通过特性为理论依据,根据目前快速公交专用车辆大都采用低地板大型铰接底地板车辆的现状,结合其容量比一般普通公交大得多的特点,对快速公交专用道的道路线形设计进行分析,提出设计方法。  相似文献   
介绍了研究组研发的陶瓷减速标线的性能,特点,详细剖析了陶瓷减速标线的结构形式以及生产工艺,并结合实际应用研究分析,陶瓷减速标线是一种性价比高,耐耗性能优异,施工便捷绿色环保的优质新型道路标线,具有较强的实用性和开发价值,有广阔的推广应用前景。  相似文献   
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