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美国限速制定方法及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为使我国道路限速的制定更为合理,借鉴国外相关经验是必不可少的。总结了美国设置限速时考虑的主要因素、限速设置方法及其适用条件。对美国部分城市的州际道路及主干路的限速实施状况进行了分析,认为测速相机等自动执法设备的辅助使用能够在很大程度上提高驾驶人对限速的遵守程度。在借鉴美国限速方法及实施经验的基础上,指出我国在制定道路相关限速标准时,应结合国情确定限制速度与运行速度、设计速度之间的互动关系,以及限速与安全、执法等之间的关系。然后针对不同的道路类型、等级等特性研究采用不同的限速方案,解决速度区限速取值及不同速度区之间如何平滑过渡衔接等问题,明确了我国限速研究的基础性内容。  相似文献   
This paper presents a new mathematical framework for obtaining quantitative safety measure using macroscopic as well as microscopic traffic data. The safety surrogate obtained from the macroscopic data is in terms of analysis performed on vehicle trajectories obtained from the macroscopic data. This method of obtaining safety measure can be used for many different types of applications. The safety surrogate for the traffic dynamics are developed in terms of a new concept of Negative Speed Differentials (NSD) that involve a convolution of vehicle speed function obtained from vehicle trajectories and then performing the integration of the square of the output for its negative values. The framework is applicable to microscopic traffic dynamics as well where we can use car following models for microscopic dynamics or the LWR model for macroscopic dynamics. This paper then presents the use of this new safety surrogate on the development of a feedback control law for controlling traffic in work zones using Dynamic Message Signs. A hybrid dynamics model is used to represent the switching dynamics due to changing DMS messages. A feedback control design for choosing those messages is presented as well as a simple simulation example to show its application.  相似文献   
Variable speed limit (VSL) schemes are developed based on the Kinematic Wave theory to increase discharge rates at severe freeway bottlenecks induced by non-recurrent road events such as incidents or work zones while smoothing speed transition. The main control principle is to restrict upstream demand (in free-flow) progressively to achieve three important objectives: (i) to provide gradual speed transition at the tail of an event-induced queue, (ii) to clear the queue around the bottleneck, and (iii) to discharge traffic at the stable maximum flow that can be sustained at the bottleneck without breakdown. These control objectives are accomplished without imposing overly restrictive speed limits. We further provide remedies for (a) underutilized bottleneck capacity due to underestimated stable maximum flow and (b) a re-emergent queue at the bottleneck due to an overestimated stable maximum flow. We analytically formulate the reductions in total delay in terms of control parameters to provide an insight into the system performance and sensitivity. The results from the parameter analysis suggest that significant delay savings can be realized with the proposed VSL control strategies.  相似文献   
结合一实际工程,选取包括断层破碎带和断层影响带在内的沿隧道纵向300m的计算区域,用八节点六面块体单元将计算区域离散化,采用三维弹塑性静力有限元法模拟分析隧道各个施工阶段,以及建成后围岩和衬砌的受力与变形状态。通过分析比较可知:(1)断层破碎带处的坑道变形和围岩塑性区均明显比非断层破碎带处要大;(2)由于断层破碎带的影响,初期支护、二次衬砌内力的增加幅度约为10%~30%。  相似文献   
为研究铁路矮塔斜拉桥索梁锚固区的受力形式,以成昆铁路金沙江大桥为工程背景,针对该桥采用的新型梁顶混凝土锚固构造,通过缩尺模型试验研究其在不同荷载下的应力分布和开裂特征。结果表明:在斜拉桥成桥恒载索力作用以及最不利荷载组合索力作用下,C7锚固块更容易发生破坏,将其作为试验构件开展缩尺模型试验,发现锚固块在不同张拉荷载作用下张拉至设计索力的过程中,应变增幅基本上线性增加,卸载后同样呈线性减小,说明混凝土受力处在线弹性阶段,且应力在规范要求范围内。在试验荷载加载至140%设计索力时,锚固块前端倒角位置开始出现细小裂纹且随荷载的增加不断开展。当荷载卸载至0时,之前出现的裂缝随荷载的减小逐渐闭合,宽度肉眼不可见,表明该构造能够满足正常使用要求且具备足够的安全储备。  相似文献   
基于微地震监测和覆岩空间结构理论,以山东华丰矿1410工作面为例,分析了“s”型覆岩空间结构的形成,利用理论方法和微地震监测预测并圈定了华丰矿1410工作面发生冲击地压的危险区域,研究了“s”型覆岩空间结构的冲击地压危险区分布规律,为现场预测和控制冲击地压灾害提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
On dynamic coastal sites, subject to rapid and sometimes unpredictable shoreline changes, management problems can be aggravated if legally authoritative maps are obsolete. These difficulties are illustrated by two case studies from County Donegal in northwest Ireland. The first case study outlines the problems that arise where statutory functional area boundaries are based on a near century-old map. The second case study deals with the problems of planning development on a site where a customized map only a few years old has been rendered obsolete by rapid coastal erosion. Other problems are caused by the inappropriate use of maps. Suggestions are made to mitigate the effects of outdated maps.  相似文献   
中国TBM施工技术进展、挑战及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜立杰 《隧道建设》2017,37(9):1063-1075
总结我国近30年来TBM设计与施工技术的发展历程,可归纳为以下5个阶段:1)研发探索和试用阶段;2)以国外施工承包商为主体,采用国外设计制造TBM施工我国隧道工程阶段;3)独立进行TBM招标采购和选型设计,并建立起自主的TBM施工队伍阶段;4)与国外厂家联合设计制造TBM,工程应用和自主施工快速发展阶段;5)实现TBM国产化,面向国内外TBM工程市场自主施工阶段。通过我国不同时期TBM施工的典型工程,介绍我国在复杂地质、大坡度、高海拔、不同直径、不同机型、超长隧洞TBM施工方面取得的经验、技术积累和业绩,展示我国TBM在穿越断层破碎带、软弱变形、岩爆、涌水等不良地质洞段取得的一系列施工新技术,以及最高月进尺1 868 m、平均月进尺超过600 m和掘进作业利用率超过40%的掘进技术水平。分析TBM在极硬岩、大断层破碎带、软弱大变形围岩、强岩爆围岩、涌水突泥洞段、高地热隧洞和超长隧洞工程中施工面临的风险和挑战,并提出一些相应的技术措施和对策,期望这些措施和对策在未来大量实际工程中进一步得到实践验证、优化和改进,不断积累和创新TBM设计与施工新技术。  相似文献   
Objective To study the changes in neuronal activity of the zone incerta (ZI) following the unilateral lesion of the nigrostriatal pathway. Methods Eiectrophysiological recordings of ZI neurons were made in normal rats and in two groups of rats at different time intervals after injection of 6-hydrodopamine (6-OHDA) into the pars compacta of snbstantia nigra by extracellular recording in vivo. Results The results showed a significant increase in the mean firing rate of ZI during the second and fourth weeks after 6-OHDA lesion [-n=32, (3.6±2. 2)Hz, P<0.001; n=35, (9.3±6.6)Hz, P<0. 001, respectively] compared to that of normal rats [n=39, (9.2±5.2)Hz]. However, no significant change was observed between two groups of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. With regard to firing pattern, 7.7%(3/39) of ZI neurons discharged regularly, 82.1% (32/39) irregularly and 10. 3% (4/39) in bursts in normal rats. During the second week after 6-OHDA lesion, the regular, irregular and bursting firing neurons recorded in the ZI were 9.4% (3/32), 59. 4% (19/32) and 31.3% (10/32), and during fourth week, the regular, irregular and bursting firing neurons were 14.3% (5/35), 57.1% (20/35) and 28. 6% (10/35), respectively. The firing pattern of the neurons in the three different groups did not change significantly. Conclusion These results suggest that the firing rate of ZI neurons in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats is increased significantly, which may contribute to the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
随着大连机动车保有量快速增长,城区规模不断扩大,主城区内停车问题逐渐凸显,且呈现出区域差别化的特点.在总结其他城市经验的基础上,结合大连城市发展现状及规划,划定停车分区,提出各分区停车设施供给策略,为大连城市未来停车系统的发展提供参考.  相似文献   
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