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针对大型泵站进水口设置多台并列布置的固定格栅,其工程投资大、设备利用率不高的弊端,建议使用移动式格栅除污机,并对其结构形式、主要构件设计计算及关键技术进行了阐述。移动式格栅除污机的成功应用为我国的水处理事业增添了一项新的专用设备。  相似文献   
该文介绍了桥梁防水层材料及其铺装技术,针对桥梁在不同地区经历了季节变换后所呈现的各种老化腐蚀现象,提出了处理方法。  相似文献   
本文在阐述我国水路运输碳排放现状的基础上,分析了水路运输减少碳排放过程中存在的主要问题,提出了水路运输减碳主要路径和政策建议,为相关部门开展碳减排工作提供参考。  相似文献   
沥青混合料碳排放减排措施是降低碳排放的有效手段,而对减排措施的选择将直接影响工程的质量和经济效益。本文运用价值工程理论的基本原理与方法,论述价值工程在减排措施选择中的应用方法和步骤,并结合工程实例,对减排措施方案的选择进行研究。结果表明,运用价值工程理论的方法可以择优确定沥青混合料碳排放减排措施。  相似文献   
集料-沥青界面强度实验,集料-沥青界面黏合机能影响要素分析,孔隙水压对沥青复合料的损坏原理。本研究经过界面拉拔实验,分析沥青老化、温度和水分等要素对集料-沥青界面黏合机能的影响,探讨车辆载荷作用下孔水压对集料-沥青黏合机能的影响及损坏原理,以为同类沥青复合料路面工程应用提供研究和技术参考。  相似文献   
Currently, the shipping industry is facing a great challenge of reducing emissions. Reducing ship speeds will reduce the emissions in the immediate future with no additional infrastructure. However, a detailed investigation is required to verify the claim that a 10% speed reduction would lead to 19% fuel savings (Faber et al., 2012).This paper investigates fuel savings due to speed reduction using detailed modeling of ship performance. Three container ships, two bulk carriers, and one tanker, representative of the shipping fleet, have been designed. Voyages have been simulated by modeling calm water resistance, wave resistance, propulsion efficiency, and engine limits. Six ships have been simulated in various weather conditions at different speeds. Potential fuel savings have been estimated for a range of speed reductions in realistic weather.It is concluded that the common assumption of cubic speed-power relation can cause a significant error in the estimation of bunker consumption. Simulations in different seasons have revealed that fuel savings due to speed reduction are highly weather dependent. Therefore, a simple way to include the effect of weather in shipping transport models has been proposed.Speed reduction can lead to an increase in the number of ships to fulfill the transport demand. Therefore, the emission reduction potential of speed reduction strategy, after accounting for the additional ships, has been studied. Surprisingly, when the speed is reduced by 30%, fuel savings vary from 2% to 45% depending on ship type, size and weather conditions. Fuel savings further reduce when the auxiliary engines are considered.  相似文献   
采用FWD对某高速公路旧沥青路面进行全线弯沉检测,以及对不同路面结构型式进行FWD与贝克曼梁弯沉比对试验检测,以分析评价旧沥青路面结构的强度状况。根据代表性路段旧沥青路面实测的结构层厚度和力学参数代表值,采用公路路面设计程序计算旧沥青路面顶面弯沉值,比较其与将FWD实测弯沉值转化为贝克曼梁弯沉代表值的差异,有益于旧沥青路面的弯沉检测。  相似文献   
油田注水管线所输送介质复杂,腐蚀现象严重,存在安全隐患,一旦因腐蚀泄漏就会造成巨大的经济损失。因此,开展油田注水管道的腐蚀研究及采取措施减缓腐蚀具有重要意义。为此,对某油田注水管道现场采集注入水样及腐蚀产物,通过X-射线衍射及X-射线能谱仪进行分析,分析结果表明腐蚀产物主要是碳酸钙,同时含有一定量的氯化物、碳酸亚铁、硫化物等成分。通过电镜扫描腐蚀产物的微观形貌,发现存在氯离子腐蚀。并通过ICP-OES分析输送介质组分,针对其腐蚀特点及输送介质组分,采用失重法及电化学方法评价了引入季铵盐的咪唑啉缓蚀剂HJD2最佳质量分数及缓蚀机理,实验结果表明该缓蚀剂对该注水管道具有较好的缓蚀作用,在现场注水温度下,最佳质量分数(0.06%)时的缓蚀效率为95.1%,通过注入该缓蚀剂可以有效地减缓该注水管线的腐蚀,延长管线的使用寿命。  相似文献   
结合哈大铁路客运专线DK651+972涵洞施工的实例,论述了根据实际水文地质条件确定降水方案,对以往经验参数进行修改,以达到降水目的及确保工程顺利进行。  相似文献   
Water bursts during tunnel construction endanger construction, and it is therefore necessary to reserve a waterproof dike with the required thickness to avoid water bursts and to take reinforcement of the dike and treatment of the structure liable to trigger a water burst. Using the water burst at K5+398 of the Mingyueshan tunnel of the Shanghai-Chengdu expressway as an example, and considering the type of tunnel section and the upright mudstone of the dike, the waterproof dike at the work face is simplified as a round thin plate. A formula for the calculation of a minimum safety thickness for the critical waterproof dike is deduced by analyzing the force applied on the water-proof dike, and the minimum safety thickness for the water burst section at K5+398 of the Mingyueshan tunnel is cal-culated. The numerical simulation analysis demonstrates the critical thickness of waterproof dike at K5+398 of the Mingyueshan tunnel is 1.4-1.55 m, and the calculated water inflow and water burst basically agree with the actual condition. © 2018, Editorial Office of "Modern Tunnelling Technology". All right reserved.  相似文献   
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