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为解决特殊清管器和检测器以及有特殊结构收发球筒的管道难以实施内检测的问题,以某天然气管道为例,详细介绍了在多节检测器安装困难、收发球筒尺寸过短、附件安装位置不合适等限制条件下,采用套筒式收发球方式对管道进行收发球作业,安全顺利完成了管道内检测。结论认为套筒式收发球能够在不进行收发球筒改造的前提下,完成带有特殊结构收发球筒的管道内检测作业。  相似文献   
为促进全球海上安全和防污染相关国际公约的有效执行,国际海事组织于2009年批准了"IMO成员国自愿审核机制"强制化,我国将于2021年接受IMO的强制审核。船检占强制审核政府义务条款大部分内容,其被视为IMO进行强制审核的重点领域。因此,本文拟针对IMO履约规则及相关国际公约中有关船检的管理要求,对我国海事船检履约情况进行评估,分析我国船检海事立法与管理方面存在的问题,提出我国针对船检履约与应对IMO强制审核的要点及改进措施,以满足2021年IMO强制审核的要求。  相似文献   
文章通过对主要类型锂离子电池技术指标和特性进行梳理,研究了锂离子电池的热管理技术、安全性、火灾消防技术等应用重点环节的技术要点,分析了锂电池在船舶动力系统中的作用及全电池动力系统和混合动力系统的技术特点,为应用锂电池的新能源船舶研发提供参考。最后介绍了目前国内外应用储能电池动力船舶的多个典型案例,简要阐述了各个案例中的船舶核心参数和主要特点,总结了当前电池动力船舶的主要应用船型、锂电池类型、应用市场及政策、规范现状,认为锂电池动力船舶的发展前景光明,但在相关政策和船舶规范研究方面尚需进一步完善。  相似文献   
水利枢纽船闸改扩建是内河航道整治工程中的控制性工程,以右江金鸡滩水利枢纽二线船闸工程原型观测实践为例,对船闸改扩建原型观测的方法进行分析和总结,主要包括比降观测、表面流速流向测量、断面流量和流速流向观测、泥沙测验和底质取样等5个观测方法。通过现场实践生产,在枢纽上下游多维度同步观测和采样,并对观测成果进行统计、分析和研究,为枢纽船闸改扩建的规划、设计和施工等建设技术方案提供水文基础资料,为模型试验、航道整治工程提供准确的工程实施数据,值得类似项目借鉴和应用。  相似文献   
从工程实际出发,对墩台施工水上作业平台工艺进行对比分析,介绍精轧螺纹吊底平台的工艺特点、原理、流程及操作要点。结合全直桩基墩台结构特点,对桩基与上部结构连接方式的设计进行创新,在钢管桩外侧设置4块扇形钢板,并围焊成环形,与精轧螺纹吊底平台共同形成一种新型组合支承结构,提高吊底和底模的周转率,加快工程进度,确保大体积高桩墩台施工的安全和质量,经济和技术效益明显。可为类似墩台施工、钢管桩与上部结构连接方式设计提供参考。  相似文献   
Land use can influence walking (measured by the number of steps) and so the health of people. This paper presents the result of empirical research on the impact of regional population densities (inhabitants per inhabitable area) on the number of steps (all steps, both outdoors and indoors). With data collected from almost 11,000 respondents in 148 Japanese regions, we estimate polynomial regression models, the total number of steps being the dependent variable and densities being the main independent variable. Regional population density significantly affects the number of steps after controlling for individual and household attributes. The estimated population density that maximizes the number of steps is around 11,000?persons/km2. Increasing densities, up to levels of around 11,000?inhabitants/km2, could increase walking and consequently the health of inhabitants. The population density elasticity of the number of steps is 0.046–0.049 in a simple log linear regression model without a peak.  相似文献   
The aviation community is increasing its attention on the concept of predictability when conducting aviation service quality assessments. Reduced fuel consumption and the related cost is one of the various benefits that could be achieved through improved flight predictability. A lack of predictability may cause airline dispatchers to load more fuel onto aircraft before they depart; the flights would then in turn consume extra fuel just to carry excess fuel loaded. In this study, we employ a large dataset with flight-level fuel loading and consumption information from a major US airline. With these data, we estimate the relationship between the amount of loaded fuel and flight predictability performance using a statistical model. The impact of loaded fuel is translated into fuel consumption and, ultimately, fuel cost and environmental impact for US domestic operations. We find that a one-minute increase in the standard deviation of airborne time leads to a 0.88 min increase in loaded contingency fuel and 1.66 min in loaded contingency and alternate fuel. If there were no unpredictability in the aviation system, captured in our model by eliminating standard deviation in flight time, the reduction in the loaded fuel would between 6.12 and 11.28 min per flight. Given a range of fuel prices, this ultimately would translate into cost savings for US domestic airlines on the order of $120–$452 million per year.  相似文献   
在开发舰艇仿真训练系统中,为提高操作界面的逼真程度,经常要求实现元件的三维旋转效果。文章介绍了传统的二维坐标换算和旋转三维模型方法的局限和缺点,提出了通过替换页面关系和循环引擎,在二维开发环境中实现三维旋转的效果。此方法简化了程序流程,缩短了开发周期,在舰艇模拟仿真训练系统开发过程中有着良好的表现和广泛的应用趋势。  相似文献   
为适应钢材货源结构的变化,提高钢材货装卸质量,秦皇岛港对钢材装卸工艺及工属具进行改进和优化。分别介绍了钢板、铜板、型钢、盘条和卷钢装卸改进后的工艺,并将新旧装卸工艺作了比较,可供同行借鉴。  相似文献   
对路面铣刨刀具结构组成、切削时象、工作状态和失效机理的进行了简洁的论述。着重分析了刀具正常失效和非正常失效产生的原因.提出了保证刀具正常失效的措施。  相似文献   
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