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船舶工业综合性强、产业关联度大,对国民经济具有非常突出的拉动作用。在国际船市空前兴旺和国内造船业强劲增长的同时,南通船舶业得到迅猛发展。目前船舶业国内配套率太低,直接制约了船舶业的健康发展。因此,依托南通的比较优势,在港闸区规划建设南通船舶配套工业集中区,有利于迅速培育以船舶配套业为主要特色的产业板块,进而提升南通船舶业的竞争能力。  相似文献   
为了达到高速公路隧道入口区域驾驶人早发现、早适应、早决策的目的,分析了隧道入口区域的交通安全现状,提出了一种高速公路隧道入口区域视线诱导系统的改善思路与方法;通过室内驾驶模拟仿真平台,利用眼动仪采集了驾驶人的眼部数据;将驾驶人浏览兴趣区域划分为5类,分析了驾驶人在各区域的眼动参数变化;采用注视点分布位置、视觉敏感区面积等指标,描述了驾驶人视区的变化规律,评价了视线诱导系统改善后的效果。研究结果表明:隧道入口区域视线诱导系统改善后,驾驶人对道路前方远处的浏览时间占比(50.55%)、注视时间占比(53.13%)相比现状方案均有显著的提升,且扫视幅度(5.47°)明显减小;改善后驾驶人的注视点更加集中于前方远处,而道路两侧的注视点减少;现状方案中驾驶人的视觉敏感区面积在距离隧道洞口180 m左右处急剧减小,在隧道内又开始缓慢增大;改善后驾驶人的视觉敏感区面积在距离隧道洞口350 m左右处开始减小,此后一直保持相对平稳的状态;改善后驾驶人的视觉敏感区面积在各隧道区域的变化速度均小于现状方案。视线诱导系统的有效性得到了验证,使得驾驶人更加关注道路前方远处及洞内的交通信息,同时视区变化幅度更小,并且视觉负荷降低。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the expression of neuroprotective peptide [Gly14]-Humanin (HNG) in eukaryotic cells by gene engineering technique and analyze its biological activity. Methods By means of asymmetrical primer/template, double stranded cDNA of HNG with FLAG in its C-terminal was obtained, which was cloned into the plasmid pcDNA3.1(-), and the resultant recombinant vector pcDNA3.1(-)/HNG-FLAG was transfected into PC12 cells. At the same time, the recombinant vector pcDNA3.1(-)/EGFP was transfected to control the efficiency of transfection. The expression of HNG in the cells was determined by immunocytochemistry. In order to analyze the biological activity of the expressed HNG, 25μM Aβ25-35 peptide was added to the culture medium of the transfected cells for 24h, then cell morphology, MTT assay and Hoechst 33258 staining were observed. Results The eukaryotic expression vector of pcDNA3.1(-)/HNG-FLAG was identified by enzyme digestion and sequencing. HNG was highly expressed in PC12 cells. After exposure of PC12 cells to 25μM Aβ25-35 for 24h, cell viability decreased to (65.8±5.3)%, and the dystrophic changes of neuritis and nuclei condensation were obvious. When cells were pre-transfected with pcDNA3.1(-)/HNG-FLAG, Aβ25-35-induced cell death and morphological changes of cells and nuclei were suppressed. In contrast, pre-transfected with empty vector did not protect cells from Aβ25-35-induced toxicity. Conclusion The eukaryotic expression vector for FLAG-tagged HNG was successfully constructed and expressed in PC12 cells. Expressed HNG has biological activity.  相似文献   
介绍了一种针对小炉窑脱硫的治理方案。该方案通过对煤洗选、配制固硫药剂、炉内固硫、湿式烟气脱硫等措施,除去烟气中的二氧化硫、粉尘等污染,进而达标排放。该方案不仅显著降低了二氧化硫污染,而且有明显的经济效益。  相似文献   
海水腐蚀、海生物污损与船舶营运经济性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈彤  陈岗军 《中国修船》2006,19(4):44-45,48
文章介绍了船舶由于海水腐蚀和海生物污损,使船体表面粗糙度增加及降低船舶营运的经济性,提出了降低船体表面粗糙度、提高营运经济性的防蚀措施。  相似文献   
介绍圆梁山隧道平导高压富水区充填型溶洞的注浆和超前支护方案、注浆材料及注浆工艺 ,并针对注浆效果评定标准进行探讨  相似文献   
人脐血CD_3AK细胞生物活性及抗瘤作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 应用抗CD3单克隆抗体(CD3McAb)和重组人白细胞介素- 2(rhIL- 2)共同诱导人脐血单个核细胞以制备CD3AK细胞,动态观察其体外增殖能力、杀伤活性、免疫表型变化及分泌细胞因子水平。方法 用台盼蓝活细胞计数计算细胞扩增倍数,MTT法测定细胞杀伤活性,间接免疫荧光法分析细胞免疫表型,ELISA双抗夹心法检测肿瘤坏死因子- α(TNF- α)、干扰素 -γ(IFN- γ)、白细胞介素 -6(IL- 6)的水平。结果 脐血CD3AK细胞在第2周增殖能力最强,增殖倍数为78.56;培养至第12天的脐血CD3AK细胞杀伤活性最高,并对多种靶细胞的杀伤作用显著;表型分析脐血CD3AK细胞属异质性细胞群,培养第7、14 天,群体中 CD3+、CD8+、CD25+、CD38+、CD16+及 CD56+ 细胞较培养前显著增加(P<0.01); CD3 AK细胞培养至第 3 天的上清中 TNF -α、IFN -γ、IL -6 水平明显升高。结论 脐血CD3AK细胞是一种具有广谱杀瘤活力且增殖活性强的免疫细胞。本研究为脐血 CD3 AK细胞的免疫治疗提供了实验和理论依据。  相似文献   
百丈隧道左洞ZK152+433~ZK152+463段穿越流塑状富水破碎带施工时反复出现变形侵限、塌方等情况,给工程施工带来前所未有的挑战。文章详细阐述了施工过程中采取的各种处治措施,总结了不同处治方案和效果,并采用数值分析方法对隧道结构安全性进行了分析。结果表明:(1)对于流塑状富水破碎带,加密超前支护是防止开挖时围岩出现较大变形或者坍塌的最有效措施。百丈隧道流塑状富水破碎带最终采用了每榀钢架(钢架间距50 cm)都打设一环3.5 m长?51自进式锚杆的超前支护方式,即每个断面都有7层超前支护,最终有效控制了开挖后围岩变形,避免衬砌侵限与塌方;(2)对于流塑状富水破碎带,加固围岩尤其是边墙与基底处围岩非常重要,可有效减少开挖过程中衬砌的整体式下沉。采用抛石挤淤+注浆的方式进行边墙与基底围岩加固,其效果比采用单纯注浆方式好得多;(3)对于外部荷载较明确的隧道,采用计算分析结合工程经验的方式确定衬砌支护参数,既能保证隧道结构安全,又使其经济合理;(4)在双车道隧道施工中,采用三台阶法施工,应尽量缩短台阶长度,使初期支护及时封闭成环,从而可以较好地控制围岩变形。  相似文献   
Lifting operation though the wave splash zone is challenging. Careful numerical analysis in the design phase is needed to minimize associated risks. This study addresses numerical modeling and analysis of the splash zone lowering of a large subsea spool. A typical offshore construction vessel is used for the operation. The objective is to compare the effects from different numerical methods and parameters on the allowable sea states and the operability. These methods and parameters include wave short-crestedness, shielding effects from the vessel, wave direction and wave seed number. A coupled numerical model of the spool-vessel system is established in SIMO program, which is a simulation tool for marine operations. Slamming and submergence-dependent loads on the spool during the transient lowering process are calculated. A large number of time-domain simulations has been performed to derive the allowable sea states. The operational criteria for assessment of the sea states include slack sling, snap loads in wires and clearance between spool and the vessel. Operability analysis of the operation at one reference site in the Barent Sea is established using 50-year hindcast data. The influences from different methods on the allowable sea states and the operability are compared and discussed in detail.  相似文献   
Existing VIV prediction approaches for steel catenary riser (SCR) typically employ truncation model without considering the interaction between the SCR and soil, and only allow for cross-flow (CF) VIV. In this study, a time domain approach accounting for the SCR-soil interaction is proposed to predict the CF and in-line (IL) VIV induced fatigue damage of a SCR at touchdown zone (TDZ). The hydrodynamic force resulting from the vortex shedding is modeled using the forced oscillation test data of a rigid cylinder and an empirical damping model, which are defined as functions of the non-dimensional dominant frequency and amplitude of the SCR response. Due to the coupling effect, the IL VIV force is magnified based on the CF VIV amplitude. By combining a linear hysteretic interaction model with a trench shape model, some particular phenomena during the vertical SCR-soil interaction are captured and qualitatively discussed, while for the horizontal direction, the seabed is simplified as nonlinear spring model. Based on these models, parametric studies are conducted to broaden the understanding of the sensitivity of VIV induced fatigue damage to the seabed characteristic. The results indicate trench depth, vertical and lateral stiffness, and clay suction are significantly affect the VIV induced maximum fatigue damage at TDZ.  相似文献   
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